Registrovao sam se na veb lokaciji i deponovao neka sredstva na svoj račun u ovom kazinu i počeo da igram igru Temple Tumble od Relak gaming. S vremena na vreme (svaki put posle oko 150-250 okretaja) dobijam grešku 'Partner Cashier Error 522', ali nisam mnogo razmišljao o tome i nastavio sam da igram.
Jednom kada sam dobio ovu grešku primetio sam da je moj balans pao za duplo veći iznos opklade. Na primer, ako bi moja opklada bila 3$, to bi mi naplatilo 6$.
Kontaktirao sam ćaskanje uživo u vezi sa ovim problemom. Trebalo je neko vreme da ubedim živog agenta da mi se to dešava, jer nisam imao nikakav dokaz o toj grešci koja mi je duplo naplaćivala, ali su mi posle razgovora ljubazno vratili iznos koji sam izračunao da sam izgubio zbog ovog problema (80$, 16. septembar 2024.).
Nastavio sam da igram u ovom kazinu i založio desetine hiljada dolara. I dalje sam stalno dobijao ovaj problem, ali sam mislio da pošto kazino zna za problem i da mi je jednom vratio novac, onda će mi ga ponovo vratiti. Još jednom sam kontaktirao live chat u vezi sa tim, ali je ćaskanje uživo zahtevalo video dokaz ove greške koja mi se desila i uvek su to činili nakon ovog prvog povraćaja novca. Nisam imao snimak tog vremena.
Petog oktobra odlučio sam da pokušam da zabeležim grešku, pošto sam do sada izgubio stotine dolara. Ćaskanje uživo mi je takođe obećalo da ću dobiti 'bounti bonus' ako pružim takav video.
Kontaktirao sam live chat i poslao video dokaz, ali su počeli da kažu da su to dve opklade (jasno možete videti u videu da sam izabrao 1000 automatskih opklada i kada mi se duplo naplati iznos opklade pada na 999 i ne 998). Na kraju su mi vratili 0,40 USDT što je smešan iznos u poređenju sa svim sredstvima koja sam izgubio.
8. oktobra 2024. ponovo sam kontaktirao live chat, imali smo dug razgovor, video sam još jednom u boljem kvalitetu i konačno su me nagradili sa 100$ bonusa. Bio je to vrlo mali iznos za sve gubitke zbog greške, ali pošto je već bilo potrebno mnogo vremena i truda odlučio sam da se pomirim sa ovim. Situacija je delovala obelodanjeno, pošto je agent uživo obećao da će kontaktirati provajdera igre i rešiti ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Zamolio sam kazino da me obavesti kad god čuju bilo šta od provajdera.
Greška se i dalje dešavala, i dalje sam dobio dvostruko punjenje stotine puta i kako su dani prolazili, greška je i dalje bila prisutna. Bilo je veoma čudno, pa sam odlučio da se obratim kazinu i još jednom pitam u vezi sa ovom situacijom.
18. oktobra 2024. napisao sam u ćaskanju uživo da i dalje imam problem i pitao sam da li je popravljen. Agent za ćaskanje uživo je rekao da je provajder odgovorio da je to poznat globalni problem. Dobio sam samo oko 200 DOGE novčića. Rekao sam četu da je ovaj iznos izuzetno mali u svetlu mojih gubitaka, a oni su mi odgovorili da su mi već vratili oko 400$. Ovo nije tačno, dali su mi prvi pomenuti povraćaj od 80$, bonus za nagradu od 100$ i upravo pomenuli 20$. Takođe sam živom agentu dao deo sredstava koja su mi data. Nakon toga agent uživo je jednostavno ignorisao razgovor, a zatim ga odjavio.
Još jednom sam kontaktirao live chat, sada mi je agent uživo rekao da zapravo nema problema, sami su se proverili i igra teče glatko. Odlučio sam da napravim još jedan video dokaz za kazino.
20. oktobra sam snimio još jedan video sa upravo onim problemom o kome pričam mesecima i onim koji je po kazinu bio 'popravljen i dobar'. Sada je agent uživo takođe tražio da mi dostavi ID opklade, pošto sam mogao da vidim samo oko 25 mojih poslednjih opklada, nisam bio u mogućnosti da to uradim i zamolio je njihov tim da sam proveri moju istoriju klađenja i pronađe opkladu u pitanju. Agent uživo je insistirao da dam ID poslednje opklade, tako da sam dao ID poslednje opklade koji sam napravio (jasno tvrdeći da ovo NIJE opklada u videu). Rečeno mi je da će biti podignuta karta i danas sam dobio odgovor.
Odgovor je bio između redova „nikada nije bilo problema, nikada niste bili dvostruko naplaćeni, vaš balans je uvek bio tačan". Pa, prilično čudno, možete jasno videti da je moj bilans dvostruko naplaćen u video snimcima i smatram da je čudno kako se situacija menja u ovom kazinu 'Početak: Verujemo vam, evo refundiranja od 80$ -> Postoji problem , mi ćemo istražiti -> Postoji globalni problem prema dobavljaču -> Problem je rešen, ne možete biti dvostruko naplaćeni -> Nikada nije bilo problema'.
Postoji mnogo neslaganja u komunikaciji iz kazina, od pogrešnih iznosa, do različitih potraživanja svaki put. Kazino me takođe nije obavestio da se dešava globalni problem, možda problem nije bio samo u dvostrukom punjenju, možda je bio i povezan sa RTP-om itd.
Osećam da me kazino tretira veoma nepravedno kao igrača. Kazino je očigledno iskoristio ovu grešku i na prevaru uzeo deo mojih sredstava i nikada me nije obavestio o odgovoru od provajdera igre.
I registered to the website and deposited some funds into my account in this casino and started to play game Temple Tumble by Relax gaming. From time to time (every time after around 150-250 spins) I got an error ‘Partner Cashier Error 522’, but I did not think much about it and I continued playing.
One time when I got this error I have noticed that my balance dropped by double the bet amount. For example, if my bet would be 3$ it would charge me 6$.
I have contacted live chat regarding this issue. It took some time to convince the live agant that this is happening to me, because I did not have any proof of that error double charging me, but after some conversation they kindly refunded me the amount that I calculated I have lost due to this issue (80$, 16th of September 2024).
I continued playing in this casino and wagered tens of thousands of dollars. I still constantly got this issue, but I was thinking that as the casino knows the issue and has refunded me my funds one time, then they will refund it again. I once again contacted live chat regarding it, but the live chat requested a video proof of this error happening to me and they always did after this first refund.I did not have recording that time.
On 5th of October I decided to try and record the error, as I lost hundreds of dollars by now. Live chat also promised me that I would receive a ‘bounty bonus’ if I provide such video.
I have contacted live chat and sent the video proof, but they started to say that it was two bets (you can clearly see in the video that I have chosen 1000 auto bets and once I get double charged the bet amount drops to 999 and not 998). In the end all they did is refunded me 0,40 USDT which is a ridiculious amount compared to all of the funds that I have lost.
On October 8th 2024 I contacted live chat again, we had a long conversation, I have provided the video once again in better quality and they have finally awarded my with 100$ bonus. It was a very small amount for all losses due to error, but as it already took lots of time and effort I decided to settle with this. Situation seemed hopeful, as live agent promised that they will contact the game provider and solve this issue ASAP. I asked the casino to inform me whenever they hear anything from the provider.
Error still occured, I still got double charged hundreds of times and as the days went by, the error was still present. It was very strange, so I decided to reach out to the casino and ask regarding this situation once again.
On October 18th 2024 I wrote to the live chat that I still experience the issue and asked if it has been fixed. The live chat agent said that the provider replied that it is a known global issue. I was given only around 200 DOGE coins. I told the chat that this amount is extremly small in light of my losses and they replied that they have already given me around 400$ worth of refunds. This was not true, they had given me the first mentioned refund of 80$, bounty bonus of 100$ and just mentioned 20$. I have also provided the live agent with the snip of the funds given to me. After that the live agent simply ignored the conversation and then logged off it.
I contacted live chat once again, now live agent told me that actually there is no issue, they have checked themselves and the game is running smoothly. I decided to make another video proof for the casino.
On October 20th I recorded another video with the exact issue I have been telling about for months and the one that was ‘fixed and good’ according to the casino. Now the live agent also asked to provide the bet ID, as I could only see around 25 of my last bets I was not able to do so and asked their team to check my betting history themselves and find the bet in question. Live agent insisted that I give any last bet ID, so I did give the last bet ID I made (clealy claiming that this is NOT the bet in the video). I was told that there will be a ticket raised and today I have received the answer.
The answer was in between the lines of ‘there was never an issue, you were never double charged, your balance was always correct’. Well, weirdly enough you can clearly see that my balance is double charged in the videos and I find it odd on how the situation changes in this casino ‘Start: We believe you, here is a refund of 80$ -> There is an issue, we will investigate -> There is a global issue according to provider -> Issue is fixed, you cannot be double charged -> There was never an issue’.
There are many discreptancies with the comunication from the casino, from wrong amounts, to different claims every time. Casino also failed to inform me that there is a global issue going on, maybe the issue was not only about double charging, maybe it was also related to RTP etc.
I feel like casino is treating me very unfairly as a player. Casino clearly took advantage of this error and fraudulently took part of my funds and never informed me the response from the game provider.
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