Dragi CasinoGuru timu i flochefe,
u ime Vintopia Casino-a, cenimo vaš poziv da predstavimo naše viđenje ovog pitanja i odgovorimo na zabrinutosti koje su iznete u ovom slučaju.
Cenimo vaše napore da pomognete igraču; međutim, naš KIC tim još uvek čeka potrebna dokumenta. Uprkos našem zahtevu za kompletan paket, kupac još nije dostavio nikakvu dokumentaciju.
Da bismo nastavili sa procesom verifikacije, posebno nam je potreban snimak ekrana Jeton novčanika da bismo potvrdili korišćeni način plaćanja. Nažalost, bez ovoga ne možemo da nastavimo dalje sa neophodnim proverama.
Ljubazno savetujemo igraču da podnese tražene dokumente što je pre moguće kako bi izbegao dalja odlaganja.
Obavestite nas ako je potrebno bilo kakvo pojašnjenje.
Radujemo se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Vintopia Team
Dear CasinoGuru Team and flochefe,
on behalf of Wintopia Casino, we appreciate your invitation to present our perspective on the matter and address the concerns raised in this case.
We appreciate your efforts in assisting the player; however, our KYC team is still awaiting the required documents. Despite our request for a complete package, the customer has not yet provided any documentation.
To proceed with the verification process, we specifically require a screenshot of the Jeton wallet to confirm the payment method used. Unfortunately, without this, we are unable to move forward with the necessary checks.
We kindly advise the player to submit the required documents at their earliest convenience to avoid further delays.
Please let us know if any clarification is needed.
Looking forward to your response.
Best regards,
Wintopia Team
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