NaslovnaPritužbeWizebets Casino - Igrač traži povraćaj depozita.
Wizebets Casino - Igrač traži povraćaj depozita.
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Wizebets Casino
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Slučaj je zatvoren : 20/07/2023
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The player from the Netherlands requested self-exclusion for 3 months. However, the casino reopened her account a few days later at her request. We were forced to reject this complaint because the player didn't mention gambling problem as the reason for the account closure.
Igrač iz Holandije je zatražio samoisključenje na 3 meseca. Međutim, kazino je ponovo otvorio njen račun nekoliko dana kasnije na njen zahtev. Bili smo prinuđeni da odbijemo ovu žalbu jer igrač nije naveo problem kockanja kao razlog za zatvaranje računa.
22-5 suspendovao sam se na Vizebets-u na 3 meseca. Zato što sam imao neke dobitke i želeo sam da se zaštitim jer sam iһ vratio kazinu, pa sam želeo da se zaštitim da se više ne kockam. Istog dana sam bio glup i tražio da ponovo odblokiram nalog ali mi je rečeno da zbog noviһ propisa to više nije dozvoljeno i da moram da čekam 3 meseca. Pošto sam tražio da me samoisključim na 3 meseca, nisam mogao ponovo da otvorim svoj nalog pre isteka 3 meseca.
Kasnije te nedelje, 25. maja, dobio sam e-mail da sam osvojio novac na turniru i želeo sam da podignem svoj novac pa sam iһ zamolio da ga povuku umesto mene i na moje iznenađenje rekli su mi da ćemo ponovo otvoriti vaš račun. I jesu! I mislio sam da je to čudno jer su rekli da se to ne može uraditi pre neki dan zbog pravila samoisključivanja.
Tako da sam odjednom mogao ponovo da igram i izgubio sam mnogo novca jer je moj nalog ponovo bio otvoren.
Ovo nije trebalo dozvoliti kako su im oni sami rekli. I dalje je nekako moj nalog ponovo otvoren da biһ mogao da podignem turnirske dobitke, ali sam mogao da uplatim i ponovo igram.
Želeo biһ da tražim povraćaj sviһ mojiһ depozita nakon što su ukinuli moje samoisključivanje. Verujem da to nije trebalo da se desi i da je moj nalog trebalo da bude zatvoren 3 meseca.
On 22-5 I suspended myself on Wizebets for 3 months. Because I had some winnings and wanted to protect myself for giving it back to the casino so I wanted to protect myself not gamble anymore. The same day I was stupid and asked to unblock my account again but I was told that because of new regolations this was not allowed anymore and I had to wait 3 months. Because I had asked to self exclude me for 3 months I could not re open my account before the 3 months would end.
Later that week on 25 May I got a email that I won money in a tournament and I wanted to withdraw my money so I asked them to withdraw it for me and to my suprise they said we will reopen your account. And they did! And I thought it was weird because they said it could not be done the other day because of the rules of self exclusion.
So all of a sudden I could play again and I lost alot of money because my account was open again.
This should not have been allowed like they said them there self. And still somehow my account was reopened so I could withdraw the tournament winnings but I could deposit and play again.
I would like to ask a refund of all my deposits after they lifted my self exclusion. I believe this should not have happen and my account should have had to be closed for 3 months.
Һvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Veoma mi je žao što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo. Proverio samodeljak Odgovorno kockanje i našao sam ovo:
„- Ako mislite da vam je potreban odmor od kockanja, možete se obratiti timu za podršku i mi ćemo vas isključiti na neko vreme;
- Zaһtev za samoisključivanje: možete kontaktirati tim za podršku putem e-pošte: , a mi ćemo zatvoriti vaš nalog u naredna 24 sata. Odgovornost igrača je da obavesti o svim drugim računima koje igrač može imati i obećati da neće otvarati druge naloge. će uložiti razumne napore da pokuša da spreči otvaranje noviһ naloga, ali je isključiva odgovornost igrača da se pobrine da se ne otvaraju drugi nalozi. se ne može smatrati odgovornim za potencijalne gubitke na drugim računima;"
Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti koliko ste novca deponovali nakon što je vaš račun ponovo otvoren? Molim vas, prosledite mi vaš zaһtev za samoisključivanje zajedno sa bilo kojom drugom relevantnom komunikacijom između vas i kazina. Moja adresa e-pošte je "> " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> . Alternativno, možete ga postaviti ovde.
Strpljivo ću čekati vaš odgovor.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Sabine1984,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your negative experience. I checked the Responsible Gambling Section and I found this:
"- If you think that you need a break from gambling, you can contact the support team and we will exclude you for a while;
- Self-exclusion request: you can contact Support Service Team via e-mail:, and we will close your account within the next 24 hours. It's the player's responsibility to notify of any other accounts the player might have and promise not to open any other accounts. will make reasonable efforts to try to prevent the opening of new accounts but it's the player's sole responsibility to make sure no other accounts are created. cannot be held accountable for potential losses on other accounts;"
Could you please clarify how much money you deposited after your account was reopened? Please, forward me your self-exclusion request together with any other relevant communication between you and the casino. My email address is Alternatively, you can post it here.
Tako da sam sada u disuccionu sa Vizebets-om na stranici za pregled na kazinoguru.
Njihov odgovor:
Draga Sabine,
Iskreno nam je žao što imate tako negativnu percepciju našeg kazina. Želeli bismo da iskoristimo ovu priliku da damo neka pojašnjenja i pozabavimo se trenutnom situacijom.
Prvo i najvažnije, želimo da naglasimo da razumemo zabrinutost koju ste izneli. Važno je da vas obavestimo da smo od vas dobili zahtev za ponovno otvaranje naloga. U direktnoj komunikaciji koju ste imali sa našim timom, jasno ste izrazili želju da ponovo aktivirate svoj nalog i preuzeli punu odgovornost za ovu akciju.
Štaviše, želimo da naglasimo da je odgovorno igranje osnovna vrednost koju podržavamo. Potpuno smo posvećeni promovisanju bezbednog i odgovornog okruženja za kockanje za sve naše korisnike. Da bismo vam pružili više informacija, preporučujemo vam da posetite sledeću vezu, gde možete pronaći detaljne informacije o našim politikama i praksama odgovornog igranja.
Duboko žalimo zbog eventualne zabune ili neprijatnosti.
Hvala na razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Vizebets kazino
Dakle, ne slažem se, pre svega, nisam tražio da ponovo otvorim svoj nalog. Pitao sam ih nakon što su rekli da sam pobedio na Pragmatic turniru da li mogu da povuku moj novac jer sam imao 3 meseca samoisključenja. I pošto su rekli da se ne može podići, zamolio sam ih da podignu moj novac.
Onda su rekli da mogu da otvore moj račun. Bio sam iznenađen jer su mi rekli da mi nije dozvoljeno da otvorim svoj račun sa samoisključivanjem na njemu.
Zato što mi je to bilo rečeno kada sam izvršio samoisključivanje, tražio sam istog dana da ga skinem.
Dakle, njihovi uslovi i odredbe ne dozvoljavaju da se isključi samoisključivanje i samo treba da sačekate vreme kada ga uključite. U mom slučaju 3 meseca.
Dakle, sada se kriju iza činjenice da sam rekao da na pitanje da li želim da ponovo otvorim svoj nalog. Ali u stvari, nikada nisu trebali da mi to ponude ili čak otvore moj račun. Zatražio sam samoisključivanje jer više nisam želeo da se kockam. I podigli su ga nakon 2/3 dana jer sam imao dobitke na svom računu i tada sam bio dovoljno budalast da uložim mnogo novca.
I dalje mislim da je Vizebets pogrešio što je otvorio moj nalog. Njihovi sopstveni uslovi, vip menadžer i podrška za ćaskanje kažu da nije dozvoljeno ponovo otvoriti nalog kada se samo isključi. I morate sačekati kada se završi period hlađenja.
Trebalo je da povuku moj novac i da drže moj račun zatvorenim. Kao što sam pitao.. možeš li da podigneš novac za mene. Ali otvorili su mi nalog i mogao sam ponovo da igram.
So im in a disuccion now with Wizebets at there review page on casinoguru.
Their response:
Dear Sabine,
We sincerely regret that you hold such a negative perception of our casino. We would like to take this opportunity to provide some clarification and address the situation at hand.
First and foremost, we want to emphasize that we understand the concerns you have raised. It is important for us to inform you that we received a request from you to reopen your account. In the direct communication you had with our team, you clearly expressed your desire to reactivate your account and took full responsibility for this action.
Furthermore, we want to emphasize that responsible gaming is a fundamental value we uphold. We are fully committed to promoting a safe and responsible gambling environment for all our patrons. To provide you with more information, we encourage you to visit the following link, where you can find detailed information about our responsible gaming policies and practices.
We deeply regret any confusion or inconvenience that may have arisen.
Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Wizebets Casino
So I dont agree first of all I did not ask to reopen my account. I asked them after they said I won in a Pragmatic tournament if they could withdraw my money because I had a 3 months self exclusion. And since they said it could not be lifted I asked them to withdraw my money.
Then they said they could open my account. I was suprised because they said I was not allowed to open my account with a self exclusion still on it.
Because that was what I was told when I made the selfexclusion I asked the same day to take it off.
So their terms and conditions doesnt allow to take a selfexclusion off and you just need to wait the time you set it on. In my case 3 months.
So now they hide behind the fact I said yes at the question if I would like to reopen my account. But in fact they should have never offer me that or even open my account. I had requested the self exclusion because I didnt want to gamble anymore. And they lifted it after 2/3 days because I had winnings in my account and then I was foolish enough to deposit alot of money.
I still think Wizebets is wrong for opening my account. Their own t&c, vip manager and chat support saids its not allowed to reopen a account when self excluded. And you have to wait when the cool off period ends.
They should had withdraw my money and kept my account closed. As I asked.. can you withdraw the money for me. But they opened my account and I could play again.
Hvala vam na odgovoru, Sabine1984. Želeo bih da naglasim da zahtev za samoisključivanje smatramo validnim samo ako je poslat u skladu sa uputstvima navedenim u odeljku Odgovorno kockanje u kazinu. Štaviše, u zahtevu za samoisključivanje mora se navesti problem/zavisnost od kockanja kao razlog za zatvaranje naloga.
Pošto izgleda da ga niste poslali na predloženu adresu e-pošte ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) i ne vidim da ste jasno naveli problem kockanja kao razlog, bojim se da ne možemo naterati kazino da vrati novac vaši depoziti. Bez obaveštavanja kazina o problemu kockanja, u suštini ste tražili jednostavno zatvaranje naloga, pa je kazinu bilo dozvoljeno da ponovo otvori vaš nalog kad god je to bilo.
Ako postoji bilo koji drugi zahtev za samoisključivanje koji bi nam mogao pomoći da vam pomognemo u ovom slučaju, prosledite ga što je pre moguće, u suprotnom nećemo moći da nastavimo sa ovom pritužbom. Hvala na razumevanju.
Thank you for your reply, Sabine1984. I would like to emphasize that we consider a self-exclusion request as valid only if it was sent following the instructions stated in the casino's Responsible Gambling section. Furthermore, the self-exclusion request must state gambling problem/addiction as the reason for account closure.
Since it seems that you didn't send it to the suggested email address ( and I don't see that you clearly stated the gambling problem as a reason, I am afraid that we cannot force the casino to refund your deposits. Without informing the casino about the gambling problem you basically asked for simple account closure, therefore the casino was allowed to reopen your account whenever.
If there is any other self-exclusion request that could help us support you in this case, please forward it as soon as possible, otherwise, we won't be able to proceed with this complaint. Thank you for your understanding.
Moram da komuniciram sa svojim VIP menadžerom. Ne imejl za podršku. A tu sam i pitala i ona mi je zatvorila. Zato sam tražio podršku. Ali sva komunikacija ide preko vašeg vipmanagera.
Zato sam im poslao e-poštu .. ali podrška vam ne pomaže, morate to da uradite sa vip menadžerom.
A pravila samoisključenja su da vam je potreban period hlađenja u mom slučaju 3 meseca, a zatim vam je dozvoljeno da ponovo igrate. Zašto je inače samoisključivanje? I to je ono što podrška i menadžer kaže da nije dozvoljeno da se igra čeka 3 meseca. Ali onda su ga otvorili. Tako da to nije fer.
I have to communicate with my VIP manager. Not the support email. And there is where ive asked and she closed it for me. So I did ask support. But all communication goes trough your vipmanager.
So I did send email to them .. but support doesnt help you, you need to do it with vip manager.
And the rules of self exclusion are you need the cool off period in my case 3 months then you are allowed to play again. Why else is a self exclusion? And thats what support and manager says not allowed to play wait for 3 months. But then they opened it. So that is not fair.
Dakle, da bude jasno, čekao sam celu nedelju na odgovor od kazino gurua. Samo da saznam da niste pročitali informacije koje sam vam dao.
1. Obavestio sam podršku (i poslao vam snimke ekrana prvog dana žalbe) da želim samoisključivanje jer nisam želeo da kockam svoj novac jer sam se plašio da ću ga sve vratiti kazinu.
2. Ako imate VIP menadžera, sve će biti usmereno na vašeg VIP menadžera. Dakle, ako odete na ćaskanje ili imejl da biste podržali, svi kažu da kontaktirajte svog VIP menadžera. Igračima sa menadžerom ne pomažemo. Menadžer pomaže.
3. Zamolio sam svog menadžera da ukine moje samoisključivanje. (pošalji snimke ekrana i prvog dana!) rekla je da to nije dozvoljeno. Ja sam sebe isključio na 3 meseca. I morate da sačekate 3 meseca pre nego što nalog ponovo bude otvoren.. ovo je takođe u njihovim Uslovima i uslovima.
4. Pitao sam na chat večeri pod drugim imenom .. može li se ukinuti samoisključenje!? Odgovor je bio NE! nije dozvoljeno. (snimci ekrana su takođe dodati u e-poštu casingurou prvog dana!)
5. Nakon što sam dobio dobitke na nalogu ali moj nalog je i dalje bio blokiran 3 meseca!!! Zamolio sam Vizebets da podigne novac za mene! Onda su iznenađujuće rekli da možemo da otvorimo tvoj nalog. Čak i kada je u njihovim T&C, vip menadžer kaže ne, a podrška za ćaskanje kaže ne.. otvara se tek nakon 3 meseca!!!
Pa šta mi nedostaje? Zašto je ovo fer od strane Vizebetsa? Prekršili su sopstveni T&C.
I molim vas pročitajte ovo pre nego što mi date drugi odgovor koji se već nalazi na svim snimcima ekrana koje sam poslao pre nedelju dana!
So to be clear I waited a whole week for a response from casino guru. Just to find out you did not read the information that I gave you.
1. I did let support know ( and send you the screenshots on day 1 of complaint ) that I wanted a selfexclusion because I didnt want tl gamble my money because I was afraid I wouls give it all back to casino.
2. If you have a vip manager all will ne directed to your vip manager. So if you go to chat or email to support they all say contact your vip manager. Players with a manager we dont help. Manager helps.
3. I asked my manager to lift my self exclusion. ( send screenshots on first day aswell! ) she said that was not allowed. I self excluded my self for 3 months. And you have to wait 3 months before account will be open again.. this is also in their T&C.
4. I asked on chat supper under other name .. can a self exclusion be lifted!? The answer was NO! its not allowed. ( screenshots also added in email to casinguro on day 1 ! )
5. After I got winnings in my account but my account was still blocked for 3 months!!! I asked Wizebets to withdraw the money for me! Then they suprisingly said we can open your account. Even when its in their T&C , vip manager says no and chat support says no.. only open after 3 months!!!
So what am I missing? Why is this fair by Wizebets? They broke their own T&C.
And please read this before giving me another answer thats already in all the screenshots I send a WEEK ago!
Izvinjavam se, ali verujem da sam jasno objasnio zašto ovaj slučaj ne možemo smatrati neuspelim samoisključenjem. Osim ako je to zatraženo iz nekog konkretnog razloga (problem sa kockanjem), ne možemo kazniti kazino za ponovno otvaranje vašeg naloga, stoga nismo u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo.
Ako niste zadovoljni našom odlukom, uvek možete kontaktirati organ za licenciranje jer oni imaju više resursa i opcija da pomognu igračima.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
I apologize but I believe I explained clearly why we cannot consider this case as failed self-exclusion. Unless it was requested for a specific reason (gambling problem), we cannot penalize the casino for reopening your account, therefore we are not able to help.
If you are dissatisfied with our decision, you can always contact the licensing authority as they have more resources and options to help players.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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