Zdravo fenerkaa,
Hvala vam na strpljenju dok sam pregledao situaciju.
Proverio sam pravila bonusa na Zinkra kazinu i otkrio sam da je maksimalna dozvoljena opklada pri korišćenju bonus sredstava 4 EUR (ili ekvivalent u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti) po opkladi/okretu. Detalje možete pronaći ovde: Uslovi Zinkra bonusa :
1.11. Ne smete da stavljate opklade koje prelaze maksimalnu veličinu bonus opklade kada koristite bonus novac. Maksimalna veličina bonus opklade je 4 EUR (ili ekvivalentan iznos u bilo kojoj drugoj valuti) po opkladi/spinu ili ekvivalentnom iznosu, osim ako nije drugačije navedeno u posebnim uslovima i odredbama prilagođenim svakoj bonus kampanji. Imajte na umu da je vaša odgovornost da se uverite da ste svesni maksimalne veličine bonus opklade. U slučajevima kada se smatra da su opklade premašile maksimalnu veličinu bonus opklade, račun može biti pregledan, a bonus sredstva konfiskovana u tom procesu.
Nažalost, nakon pregleda prosleđenog video snimka sa istorijom vaše igre, čini se da ste postavili više opklada od 4,5 EUR, što premašuje maksimalnu dozvoljenu veličinu opklade za bonus sredstva. Prema uslovima bonusa, ovo predstavlja kršenje pravila, i kao rezultat, vaš račun može biti predmet pregleda, a bonus sredstva mogu biti konfiskovana.
Razumem da ovo možda nije ishod kojem ste se nadali, ali moram da se pridržavam pravila navedenih u odredbama i uslovima kazina.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili nedoumica, slobodno nam se obratite.
Hi fenerkaa,
Thank you for your patience while I reviewed the situation.
I have checked the bonus rules on Zinkra Casino, and I found that the maximum bet allowed when using bonus funds is 4 EUR (or equivalent in any other currency) per bet/spin. You can find the details here: Zinkra Bonus Terms:
1.11. You may not place any bets that exceed the maximum bonus bet size when using bonus money. The maximum bonus bet size is 4 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency) per bet/spin or equivalent, unless it is stated differently in the specific terms and conditions tailored to each bonus campaign. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the maximum bonus bet size. For cases where bets are deemed to have exceeded the maximum bonus bet size, an account may be reviewed, and the bonus funds confiscated in the process.
Unfortunately, after reviewing the forwarded video with your game history, it appears that you placed multiple bets of 4.5 EUR, which exceeds the maximum allowed bet size for bonus funds. As per the bonus terms, this constitutes a breach of the rules, and as a result, your account may be subject to review, and the bonus funds could be confiscated.
I understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, but I must adhere to the rules outlined in the casino's terms and conditions.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.
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