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N1 casino prevara? (strana 8)

 od Sa-br-ina21
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Geia sou. I can see that you were able to submit a complaint, and it is now waiting to be reviewed by our team.

Please stay put, and we'll get back to you soon. Hopefully, together, we'll be able to solve everything.

Have you received any news from the casino by now, perhaps? If you have any news, please forward it to us.


Ne, nemam nikakvu informaciju, svaki dan ih šaljem da mi objasne zašto mi ne vraćaju depozite od 580 evra koji su oduzeti jer nisam znao da su duplikati računa zabranjeni a oni ne odgovori mi. Nisam dobio nikakvu poštu od kazina više od mesec dana, a svaki dan ih šaljem da mi objasne da li je legalno da su zaplenili depozite bez vraćanja

Automatski prevedeno:

In such a case, I really want to see what our complaint team will be able to do. I just need to wait a bit so they can investigate.

Just please, from now on, keep in mind to always read the terms at each casino before depositing. You can avoid such issues, for sure.🙏

Niko mi nije odgovorio da li je legalno da mi n1 kazino nije vratio 580 evra depozita koje je zaplenio i zašto mi korisnička služba nikada ne odgovara kazinu

Automatski prevedeno:

As I can see, your complaint was closed as unjustified due to the reasons Veronika wrote there as such: "Creating multiple accounts is forbidden because it can be used to exploit bonuses or evade restrictions, which can lead to unfair advantages and complications for both the casino and other players."

Also, to answer your question regarding the legality of the casino's approach,. As we are not lawyers here, we really cannot give you an answer to this kind of question. The only thing we can say is that the casino’s Terms and Conditions clearly stated that creating multiple accounts was prohibited, and violating those led to the forfeiture of funds.

Unfortunately, we cannot influence the support to answer its players, even though we believe that they always should do that.

I hope that this helps you next time to avoid making this kind of mistake.


Objašnjavao sam vam mnogo puta da u mom slučaju nije iskorišćen bonus jer su depoziti konfiskovani od početka i nikakav povraćaj nije izvršen, a kazino mi nikada ne odgovara tako da znam šta se dogodilo

Automatski prevedeno:

The most crucial thing, in my opinion, is to remember that the complaint was turned down because of multiple account breaches. Aside from anonymous casinos, this is just not allowed.

There have been very few complaints that I have seen resolved, even in cases where the player had a valid reason for breaking multiple account rules.

We truly do not want to argue with you or lecture you, but I think your additions have little significance to the primary problem raised by making multiple accounts.

I'm sorry.


Nikada mi niste odgovorili da li ste kontaktirali n1 kazino i da li je legalno konfiskovati moje depozite bez povraćaja novca

Automatski prevedeno:


we admins don't contact casinos, and as I believe I have explained, we don't provide legal advices. We consider w´hether caisnos act fairly or not. Thus, if you prefer to discuss law and law statements, I strongly recommend consulting with a lawyer. Preferably one skilled in gambling matters.

Since you have submitted the complaint, the complaint handler may get in touch with the casino representative if necessary. It is one of the most likely steps during uncertain circumstances described in the instructions for players. In any case, you will be informed of every development, but it never hurts to read the guide I mentoned.

I'm sorry it has been more than three weeks since we discussed the matter; hence, I would leave the details for the complaint, because I can't recall much. Furthermore, this is a forum, and we do not resolve issues here for that; I believe it is not that serious. I'll try to keep up with the progress at least.

Lopovi i kopilad

Automatski prevedeno:

Kazino stalno odbija moje mejlove ne odgovara na moje ćaskanje, a zaposleni u kazinu je pokušao da me obmane lažući da je povraćaj novca izvršen

Automatski prevedeno:

Nemojte ga unositi ni sa jednom lozinkom

Automatski prevedeno:

Lopovi i kopilad

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, could you tell me or explain what happened in the casino if you have this opinion ? It would probably be better than just such insults. 

Kazino stalno odbija moje mejlove ne odgovara na moje ćaskanje, a zaposleni u kazinu je pokušao da me obmane lažući da je povraćaj novca izvršen

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, like Radka said, we'll have to wait for our complaint team to find out and if they can help you. The casino not responding to you is certainly not pleasant, but there is nothing more to do than wait and see how it develops. So it would be possible and if you learn something new you could say so. I hope this will be dealt with fairly as soon as possible.

n1 kazino je prevara, zaposleni su zaplenili moje depozite, tražili su od mene moje podatke da bi mi vratili novac i nikada mi nisu vratili novac, a ni nema načina da ih kontaktiram jer ne odgovaraju pazite na n1 kazino i guru kazino ima nije uradio ništa daleko od n1 kazina je prevara

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, we couldn't help you any further with your complaint due to the fact that you have violated the rule and opened a duplicate account, which is clearly stated in the casino terms as prohibited.🤷‍♀️

Please make sure to read the full terms every time before depositing in any online casino to avoid issues like this.🙏

Kazino je tražio moje podatke da bi izvršio povraćaj. Sve sam poslao, a povraćaj nikada nije došao toliko meseci pokušavaju da me obmanu i prevare

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, that's bad.

Frankly, not much to help with, I'm afraid. The situation would be much easier if your case regarding claimed refunds wasn't closed as unjustified. I'm sorry to see our opinions vary.

Dakle, nije bilo provere da je 13 kazino naloga napravljeno sa lažnim detaljima bez ikakve potvrde i verifikacije od kazina i dozvolili su da se svi ovi računi deponuju sa iste kartice?

Automatski prevedeno:

Zašto mi ne odgovoriš? Zašto je n1 kazino pokriven Želim da mi kažete šta moram da uradim da bih otkrio prevaru Želim da se žalim tužilaštvu za sajber kriminal kako to da je 13 naloga napravljeno sa lažnim detaljima bez ikakve provere i identifikacije i depoziti su napravljeni na sve račune sa istog kartica? Nije li protivzakonito da kazino dozvoli da se ista kartica koristi na više naloga?

Automatski prevedeno:
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