ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 109)

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pre 3 dana

Da li postoji način da se nastavi sa nekim transakcijama na Revolutu koje su odbijene zbog prvobitnog izbora pogrešne opcije, kao što je prevara?

Odbijaju da osporavaju deo za otplatu, iako je u pitanju potpuno ista kompanija sa kojom su nastavili sa ostalim transakcijama.

Samo kažu isto da je njihova odluka konačna i da nije rezultat kakav sam očekivao.

Objasnio sam im nekoliko puta da nisam dobio nikakvu robu i po Visa imam pravo na spor, ali oni odbijaju.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 dana
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 dana

You need to explain to them that there was some confusion initially. Make a formal complaint and ask them for the escalation process. In the UK we have the financial ombudsman, not sure what they have in the rest of europe. Normally a formal complaint to the bank resolves these minor issues.

pre 3 dana

Today I spoke to a friend of mine at great length who works for the federal government in Canada. If these casinos do not refund or settle there are allot of options available. Going to wait and see.

pre 3 dana

Pokušao sam da im objasnim nekoliko puta, ispunio obrazac za žalbe i nakon nekoliko dana primio sam e-poštu od osobe iz Revolut-a, nastavili su sa nekim transakcijama.

Ali ostale transakcije su ignorisali i onda je u mejlu napisao da bi podrška u aplikaciji trebalo da me kontaktira u vezi ovih nekoliko transakcija koje su preostale, onda su mi odmah dali isti odgovor vrlo brzo „naša odluka je konačna, ne možemo ospori ove ma koliko mi hteli da ti pomognemo" i slične gluposti.

Takođe sam pokazao kopiju mog policijskog izveštaja sa svim transakcijama i nadležnim organima koje sam kontaktirao u vezi sa ovim kompanijama.

Možda će ovo morati da ide dalje i žalba tada 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 dana
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 dana

Yeh I mean I havent had any personal dealings with Revolut perhaps someone else can jump in and shed some light.

Tomorrow is going to be a interesting day of filing a bunch of other chargebacks with the likes of Goldenbet / Santeda International if they dont want to refund / settle this. I have a list of in excess of 30 merchants and payment processors linked to various other big names.

I am expecting a refund from Payop after going back and forward with them and showing the link from the casino to the random merchants and transaction ID for payop, they said id need to sign a NDA but will update tomorrow as to the outcome.

pre 3 dana

Imate li kontakt za Santedu? Imam mnogo transakcija sa Mistake-om i deo je iste grupe.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 dana


Biće uzbudljivo pratiti ovo

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 dana

How did you get payop to cooperate I just keep getting this from them… file

pre 3 dana

Make contact with the Canadian authorities and get a reference number, explain in as much detail the link to payop and how they are breaching AML regulations funding these third party casinos through offshore accounts etc and forward the same to them, any resistance from payop you will need to email them again and CC every single federal and local authority you can find online including every local and national news / journalist email you can find. They will eventually want to settle.

payop is on the radar of canadian federal law enforcement.

Post od Westernbrother Izmenjeno od Romi
Razlog: Made the link passive.
pre 3 dana

Ok great. Can you help me with any of the Canadian authorities you cc’d. I’m gonna straight on this tomorrow xx

pre 3 dana

Also do I cc them in every time I email a federation?

pre 3 dana

Did you have a gambiling block on your card and also did the casino do a account verification or affordability check. Where you blocked from all the casinos before you joined. If so then I don't know how it applies over there but here if you are registered on gamestop and a casino allows you to join then they are legally responsible as they did not help a problem. Gambler. If you can prove this then go back to casino with proof and contact the place who you blocked you from playing all Swedish sites

pre 2 dana

Let me know if you can help with some of the authorities and media I can contact, gonna draft the email today and get it sent tomorrow.

pre 3 dana

Who were these casinos that asked you to take down this thread?

pre 2 dana

Sorry, I cannot provide this kind of information as of yet.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 dana
pre 2 dana

Što da ne?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 dana

Probably because they are paid to promote them !

pre 2 dana


Napravio sam mnogo depozita preko Revolut-a u kazinu za koji se ispostavilo da nema čak ni važeću licencu.

Na svojoj stranici pišu da ga imaju, ali su primetili da je nešto sumnjivo, pa su ga potražili i za njih nema licence.

Zamolio Revolut da mi pomogne sa povraćajem sredstava, ali dobio ne??

Kako se može nastaviti?

Mislim da bi Revolut bio od veće pomoći u ovoj situaciji.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 dana

Revolut itself is deeply involved.Accordingly, you can't expect any help from Revolut, as they could possibly take the money away from their own corporate customers. A transparent procedure is then not possible because the money of corporate customers is guarded rather than that of normal customers.Even with a complaint to the police and a complaint to the Pope, they don't book anything back, all wasted time.

pre 2 dana

Do you have contact emails for any of the below please


Regeenize enterprises



Enygma SAS


pre 2 dana

Do you have email for these

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