ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaQuestion about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code

Question about Gambling websites with Curaçao license using incorrect Merchant Category code (strana 211)

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pre 1 meseca

The principle of never bite the hand that feeds you probably applies here ;)

pre 1 meseca

That does not make sense, if you understand what you just wrote. We have refused the requests of the casino representatives to maintain our objectivity and give all of those players a forum to address this crucial issue. In my opinion, there is no legitimate justification for utilizing an improper merchant code.

Casinos has requested that we look into this thread so that it can be closed. To use your own words, "we bit them"😉

You can also see that we leave his thread unmoderated if you look through it.

Either way, it is totally acceptable if you see things your way; as long as you follow the guidelines, everything will work out.

pre 1 meseca

Response from Santander Credit Card, in the UK - bearing in mind it's illegal for merchants to facilitate gambling in the UK via credit card.

"This is not fraud, you authorised the payments. You gambled the money and we are not taking any responsibility for this."

They're just completely ignoring my claims on transaction laundering, falsifying merchant category codes and money laundering and illegal gambling activities.

They're basically saying it's my fault. What's the point in the UK Gambling Commission making gambling via credit cards illegal if there's no repercussion for any parties?!

Don't know what to do, feeling helpless again!

Has anyone else had any success?

pre 1 meseca

Have you had any joy with ideas pay. All my emails keep bouncing back this was the merchant. I can’t find anywhere.

Grace Helms Nigeria Li, Idimu

pre 1 meseca

You could try an ombudsman, if the casino is operating illegally then it's worth a shot

pre 1 meseca

Čisto gubljenje vremena.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Na. Tried for 5 weeks now. Messaged associated companies at the same address. Associated people. They aren’t even a registered company in Nigeria

pre 1 meseca

Depends which angle you come at it from, if they've offered their services illegally, and have violated mastercards ToS etc, or misadvertised then the ombudsman has something to work with

pre 1 meseca

Just pulled this directly from Visa's T&Cs. Chargebacks can be made via "Condition 12.7: Invalid Data"

We need to make sure we tell banks this. Be open and honest, they can tell we authorised the transaction via our IP addresses. However, we didn't authorise under these incorrect MCC codes.


pre 1 meseca

On radi sa stvarima sa kojima mi radimo.

Na kraju, ombudsman nije obavezan, a provajderi neće komunicirati sa ombudsmanom jer ne moraju.

Čvrsto pretpostavljam da su ombudsmani već upoznati sa ovim problemom, falsifikovanjem MCC-a i načinom na koji se transakcije obrađuju. Oni će odbaciti slučajeve jer na kraju nema smisla baviti se provajderima.

U vezi sa bankom i odbijanjem povraćaja sredstava i ombudsmana: Ombudsman će reći da ste sami krivi, da je to verifikovana transakcija. Sve ostalo je privatna stvar između trgovca kreditnom karticom i vlasnika kartice 😉 O tome već postoje odluke ombudsmana na internetu.

Ombudsman nije pravno obavezujući, a čak i da jeste, kriminalne onlajn kazina ne mare za zakon 😉


Razumem šta mislite, ali VI morate da dokažete da su uplate izvršene preko veb sajta kazina i da je kartica naplaćena za kupovinu kriptovaluta ili knjiga direktno odatle. Provajderi mogu da tvrde da je kupovina obavljena direktno preko njihove veb stranice ili ili ili 😉

Važna tačka ovde je:

Dokaz da su uplate pokrenute direktno sa veb stranice kazina. Najbolje je da sačuvate listu transakcija sa kazino naloga kako bi se vremena mogla porediti.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

So you think if you can align payments to these merchants with payments to the casino you could be successful with a chargeback on the grounds of 12.7? Or 13.5 misrepresentation?

pre 1 meseca

The ombudsman might not be legally binding but if they operate in conjunction with the bank and prove the services offered were illegal and in violation of the law then there's grounds for the charges to be reversed, the criminal casinos wouldn't be able to dispute as they're acting illegally so they can't take legal recourse

pre 1 meseca

@ Frevcrev24 Tačno, mora postojati veza tako da imate nešto u ruci. Vremena bi trebalo da budu identična, možda 1-2 sata unapred ili kasnije zbog različite vremenske zone.

@ Gojira7346 Banke nisu odgovorne za privatne sporove, za to postoje sudovi. Banke su uradile šta ste želeli, izvršile proverenu uplatu. Banke nisu odgovorne za proveru da li transakcija krši zakon ili ne. Dalje, postoji i kršenje zakona od strane igrača, učešće u ilegalnom kockanju.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

True on the players part, but there's also plausible deniability, there's multiple sources advertising the websites as a legal UK option when in fact, it is not, the average gambler doesn't know about gambling laws, banks also have a duty of care, if there's illegal activity they have a responsibility to protect the customer and inform the relevant authorities. Not to mention on the websites part they (if legitimate) have a responsibility to act in accordance with the law in various territories, if they fail to do so there are heavy sanctions (some have received fines already)

pre 1 meseca

Morate razumeti sledeće:

Oni su kriminalci, shodno tome ne poštuju zakone

Da li su i provajderi platili kaznu? Uvek je mnogo toga napisano na papiru.

U Nemačkoj dobavljači rade šta hoće. Ima igrača koji su tužili i uložili mnogo novca u parnicu, dobili su na sudu, ali još uvek nisu dobili novac, a zašto nisu dobili novac? Zato što su operateri kazina pametni i menjaju imena ili jednostavno proglašavaju bankrot. Ima i zemalja koje ne priznaju presudu iz inostranstva, pa je izvršenje nemoguće, a provajderima koji negde imaju kancelariju nije svejedno jer imaju sedište negde u inostranstvu.

Tužbe protiv provajdera platnih usluga u Nemačkoj ili protiv banaka:

Takođe neuspešno. Banka je izvršila uplate kako smo mi tražili. Banke su dužne da brinu, ali da li banka zna da isplata Midatesu krši zakon? Ovo se mora dokazati; veoma je teško dokazati da je banka prethodno saznala o tome.

Jedan pristup bi bio pranje novca, ali ovde banka mora biti svesna da plaćanje KSIZ provajderu KSIZ krši zakon. Ali sam igrač je taj koji pere novac jer on autorizuje isplatu. Banka je van okvira, radi samo ono što vi želite, izvrši uplatu. Sve ostalo je privatni spor.

I sudovi to vide kao da smo ovlastili isplatu, pa nismo imali sreće 😉

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 meseca
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

That may be the case in Germany but in the UK the laws, especially when financial things are involved e.g. fraud etc are taken very seriously, more so than violent crimes. If the casino operator changed names then they'd simply go after whoever is a director at the casino or its parent company, i think for smaller amounts the effort they'd have to go through to do these acts wouldn't be worth what the chargeback is for the casino. In regards to the bank if a dispute is raised they have a duty to investigate, regardless of whether the payment is carried out as requested, if the goods and services weren't as advertised there is a very strong case for a chargeback, not to mention the illegal aspect of the services they're offering, as long as you can prove you weren't to know any better and were under the impression that they were operating legally, i'd say you'd have a strong case.

pre 1 meseca

I zašto skoro svaki slučaj povraćaja sredstava banke odbijaju?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Think the lesson I've learned here is not to report as 'Authorised Fraud', just go down the 'Scam' route straight away.

I've now got three credit cards performing an investigation. Fingers crossed it all comes back positive, quoting Visa Condition 12.7 Invalid Data seems to help as well.

pre 1 meseca

Da li postoji uporediva tačka za Mastercard plaćanja?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Merchant category codes (MCC) i believe would be the comparable point

pre 1 meseca

I ja sam bio tako pametan 😉

Međutim, Visa detaljnije opisuje problem.

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