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Povlačenja na rtbet (strana 3)

pre 9 meseci od ercancho
42.045 pregleda 289 odgovora |
12 3 4...15
pre 8 meseci

It's definitely not fun if the casino can't tell you anything and you just keep waiting and basically don't know anything relevant. 

But what did you talk to them about over the weekend ? Did you notice any small progress or no development at all ? 

pre 8 meseci

They said they will process a manual address. That was Sunday. I said then all they needed but no response since

pre 8 meseci

Let's see what happens in the next few days and if they manage to send you the money. I wish it was possible to speed it up or help more, but unfortunately we have to wait for the casino. 

I hope this will all be sorted out. 😕

pre 8 meseci

It is said you guys from Casino Guru team are still leaving their safety index at 7.5? What do you need to hear from players to possibly take some action or remove them from your site?

You are even worst with promoting such casinos as they are on their own.

It is enough that they don't have a licence.

pre 8 meseci

Their safety index is still at the same point because even if the players have shared something, their complaints are mostly solved. Not a single complaint is unresolved, so I suppose that's the main reason why they are staying where they are. 

We don't give casinos away from our site even if they have a safety index of 0. That's what it's all about, so that you can see as much information as possible about the bad casinos and not go there to play. Just because they're on our site doesn't mean we promote them, even if you're not the first to say so. 

However, as I see it, with this casino we are just starting to collect some new information from players, so it is difficult to evaluate from the beginning how they will behave.

But I saw that you've established a complaint. So what happened here ? Is there a problem with the withdrawal or something else? 

As for the license, I already gave it to our data team to check and they said that this is a casino from Adonio N.V. and therefore this casino has a license but it doesn't have a validator on the site. So that's what we found out. 

Now I will wait for your reply and it would also be useful if you would answer Kristine, who has already responded to your complaint.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that this will be resolved. 🤞☘️

pre 7 meseci

Jesi li dobio svoj novac?

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pre 7 meseci

Jesi li dobio svoj novac?

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pre 7 meseci

Jesi li dobio svoj novac?

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pre 7 meseci

Hello, I see you're interested in whether the players got the money. Are you waiting for some withdrawal here too ? Or did you come across this casino and wanted to know how the other players were doing ? 

pre 7 meseci

Da, i ja čekam povlačenje, koje je dosta zakasnilo! Pitao sam se da li su slučajevi ostalih igrača rešeni

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pre 7 meseci

Na RTBET3 platformi

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pre 7 meseci

Nisam je eliminisao, a čak bih voleo da znam šta mislite o ovoj platformi

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pre 7 meseci

Da, i ja čekam povlačenje, koje je dosta zakasnilo! Pitao sam se da li su slučajevi ostalih igrača rešeni

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pre 7 meseci

Okay, so how long are you waiting for your withdrawals ? Did you play in the casino with any bonus or not ? Have you verified your account here yet ? 

pre 7 meseci

I have a balance of 4200. a withdrawal request can be made with a limit of 800 euros. I have been waiting for it to be processed for 3 days. the withdrawal request has been waiting for approval for 3 days.

pre 7 meseci


I honestly can't figure out whether you already received a portion of the sum, or whether you're still waiting for it. In any case, I believe a few additional details will only improve the overall understanding.

Have you ever withdrawn from this casino before? Is this your first occasion? What about the account verification? Has it been cleared out?

Don't hesitate to add anything you deem worth saying, of course.

pre 7 meseci

no money has been deposited to my account. this is the first time I'm going to withdraw money. i've been waiting for 3 days. the account has not been asked to be verified. everyone in the forum says that they are complaining. i'm just waiting. i sent a message to the live support line. he says he will be admitted soon. it's a strange situation. we're just waiting

pre 7 meseci

Yes, I know that sometimes it may not be pleasant at all and the waiting is difficult. But do I understand correctly that your withdrawal has already been approved and now you are just waiting for it to arrive in your account ? What payment method did you use ? 

pre 7 meseci

no, it's definitely not approved. I don't think I'll get paid. I'm waiting.

pre 7 meseci

If casino will not communicate with you and you won't have your money, you can use our free feature- complaint. For the time being I would not be skeptical because I don't think you wait that long, so a little patience. 

Anything changes, feel free to let me know. 

pre 7 meseci

Podigao sam 500 evra 18.07.2024 i danas, 29.07.2024, nisam dobio novac. Prvo mi kažu da je transfer već izvršen i da moram da čekam, kada su mi sami rekli da je to 3 do 5 radnih dana.

Onda mi drugi kolega kaže da su to već uradili i da pozovem svoju banku da mi daju podatke, ja kontaktiram svoju banku i traže od mene ARN kod transakcije, koji do danas nisu dali ni ja. poslao.

Da stvar bude gora, drugi kolega mi kaže da povlačenje nije izvršeno jer moj nalog nije verifikovan, pa ja mu kažem kako da to uradim ako se čini da ništa ne može da uradi i on mi kaže da izbrišem keš itd itd. i napusti razgovor, ja počnem da pričam sa drugim njegovim drugarom iz razreda i kažem mu šta mi je njegov drug iz razreda rekao a isti mi kaže da to nije tako i da nema veze sa penzijom, na šta ga ponovo pitam kako ide. mog povlačenja a on mi kaže da moram da čekam, pitam ga za ARN šifru a on mi kaže da moram da čekam, pa ne znam šta da mislim o 500 evra koje podignem

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12 3 4...15
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