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1xBet Casino - opšta diskusija

 od kdglablanche
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 1xBet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.


U nedelju 04/10/2022 stavio sam opkladu na 21 događaj i 20 događaja od 21 događaja je dobijeno.

21. događaj je bio Union Saint-Gilloise protiv Beerschot-Wilrijk i kladio sam se na pobjedu Union Saint-Gilloise, a onda je meč prekinut u 84. minuti zbog nereda navijača Beerschot-Wilrijk-a, zatim sam čekao 24 sata na događaj biti vraćen uz kvotu 1,00 ali nakon 24 sata nisam imao uplatu pa sam se pridružio online chatu i objasnio svoju situaciju, a agent mi je rekao da čekam 48 sati jer je događaj zaustavljen i još uvijek nije bilo službenih odluka pa sam podsjetite ga da ste čak iu svojim zakonima spomenuli ove odredbe i uslove 8.9

*Ako se prekinuti meč ne nastavi u roku od 5 sati od zvaničnog vremena početka, opklade na ovaj meč će biti refundirane po kvoti 1,00, osim za opklade čiji je ishod već definisan.*

1 sat kasnije dolazim da vidim svoj listić za klađenje vidim da ste ga označili kao IZGUBLJENO Iznenađen sam jer odmah nakon mojih žalbi dolazite da izgubim tiket, ali mi je trebalo nadoknaditi novac nakon 24 sata što nije urađeno i agent mi je rekao da čekam 48 sati što nije bio slučaj i natjerali ste me da izgubim kartu to je zloupotreba tako da želim da se događaj nadoknadi sa obalom 1 ,00 kako bih mogao dobiti svoj novac

Dakle, sve kladionice su refundirale svoje kladioce, ali vi niste i nije lepo da ne volite pobednike i ja sam otisla na internet i videla mnogo ljudi koje ste prevarili! Jako ste zali samo hocu kompenzaciju i svoj novac inace cu raširiti ovu pricu po webu i dati vam losu REKLAMU da se ne sviđate zbog svog lopovskog ponašanja! Veoma je nezdravo to što radite, vi ste prevaranti prerušeni u kladionice

Evo podataka mog računa:

Ime: Kouon

Ime; D****a G*****e

ID računa: 3**********5

Broj ulaznice: 2*********9

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: personal data
Automatski prevedeno:


the important thing you've probably overlooked we are not the 1xBet Casino, we are also not any kind of their customer support.

Hence do not share your personal account data - it is unsafe.

Since your issue concerns sports betting we are not able to help you. As the name "Casino Guru" suggests, we only deal with casino-related concerns, I'm afraid.

I would suggest trying their social media as an additional communication channel though:

It's public so I assume that no company wants any negative feedback there 🙂.


Šta mislite o ovom kazinu? 1xBet lično mislim da nisu pouzdani

Izmenjeno od Radka
Razlog: casino's link added
Automatski prevedeno:


check the review here - I'd be careful there.


Saya bermain kurang lebih 2-3 Tahun awal" situs ini rilis situs ini termasuk situs yang bonafit atau baik tetapi sekarang situs ini bagi saya

Sangat merugikan , Semenjak akun saya dengan ID 239841259 naik level PERAK saya tidak pernah lagi menerima cashback saya , jika ditanya alasannya cashback terhitung dari taruhan yang kalah dan bercam alasan , mungkin sudah tidak mampu lagi untuk membayar cashback" membernya ,



I put the text into Google translate to understand its meaning.

I can only comprehend that you can't get the cashback anymore, since you are a silver member.

Well, sorry I have nothing to add. I would try to find a casino with better bonuses for loyal members.

The 1xBet site is not honest. Do not create an account on it!

Good morning friends!

I write to inform you players that you cannot trust and deposit money on this site called 1xBet. I made a bet, I won and they just called it a loser

I already bet on this market of fouls in the NBA, in the quarters of the games, I know how it works, I watch the games counting each foul, I also check the play to play on the official NBA website (play by play) as well as the statistics

However, in a bet I made tonight, 1xBet considered a bet that was won to be lost, and they don't know how to check it correctly to make the correction and change its status to won!

The correct data is on the NBA website and on any NBA stats website and on the 1xBet website in the game summary (1xBet publicly shows this for each game on the website)

My 1xBet account ID is: 456666651

And the bet ID number is: 34030727959

I bet on OVER 10.5 FAULTS IN THE SECOND QUARTER, from the Nets x Knicks game now Saturday night

The second quarter ended with 11 fouls in total: 3 individual fouls by the Nets, 6 individual fouls by the Knicks and 2 collective technical fouls by the Knicks

However, 1xBet mistakenly, in this match, is counting only the 9 individual fouls, and in any basketball game that the 1xBet site itself makes available, anyone can check the summary of the games after following the live, you will see that the total of fouls shown in the game is equivalent to the sum of individual fouls + collective technical fouls. You can see for yourselves, in any basketball game, during the live, the sum of the fouls and, after the game ends, check there how the total fouls in the MATCH will be the sum of the individual and collective techniques

Here's the play-by-play play-by-play of the game in the second quarter:

The moments of the 11 absences I detail below and anyone in the world can check:


11:18 -- KNICKS FOUL -- I. Hartenstein Shooting Personal FOUL (1 PF) (Claxton 2 FT)

10:31 -- KNICKS FOUL -- M. McBride Personal FOUL (1 PF)

09:11 - KNICKS FOUL -- O. Toppin Shooting Personal FOUL (1 PF) (Irving 2 FT)

08:50 -- KNICKS FOUL -- I. Quickley Offensive FOUL (1 PF)

08:40 -- KNICKS FOUL - I. Hartenstein Personal FOUL (2 PF)

08:05 -- NETS FAULT -- K. Irving Shooting Personal FOUL (1 PF) (Toppin 2 FT)

04:44 - NETS FAULT -- D. Sharpe Offensive FOUL (1 PF)

03:10 -- KNICKS FOUL -- I. Quickley Personal FOUL (2 PF) (ONeale 2 FT)

00:55:4 -- NETS MISSING -- K. Irving Shooting Personal FOUL (2 PF) (Barrett 2 FT)

00:55:4 -- KNICKS FOUL -- TEAM Foul Technical

00:55:4 -- KNICKS FOULS AGAIN (DOUBLE FAULTS WITH PREVIOUS) -- J. Randle Technical FOUL (1 Tech)

After these 2 fouls from the double fault above, the Nets took the 2 free throws with Kyrie Irving, missed one and hit the other

And then the Nets charged their 2 free throws from the lack that had been made by Irving at Quickley

All this is in:

Even when the game ended, 1xBet normally counted the 11 fouls, like 3 from the Nets and 8 from the Knicks. However, several minutes after the end of the second quarter, the site changed to 3 for the Nets and only 6 for the Kniks

I've been betting on this market for a long time, I've won and lost bets on this market, either on 1xBet or on another site, and I know how it works, I know how to count, I know where to check the total. Even in the 1xBet summary there are 11 absences there!

The site needs to be honest and correct the bet, for the status of WINS, because I got it right! Any basketball game, if the site checks this market during the live and the total foul count, and then compares this total value with the sum value of the individual + collective techniques, it will see that it is the same value

So, 1xBet must see the official NBA website, which is the same as the match summary on 1xBet, and correct my bet. And preferably quickly, because I can't and don't want to wait. I won and I want to use my won money for new bets!

Be honest! So far, I do not recommend this site to anyone because they are being dishonest with me. If they make mistakes with me, they will make mistakes with you! Correct and prove to be honest!

1XBET ACCOUNT ID: 456666651


Hello goodnight

I placed a bet on an NBA basketball game

I bet that the second quarter would have around 10.5 fouls

There were 11 fouls and I won, but the 1xbet failed and it was lost

Attached is the image in the file "11 fouls 2 quarter Nets Knicks.jpg"

It is the print screen of this:

This image above is the game summary of the result here at 1xbet, which

is the same as the official website of the NBA

On the 1xBet result summary and on the official website of the NBA (there is the

play to play of games, that occur in games and detail all

the activity of the games), show the 11 fouls that happened in the second

quarter of this game:

3 Nets individual fouls

2 Knicks collective technical fouls

6 Knicks individual fouls

Total 11 fouls. I bet over 10.5 fouls and I won, but the site

gave up as lost

Please ask the traders sector to correct the bet and change the

status from lost to won, because I hit her

1XBET ACCOUNT ID: 456666651




I'm sorry to say that but we do not deal with sports betting here, so I have nothing to add at the moment. 🙁

I guess the casino is not interested in dialog, right? Otherwise, you would not be here, I think.

Anyone played in 1xbet? I could not withdraw the funds


Had an account there, made deposits and withdrawals with skrill, my account was verified, if I remember correctly there is a policy that makes you wager your deposit certain amount of times before a withdrawal, not sure tho, they should give you a reason why your withdrawal gets rejected.


Yes i already wagered more than the required. I just don’t know why they keep rejecting my withdraw requests


Hey there.

Have you tried to ask the chat operator or reach out to support? I'm pretty sure that only the casino can explain what is happening to your withdrawals. Now while I'm thinking of it, have you taken any bonus by chance? The one that may actually still be active? It's just an idea but it's also very common that you are not allowed to withdraw until the bonus is lost or fulfilled. Another suggestion that comes to my mind is related to the payment option you're choosing - is it the same one you used for the deposit?

Alternatively, is your account verified? This is another thing that can prevent you from successful withdrawal.

I checked your complaint, but you failed to explain it further, so we have no idea what the situation is.

Ask the casino and let us know, please.


Like Radka said, ask support about it and they should tell you why your withdrawals get rejected, I remember other users complaining about payments with certain methods like astropay, but ask them directly why your withdrawals are denied


Yes i already reached out to them many times, they just told me to keep on trying, but everytime i try it keeps getting rejected. They did not give any firm reason why it’s rejected.

and i am not playing by bonus money. Yes my account is verified


As far as I can say, all seems good on your side. The casino should try to suggest alternatives to solve the withdrawal problem, and I find it hard to believe they think more attempts will make any change.

I hope that the complaint team will help you with the issue shortly.

dobro veče, voleo bih da vidim da li neko od članova foruma može da mi pomogne da verifikujem nalog u kazinu 1 k bet pošto sam iz Meksika i šaljem sliku svoje licence ali mi kažu da nije u formatu koje traže i zaista ne razumem, veoma ću ceniti svaku vrstu pomoći, hvala.

Automatski prevedeno:

k vaš socijalni rad kada sv nalog bude verifikovan daću 1 Ltc kolegi koji se potrudi

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I think you will have to go through this process on your own. Of course, if someone else had a similar problem to you, they might be able to help you with some advice.

However, have you tried asking the casino what the problem is with your format ? I think support will be best able to help you and that's where you should direct your questions. 

I would also like to say that you can save your LTC by going to live chat. Give it a try and let us know what the casino replied to you. 

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