NaslovnaForumKazina50 Crowns Casino - opšta diskusija

50 Crowns Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Gretche70
14.908 pregleda 76 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 50 Crowns Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

I opet novi kazino iz Holikorna? Međutim, e-poruka dobrodošlice pokazuje da je to kazino iz Dama nv, pogledajte fotografiju. U suštini, nije me briga, ali mislim da je u redu ako date pravu dozvolu. Sada sam se registrovao i platio pre 1 sat 20 evra. Da vidimo kada će mi ovo biti uplaćeno, jer je do sada depozit još na čekanju iako je već terećen sa mog bankovnog računa.


Automatski prevedeno:

Posle 4 sata moj depozit još uvek nije kreditiran i deponovao sam preko internet bankarstva, transfer u realnom vremenu.

Imejl takođe ne postoji

Čak ni sada, nakon 7 sati, moj novac još uvek nije uplaćen. Niko ne zna gde je otišao moj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

I opet novi kazino iz Holikorna? Međutim, e-poruka dobrodošlice pokazuje da je to kazino iz Dama nv, pogledajte fotografiju. U suštini, nije me briga, ali mislim da je u redu ako date pravu dozvolu. Sada sam se registrovao i platio pre 1 sat 20 evra. Da vidimo kada će mi ovo biti uplaćeno, jer je do sada depozit još na čekanju iako je već terećen sa mog bankovnog računa.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, Gretche 70!

I missed those two posts yesterday - I'm sorry.

You know, we care about the owner. Would you kindly share this information through the "update us" filling form, please?


It can be found under the positives and negatives.

Posle 4 sata moj depozit još uvek nije kreditiran i deponovao sam preko internet bankarstva, transfer u realnom vremenu.

Imejl takođe ne postoji

Čak ni sada, nakon 7 sati, moj novac još uvek nije uplaćen. Niko ne zna gde je otišao moj novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Meaning your email was returned as undelivered? What about life support? 🤔 I would expect the operator to inform you it needs to be checked with the payment provider, at least.


Da, svaki put kada napišem e-poštu tamo, e-mail se vraća.


Sad sam tamo pisao sa svog drugog mejla, jer su mi sinoć pisali da pošaljem snimak ekrana sa mojim depozitom pa da ga proslede. Iako sam ga prethodnog dana uploadovao u live chat, dva puta. Potvrđuju mi da su to prosledili. Ali onda sam sledećeg dana dobio još jednu e-poštu u kojoj se tražilo da pošaljem snimak ekrana. Ali nisam mogao. Zato sam poslao mejlove od njih i svoj odgovor na njih na svoj drugi nalog e-pošte, a odatle sam poslao ove e-poruke krunama. Naravno da nije bilo odgovora. Do danas moj novac nije uplaćen.

file Otkazala sam prvi depozit jer sam zaboravila da unesem kod za bonus. Drugi depozit je obavljen normalno i odmah je terećen sa mog bankovnog računa. To je bio transfer u realnom vremenu, što znači da primalac odmah prima novac.

Čak i sa mojom drugom email adresom nije moguće pisati podršci.


Automatski prevedeno:

Posle 50 sati konačno su uspeli da kreditiraju moj depozit. Međutim, bonus koji sam odabrao kada sam napravio depozit je nedostajao. Rekli su ovo u ćaskanju uživo, samo su rekli da će to proslediti odeljenju. Dok prosleđuju žalbu na moj depozit koji je trajao 50 sati. I sad bi verovatno trebalo da sačekam još 2 dana dok mi ne kreditiraju bonus??? Bez obzira na to koje pitanje imate ili problem, prvo ga morate proslediti nadležnom odeljenju. Čemu služi ćaskanje uživo? U drugim kazinima, podrška to radi sama. Nema veze, odrekao sam se bonusa i tako igrao. Naravno, igre su jednostavno nestale. Za mene je jasno da više neću igrati u ovom kazinu. Ovde se ne zabavljate, i dalje morate da trčite za svojim novcem i možete zaboraviti podršku

Automatski prevedeno:

Surely your experiences will enlighten other players. I would be mad about this whole situation - I mean, the quality of customer service determines whether you decide to put such a matter aside or whether you prefer to leave as soon as possible.

I guess the answer is obvious.

Did anyone provide you with a working email address? Another essential step, if you ask me.


Smešno je što dobijam poruku sa ove adrese e-pošte, , ali ne možete sami da odgovorite ni da pišete na ovu adresu. U početku sam mislio da su to moja Iahoo podešavanja, ali kada pišem sa gmail-a isto je.

Automatski prevedeno:


I'll try to ask the chat, let's see what happens...

So, after 12 mins I was told my case will be transferred and I will be updated by email:


Uhm, I guess there is no alternative 🙁


To je stvarno čudno, da li ste pokušali da napišete e-poštu da biste se podržali? Da li postoji i poruka da ovaj email ne postoji? Mislim da vam se neće javiti putem e-pošte.

Automatski prevedeno:

They probably won't, since my email is not registered in the casino 🙂.

Well, the way I see it, they're not actually aware of any issue. I'll ask my colleague to notify the casino more officially. Nothing much I can do, I fear!

Hello, dear Gretche70!

We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our product. Your issue is already forwarded to the relevant department. I will get back to you with a prompt reply as soon as possible.

Hello there, once again!

We are really grateful to you for noticing the issue with the email address. We have already fixed it, and now you can contact us at without any difficulties. By the way, you may always leave your request here - and our support team will contact you as son as possible on this matter. 

Regarding the issue with the deposit, we are always doing our best to solve it as quickly as possible. However, it can take some time, while firstly, we contact our relevant department, and after this, they transfer the issue to payment provider to check why the transaction did not go through. However, as soon as we receive a prompt reply from them, we inform you regarding updates via email as well. 

We are truly sorry for inappropriate reply of the manager via live chat on the matter of welcome bonus. Please, take into account that our welcome package goes without bonus code, and due to the fact that you have entered it, the bonus has not been issued to you automatically. Unfortunately, as you have already played your funds, we can not issue the bonus manually to you any more, however, you still can use our second and third deposit offers (that also goes without any bonus codes).

Hope for your understanding in this case, and we really appreciated your pointing out the issue with email address. Thanks once again.

Kind regards,

50Crowns Team

Hello, dear Gretche70!

We are sorry to hear that you had a negative experience with our product. Your issue is already forwarded to the relevant department. I will get back to you with a prompt reply as soon as possible.

Hello there - thank you for getting to us!

Just a small hint: use the "reply" button to ensure the recipient will be notified of your reply. 🙂

I'll do that now to save you time.


Hello Gretche70!

In case you missed the recent update, both issues should be resolved by the casino. ✨


Zdravo, možda ste rešili problem, nisam ga testirao jer više nemam razloga da šaljem podršku imejlom. Samo pomisli da je tužno što prvo moraš da razgovaraš o tome ovde, da bi se bilo šta desilo. U razgovoru niko nije bio zainteresovan. Ono što se tiče bonusa takođe nije tačno, on se ne pripisuje automatski. Morali ste da aktivirate kod da bi bonus uopšte bio vidljiv. Ali to sada nije važno. Za mene i dalje ostaje pitanje da li ovaj kazino pripada Holikornu ili Dami. Kazino se takođe nije bavio ovim pitanjem. Poslao sam sliku gore u prvom postu, mejl iz ovog kazina, ali ispod piše dama.

Automatski prevedeno:

Imam isti problem, depozit nikada nije obrađen (6 dana) ako je to bio slučaj sa vama, ostavite recenziju da obavestite buduće igrače. Veliki pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there, Getche70!

We really value that you have pointed the issue with email address to us, and our team started looking into it right after your request via chat. Unfortunately, it took a bit more time to be fixed, however, it is alright now.

We would like to inform you that is owned and operated by Hollycorn N.V., a company registered and established under the laws of Curaçao, with registration number 144359 and registered address at Scharlooweg 39, Willemstad, Curacao and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Libergos Limited, registered in Cyprus with registration number ΗΕ 371971 and registered address Boumpoulinas, 1-3, BOUBOULINA BUILDING, Flat/Office 42, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus. Hollycorn N.V. is licensed and regulated by Antillephone N.V. (license no. 8048/JAZ2019-015).

Please, take into account that welcome package is added automatically, in case all requirements are completed. In case the bonus was not issued to you, you should contact the support team before placing the bets and our managers will issue it to your account manually.

In case of any additional questions, feel free to contact us via live chat or email and we will gladly assist you.


Hello there, once again!

We are really grateful to you for noticing the issue with the email address. We have already fixed it, and now you can contact us at without any difficulties. By the way, you may always leave your request here - and our support team will contact you as son as possible on this matter. 

Regarding the issue with the deposit, we are always doing our best to solve it as quickly as possible. However, it can take some time, while firstly, we contact our relevant department, and after this, they transfer the issue to payment provider to check why the transaction did not go through. However, as soon as we receive a prompt reply from them, we inform you regarding updates via email as well. 

We are truly sorry for inappropriate reply of the manager via live chat on the matter of welcome bonus. Please, take into account that our welcome package goes without bonus code, and due to the fact that you have entered it, the bonus has not been issued to you automatically. Unfortunately, as you have already played your funds, we can not issue the bonus manually to you any more, however, you still can use our second and third deposit offers (that also goes without any bonus codes).

Hope for your understanding in this case, and we really appreciated your pointing out the issue with email address. Thanks once again.

Kind regards,

50Crowns Team


Hello there, CasinoDino!

We are sorry to hear about the delay with deposit that you have faced with us. Please, take into account that deposit is an automatic process and the transaction speed depends on the method of payment that you have chosen.

However, in case the funds were subtracted from your bank account and still has not been added to casino balance, we kindly ask you to contact our support team via live chat or email for further investigation. We will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. In case, your request has been already transferred, please, be so kind to await an update via email.

We are trying to process al request as fast as possible, however, sometimes it can take a bit longer than expected and we hope for your understanding in this case.

Kind regards,

50Crowns Team

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