To je u opštim uslovima i odredbama ili u 'Uslovima bonusa' na samom dnu stranice.
Ogromna lista najpopularnijih igara koje su ograničene dok koristite bonus.
U suštini, znaju da ljudi žele da igraju popularne igre, ali ih ograničavaju, tako da to znači da nikada ne moraju da plate. Veoma je pametno, hale kopilad.
To je tačno kao 7bets jer isti ljudi vode obe stranice.
da, tačno, ako su ove igre ograničene, kako to da su:
O: igranje
B: doprinose klađenju jer sam uspeo da uložim svoj bonus u određenim igrama
To je samo potpuna prevara. da li ste ikada dobili svoje dobitke?
It's in the general terms and conditions or 'Bonus terms' at the very bottom of the page.
A massive list of the most popular games that are restricted while using a bonus.
Basically, they know people want to play popular games but make them restricted, so that means they never have to pay out. It's very smart really lol the bastards.
It is exactly like 7bets because its the same people running both sites.
yeah exactly, if these games are restricted how come they're:
A: playable
B: they contribute to wagering as I managed to wager my bonus with the certain games
It's just a total scam job. did you ever get your winnings?
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