Poštovani @BetAndIou,
Iako cenim vaše vreme i trud da odgovorite na moju žalbu, ovde na CasinoGuru-u, nažalost, malo ste zakasnili. Tačnije, 1,5 godine prekasno. Moja prava odgovornog igranja su pogrešno rukovana i zanemarena, moje poništene opklade nisu vraćene iako ste rekli da će biti vraćene. Zbog svega ovoga, tražim kompenzaciju za depozite i opklade koje nisu refundirane zbog vaših grešaka. Ovo je jedini mogući i pravičan ishod/rezolucija.
Klijent je izrazio želju da se račun pošalje na posebnu poštu. U skladu sa zahtevima, morao je da prođe proceduru deaktivacije: da napiše pismo na koverti i popuni ga KIC.
Što sam i uradio... a ti nisi ispunio svoje obaveze . Molim vas, potvrdite grešku sa svoje strane i rešite žalbu mirnim i prijateljskim putem, to je sve što tražim. Nemam loša osećanja prema BetAndIou, ali namerno ili iz nemara ste zaradili hiljade prevarivši me. Sve što želim je da moja žalba bude uspešno rešena, pošto sam bio izuzetno razuman, i sve što želim je povraćaj od poništenih opklada za koje ste rekli da ćete refundirati, ali nikada niste, i refundiranje neto depozita od kada sam uspešno završio moje Samoisključivanje i niste ispunili svoje obaveze blokiranjem mog naloga. Imajte na umu da ću morati da podelim sve što sam pretrpeo tokom mog vremena sa BetAndIou u svojoj žalbi, imam nekoliko snimaka ekrana korisničke službe koji me navode na grešku i pružaju nekoliko pogrešnih informacija, uključujući i ne dozvoljavajući mi da ograničim depozite kako bih kontrolisao svoje potrošnje, imam dokaz da sam uspešno kontaktirao odeljenje koje ste mi rekli, poslao sam im pismo kao što ste mi rekli, izabrao sam vreme za isključenje i završio KIC prema zahtevu, a vi i dalje niste uspeli da blokirate moj nalog.
Ko zna koliko ih je još prošlo kroz isto što i ja?
Biću više nego srećan da odustanem od svoje žalbe čim rešite moj problem, i poželeću vam sreću u budućnosti.
Dear @BetAndYou,
Although I do appreciate your time and effort to adress my complaint, here on CasinoGuru, unfortunately, you are a little too late. To be exact, 1.5 Years too late. My responsible gaming rights were mishandled and neglected, my Void Bets were not refunded even though it was said by you, they would be refunded. Due to all of this, I am seeking Compensation for the deposits and for the Bets that were not refunded due to errors on your part. This is the only possible and fair outcome/resolution.
The client expressed a wish for the account to be sent to a separate mail. In accordance with the requirements, he had to go through the deactivation procedure: write a letter on the envelope and fill it out KYC.
Which I did... and you failed to fulfill your obligations. Please, acknowledge the error on your end, and solve the complaint peacefully and amicably, that's all I ask. I have no Ill feelings towards BetAndYou, but either purposely or with negligence, you profited thousands by deceiving me. All i want is my complaint to be successfully resolved, since I am being extremely reasonable, and all I want is a Refund from the Void bets that you said you would refund but never did, and a refund for the net deposits since I successfully finished my Self-exclusion and you failed to fulfill your obligations by blocking my account. Kindly note that, i will have to share everything i suffered during my time with BetAndYou in my complaint, i have several screenshots of customer service inducing me in error and providing several wrongful informations, including not allowing me to limit deposits in order to control my spendings, I have proof that I successfully contacted the department you told me, I sent them a letter as you told me, i chose the time for the exclusion and finished KYC as requested, and you still failed to block my account.
Who knows how many more went through the same as me?
I will be more than Happy to drop my complaint as soon as you solve my issue, and I will wish you the best of luck in the future.
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