Razumem da kazino nije bukvalno rekao „Priznajemo grešku", ali nije potreban genije za čitanje između redova.
26. februar - Problem prijavljen i prosleđen „Specijalima"
27. februar – Podrška priznaje greške, podrška kaže da će obraditi povraćaj sredstava u roku od 48 sati
29. februar - 48H je prošlo, korisnička podrška kaže, runde će biti refundirane do kraja dana. Nikada ništa nije vraćeno.
Da nije bilo greške, ili bilo kakvog priznanja greške, podrška nikada ne bi rekla da će mi vratiti novac. Od trenutka kada su mi rekli da će mi vratiti novac nakon istrage, to znači da su priznali grešku.
Sada mi recite, ako ste izgubili novac, a da niste ni igrali zbog višestrukih grešaka, a kazino je priznao grešku i obećao povraćaj, zar ne biste bili frustrirani? Očigledno je ovo kazino SCAM, inače bih dobio refundiranje novca nakon što su mi obećali da će mi vratiti novac pošto JE DOŠLA greška i oni su je PRIZNALI.
Zaista je šteta da CasinoGuru vidi samo ono što želi da vidi. Ne mogu čak ni da opišem frustraciju što dolazim ovde po pomoć i kladio sam se na Bias i CasinoGuru koji se jasno stavljaju na stranu kazina za prevaru kada su dokazi sve tu. Da ne spominjemo koliko je puta kazino lagao tokom žalbe, što je kazinoguru video, ali jednostavno nije mario 😀
Siguran sam da ćete naći još jedan izgovor i za kazino i za žalbu da se odbace čak i kada su svi dokazi na vidiku, ali pretpostavljam šta god da bolje spavate noću.
I understand that the casino didn't literally say " We acknowledge the error " but it doesnt take a genius to read between the lines.
26 February - Problem reported and forwarded to the "Specialists"
27 February - Support acknowledges the errors, Support say they will process a refund in up to 48H
29 February - 48H have passed, Customer support say, rounds will be refunded until the end of the day. Nothing was ever refunded.
If there was no error, or any acknowledgement of error, the support would never say they would refund me the money. From the moment they said they would refund me the money after investigating, it means they acknowledged the error.
Now you tell me, if you lost money without even playing due to multiple errors, and the casino acknowledged the error and promised a refund, wouldn't you get frustrated? Obviously this is a SCAM Casino, or else I would have gotten my money refunded after they promised to refund me since THERE WAS an error and they ACKNOWLEDGED IT.
It's truly a shame CasinoGuru only sees what they want to see. I can't even put into word the frustration of coming here for help and being bet with a Bias and CasinoGuru clearly siding with a Scam Casino when the evidence it's all there. Not to mention the amount of times the casino Lied during the complaint, which casinoguru saw, but just didn't care 😀
I am sure you will find another excuse for both the casino and the complaint being dismissed even when all the evidence is there in plain sight, but whatever makes you sleep better at night I guess.
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