NaslovnaForumKazinaCasinia Casino - opšta diskusija

Casinia Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 19)

 od jrewing
39.946 pregleda 359 odgovora |
1...18 19

... 18 stranica diskusije, nerešene žalbe kupaca ovde i u AskG-u, kao iu sestrinskim kazinima.

Umesto upozorenja na oprez crvenom bojom iznad, 8,3 od 10 svetli prijateljskom zelenom bojom i pomaže u sprečavanju drugih da izgube novac i ne prime svoje dobitke.

U mom slučaju to je samo 75 evra, otvoreno 4 nedelje, s obzirom na nerešene žalbe i mali iznos, reklamacija nema smisla.

Ja zapravo visoko cenim CasinoGuru i smatram da ste, na primer, LCB, renomirani operater. Takođe razumem da morate da plaćate svoje zaposlene itd., i da ovakva kazina svakako plaćaju visoke bonuse, ali kako stvari sada stoje, podržavate prevaru jer, na primer, novajlije vide vašu ocenu, misle da je ugledna i na kraju ne dobiju svoje dobitke. Naučio sam da proveravam AskG, pored CG, za nerešene žalbe pre nego što uplatim, ali verovatno samo 5% to radi.

Verovatno bi kazino mogao da ima stotine hiljada "crnih tačaka" i da još uvek ne bude crven... 🙁

Automatski prevedeno:


Hold on, for a second - perhaps there is a sort of missunderstanding. There has been no uresolved complaints against this casino:


Have you by chance mistaken that with forum posts or user reviews which has nothing to do with the rating?

I mean, your idea is good - if there had been unresolved complaints the rating would have been lower in proportion to the severenity of the complaints - represented by black points.

However, as you can see all reported problems have always been resolved. As far as we can say based on the complaint you mentioned, the casino pays. I also could not find a single unresolved complaint submitted by you.

May I know, where the catch seems to be?

Zdravo Radka 🙂

Izvinite ako sam se izrazio na zbunjujući način.

Na AskG-u postoje nerešene žalbe,

Postoje i ozbiljne tačke koje govore protiv ozbiljnosti, na primer TrustPilot, da kazino ima izuzetno veliki broj slučajeva na AskG-u u poređenju sa svojom malom veličinom (zbog čega verovatno dobija samo ocenu 4 od 10) i izuzetno dugim vremenom odgovora od 8 dana, odnosno nakon upozorenja.

A ako s pravom pokažete korisnicima nerešene probleme sestrinskih kazina sa istim menadžmentom kada ih navedete kao „Nerešene", takođe smatram da je nerealno da se ovo ne pripiše i ovom kazinu, pogotovo jer je samo pitanje vremena. Izgleda da je tek nedavno bilo ovako sa AskG-om, pre nego što su reagovali.

A kada mi uskrate 75 evra (već nedeljama dobijam samo mejlove u kojima se kaže da će ih ponovo proslediti sa „najvećim prioritetom"), to vam daje dobru predstavu o tome šta se tamo trenutno dešava. Ili „štedite" na iznosima, recimo, manjim od 100 evra jer znate da niko neće ništa preduzeti (a, recimo, 75 crnih tačaka vam neće ništa), ili imate ozbiljnije probleme, koji se mogu brzo desiti u manjim kockarnicama.


Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, and thanks for the explanation. I should have started with the point explaining that I can add my or let's say demonstrate CG optics to that subject. My bad, sorry. 🙂

Well, I guess every player may use the whole internet to create an opinion on a casino. My colleagues, instead of that, consider evaluated situations. Based on our experiences with the external sources, we chose this way.

However, I know there is a person tracking external complaints—not TP reviews, because their policies are absurd. As long as they allow players to review Casino Guru for not paying out the winnings or delaying withdrawals, that's besides the point. 😀

However, you are correct; the more sources players aim to seek, the better, and we have never presented our website as the only way to get familiar with casinos.

When it comes to black points, those are "awarded" only for unresolved complaints, which is not usually very appreciated. However, if you check any casino review—not just the number—you will see the latest complaints directly there, so once you spot an unresolved complaint, I guess it is a fair clue. Also, sister sides are included, as you can see:


I understand the website is very complex, and browsing all reviews, tabs, or even forums, or understanding what the Safety Index actually means, is not an easy task.

Safety Index also takes into consideration the casinos scale, so what would not affect a bigger international casino may ruin a smaller, local online casino based on the amount of the black points awarded.

I understand the feeling that each Safety Index needs to correspond with the "general opinion." Yet the experiences differ; hence, it is not possible to reach that goal.

Thus, we ask players to express their experiences—good or bad—on the forum, through the reviews, and so on.

Let me know if you want to delve deeper.

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