Radka te je već jednom zamolila da se smiriš. Pa, možete li detaljnije objasniti? U suprotnom nećemo imati nikakvu drugu opciju samo da vas ograničimo sa ovog foruma, a to se naravno nikome ne bi dopalo. zar ne?
Kao što smo mogli da vidimo u vašoj žalbi napisano od strane vašeg rešavača žalbi: „Pregledao sam račun za vodu koji ste vi dali i čini se da je dokument falsifikovan. Ovo ponašanje je striktno protivno odredbama i uslovima kazina i smatra se prevarom." - ovo je bio razlog zašto niste prošli KIC i vaš novac vam nije pripisan, naravno.
Mi, kao administratori foruma, ne ostajemo ni na čijoj strani; mi ovde vidimo samo činjenice. Zato, molim vas, pokušajte da od sada lepo komunicirate ovde.
Radka has asked you already once to calm down. So, could you elaborate? Otherwise we won't have any other option just to restrict you from this forum, and of course no one would like that. Right?
As we could see written in your complaint by your complaint resolver, "I have reviewed the water bill provided by you, and it appears that the document is forged. This behavior is strictly against the casino's terms and conditions and is considered fraud." - this was the reason you didn't pass the KYC and your money wasn't credited to you, of course.
We, as forum admins, don't stay on anyone's side; we only see the facts here. So, please, try to communicate here nicely from now on.
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