Želeo bih da vidim neki dokaz, poslao sam e-poštu njihovoj podršci i nisam imao sreće sa bilo kojim oblikom rešenja sa njima (nisu čak ni odgovorili na moje imejlove), kao takav, trenutno sam u procesu podnose povraćaj sredstava, koriste pogrešne šifre trgovaca i kada podnose transakcije (koristili su MCC 5816 koji pokriva digitalnu robu ili igre, koji se najčešće koristi u Microsoft prodavnici, na primer, umesto MCC 7995 Kockanje) tako da je to pranje transakcija upravo tu, povrh toga kod trgovca naveden u mojim transakcijama, pronašao sam pet različitih varijacija, od kojih su neke povezane sa internet prodavnicama koje izgledaju kao paravan (ova veza je na članak koji je pronašao druge offshore ilegalne kazina radim isto https://vvv.reuters.com/article/us-gambling-usa-dummies-ekclusive-idUSKBN19D137/ ) od veb prodavnica koje sam pronašao, jedna se nalazi u Australiji, a druga u UK, puno dokumenata su javni u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, tako da sam pronašao linkove ka veb prodavnici elektronske robe, njihova početna kompanija je navedena na dve lokacije, u Kardifu i jednoj u Londonu, (cardiff, jedan poštanski sandučić 4385, 14837207 - podrazumevana adresa kompanije Companies House, Cardiff, CF14 8LH koji vodi ka ovoj veb stranici https://vvv.1stformations.co.uk/blog/companies-house-default-address/ ) u osnovi su koristili londonsku adresu neovlašćeno, ta zečja rupa u sebi postaje mnogo dublja.. .
Pronašao sam neke veze na kojima dobijaju zvanična upozorenja za korišćenje više URL adresa za zaobilaženje međunarodnih blokova jer im je zabranjeno da rade na određenim teritorijama, a ipak to rade
Australija – https://vvv.acma.gov.au/publications/2024-02/instruction/formal-varning-santeda-international-bv-and-santeda-international-limited-golden-bet
Španija - 5 miliona evra (maksimalna kazna) https://sbcnevs.co.uk/europe/uk/2023/11/10/dgoj-black-market-ekposure/
pa čak i posluju u ilegalnom kockanju kože (CS:GO)
Ako moderatori foruma ili osoblje žele više dokaza o njima, rado bih dao privatno, ali od sada sam trenutno u sporu o povraćaju sredstava, tako da radije ne bih da ga učinim javno dostupnim u slučaju da nadgledaju ono što stavljam na ovde
I'd like to see some proof, i've emailed their support and have had no such luck with any form of resolution with them (they haven't even replied to my emails) , as such i'm currently in the process of filing a chargeback, they're using the wrong merchant codes also when filing the transactions too (they used MCC 5816 which covers digital goods or gaming, most commonly used with the microsoft store for example, instead of MCC 7995 Gambling) so that's transaction laundering right there, on top of that the merchant listed in my transactions, i've found five different variations of, some of which are linked to online webstores that appear to be a front (this link is to an article that found other offshore illegal casinos doing the same https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gambling-usa-dummies-exclusive-idUSKBN19D137/ ) of the webstores i found, one is based in australia and the other in the UK, a lot of documents are public in the UK so one i've found links to a webstore for electronic goods, their shell company is listed in two locations, cardiff and one in london, (cardiff one PO Box 4385, 14837207 - Companies House Default Address, Cardiff, CF14 8LH which links to this website https://www.1stformations.co.uk/blog/companies-house-default-address/ ) basically they used the london address without authorization, that rabbit hole within itself gets a lot deeper...
I've found some links of them getting formal warnings for using multiple URLs to bypass international blocks due to them being prohibited to operate in specific territories yet doing so
Australia - https://www.acma.gov.au/publications/2024-02/instruction/formal-warning-santeda-international-bv-and-santeda-international-limited-golden-bet
Spain - 5 million euro (the max fine) https://sbcnews.co.uk/europe/uk/2023/11/10/dgoj-black-market-exposure/
and even operating in illegal skin gambling (CS:GO)
If the forum moderators or staff want more evidence on them i'd happily provide in private but as of now i'm currently in a chargeback dispute so i'd rather not make it publicly accessible incase they're monitoring what i'm putting on here
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