NaslovnaForumKazinaIceBet Casino - opšta diskusija

IceBet Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Nemokid
3.086 pregleda 20 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za IceBet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Zdravo Danijele, da li je normalno da za podizanje 569 NZD moraju da prođu cele nedelje sa zaһtevima za dokumente o dokumentima, pa čak i sa zaһtevom da se razgovara na skajpu sa Odeljenjem za rizik? Za više od 20 godina igranja igrica nikada nisam imao slično iskustvo, ovo mi se čini prilično apsurdnim! Uradio sam verifikaciju preko sumsub-a sa CIE + sertifikatom o prebivalištu. Onda su mi ponovo tražili ovu dokumentaciju plus selfi ID. Sada i Skipe poziv! Prošlo je skoro 7 dana od zaһteva za povlačenje. Šta ako osvojim više?

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Automatski prevedeno:

Daniel is rarely checking on here. So, allow me to comment:

I would say it's normal - in general. Although I would understand it is reasonable under certain circumstances.

Every casino should however provide a plausible reason for such a process.

Have you been given any? It is obviously additional verification, so the casino has some doubts...


Nema objašnjenja o tome. Sumnjate u šta je on onlajn serijski prevarant za samo oko 600 NZD? Ali da se ne šalimo, ja imam još jedan nalog koji je već potvrđen kod I Vild-a. Igram onlajn preko 20 godina i nikada nisam imao problema sa tim i ja sam ugledna i necenzurisana osoba. Mala preambula: u Italiji sva onlajn kazina traže samo lični dokument i zdravstvenu knjižicu i to je to. Identifikacija po zakonu se vrši sa neisteklim ličnim dokumentom + jasno vidljivom fotografijom. Radio sam neko vreme u privatnom i javnom obezbeđenju i mogu sebi da priuštim da kažem da ovakvi postupci služe samo za odlaganje plaćanja. U stvari, kada se svi ti čekovi polože, njiһ nema, za povlačenje izmišljaju najapsurdnije izgovore!

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Automatski prevedeno:

You know what, dear Nemoklid?

Browse all your complaints. I'm sure you'll find quite different information there, and more importantly, you'll find many issues already explained to you in various ways.

I'll only add that while the casino has doubts about your account, it must take additional steps, and it has nothing to do with the country you live in.

Another detail: the deposit is a different process than a withdrawal, it's nonsense to compare those.


Sumnje na osnovu čega? Ni o čemu?! Imajte na umu da ako uplatim sredstva u kazino, od njih bi trebalo da se zahteva da odmah verifikuju moj identitet bez obzira da li povlačim ili ne. Stoga su ova dva procesa usko povezana jedan sa drugim. Za verifikaciju identiteta širom sveta dovoljno je imati neistekli lični dokument na kome je lična fotografija jasno vidljiva, ovo važi kako u Evropi tako i van nje. Da li sumnjaju u moj nalog nakon završetka procedure sumsub? Znate li od čega se sastoji ova biometrijska procedura? Definitivno je bolji od Skipe poziva samo gde umesto ljudskog operatera postoji sertifikovani softver koji sve radi u samo nekoliko klikova! Ako sprovedem proceduru preko njihove overene aplikacije, pretpostavljam da je to dovoljno i više pošto je to veoma napredna i sigurna procedura... za ostalo uz pretpostavku... ne stižete nigde. Da li vam se vraćanje istih dokumenata učitanih sa sumsub čini korisnim i logičnim? Da li vam se čini korisnim i uzimanje selfi lične karte nakon biometrijske procedure sa sumsubom? Da li vam se čini ispravnim da vam se preti umesto da vam se zapleni dobitak na osnovu njihove jednostavne pretpostavke? Ne ja!! Međutim, igram na mreži više od 20 godina i od stotina kazina koje sam posetio, samo dva su imala ovaj sličan problem ... sve da bi odložili isplatu dobitaka.

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Automatski prevedeno:

Whatever you say...

I'll point out the main thing here:

Casinos do not check incoming deposits - players deposits willingly their funds. The casino is not obliged to verify you before the first deposit is made, because it is your free will.

Normally, the casino relies on the information given through the registration process because the rules state what is allowed and what is not, since no gameplay was made immediately after the registration, there is also no gaming history or bonuses to be checked by the time being.

You can, however, ask the casino to verify you sooner.

Withdrawal, on the other hand, must only be carried out after the player is fully and undoubtedly verified. The game history checked whether all rounds were completed following all rules.

I think this is pretty clear.

"Do they have any doubts about my account after completing the sumsub procedure?"

Well, obviously. They also scheduled a Skype call as you informed - so yes. But ask the casino for an explanation, please. I don't work for them.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Why have you deleted my post Radka?

Hi has anyone had issues with the slot not paying correctly?

I just got a feature and the slot did not pay the multiplier that was won during the free spins

the game rules state that all wins a payed with the multiplier and I have played that game many times and not had issues but this time it did not pay it and I have screenshots of all the history.

but they are claiming it paid correctly where the history clearly shows it hasn’t

Why have you deleted my post Radka?

As explained several times:

"You spammed the forum with 9 identical posts, which would normally lead to a permanent ban on other forum platforms."

Kindly take notice of this response:

Thank you


Hmm, this is always a bit tricky.

Luckily, you have a gaming history! Thus, I would:

a) Ask the game provider


b) Submit a complaint through the Casino Guru Resolution Center

What would you prefer? Let me know, please.


I have done both they are being very difficult


Thank you for addressing to our IceBet Support Service.

Previously, you contacted the chat with a question about uncredited winnings. We checked the information, and the winnings were credited to you with a slight delay at 02:23:21 GMT+3 in the amount of 113 AUD. The winnings were also successfully used by you in the future.



That one spin shows it’s incorrect let alone all the others it didn’t pay correctly on


Okay, so I'm curious where you'll get to when you've used both options. According to the attached screenshots, there might have been some error, but we will have to wait for the final decision from the game provider, or the result of your complaint with us. 

Anyway, I assume that you have updated Veronika and sent her evidence. If you haven't, you can do so here.

Nevertheless, if you have any further information or if you have received a reply from the game provider, let us know. I'm curious how it will all turn out in the end. 

Ok so just a quick update management have told me to provide the actual spin id from personal game history

and what do you know so from game screenshots

its 9/12/2023 2:23:21 AM (UTC)

and seems like a big chunk of my history is missing file

Ažurirano od strane autora

Have a look at this

file That’s just one plenty more from that feature same casino


Ažurirano od strane autora

Different casino Same management

I won’t name them

file file


If you won't name those casinos, please share those screenshots in the correct Casino thread. That would be far better. Anyway, good luck with the complaint! Feel free to update us once it reaches another step.🙏

Ne preporučujem icebet. Kazino bilo kome pre nedelju dana osvojio sam na tone, poslao sam sve dokumente, snimke ekrana vašeg ličnog bankarskog profila na mreži, selfije sa vozačkom dozvolom u ruci, bankovni izvod, broj bankovnog računa, bankovni ID/bic. snimak ekrana sa . Nema odgovora, kontaktirao sam korisničku podršku i bilo je čisto sranje, da imaju toliko posla, neću da vidim te dobitke i izbegavaj taj usrani kazino

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