NaslovnaForumKazinaIceCasino - opšta diskusija

IceCasino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od nadineanders81
137.137 pregleda 585 odgovora |
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Kasnije ću potražiti i odmah poslati

Automatski prevedeno:

I do danas ništa nije dobro napisano i nikakav odgovor nije stigao

Automatski prevedeno:

Pošto je novac ponovo prebačen, koji nikad nije stigao i nije vraćen

Automatski prevedeno:

Please check your complaint, it's your turn now, and send all the information to the team.

Thank you, hope it will be solved soon.

Sve sam poslao u chat iznad

Automatski prevedeno:

It doesn't really help if you send it to the chat above. You need to upload it into your complaint so the agent who's responsible for dealing with your complaint can take a look at it.

Podnio sam novu žalbu, ali nisam dobio odgovor od Guru Casina

Automatski prevedeno:

You didn't even give us 24h to go through your case and possibly contact the casino regarding more details and then you submitted another complaint about the same. Please, give the team some time to go through it and I'm sure you'll receive the response. We receive around 700 complaints per month, that's more than 20 a day including weekends so it takes time to go through it.


Ok, samo sam mislio da nešto nije u redu sa chatom ovdje, izvini. Prošli put je sve prošlo tako brzo, ali hvala na odgovoru LG Nadine

Automatski prevedeno:


just wanted to point out that complaints nor this forum both are not served by any live chat - we simply have no capacity for that 🙂.

Anyway, I can see that your problem was solved by the casino. Great news indeed.

Wish you a good day!

Osvojio sam svoju prvu najveću pobjedu sa 100 eura pravog novca (bez bonusa) i osvojio 5,000 eura. Nakon što je KYC provjera bila uspješna, moj zahtjev za povlačenje je naknadno dva puta odbijen. Kazino mi do danas nije mogao dati pravi razlog. U međuvremenu, live chat skoro više nije dostupan za mene ili me ponekad natjeraju da čekam 60 minuta i onda se cijela stvar automatski završi. Ako sam pročitao i komentare ovdje, onda ovaj kazino nije ni ozbiljan ni kazino u kojem treba igrati. Ono što se ovdje dešava je varanje i ovi ..... varaju sve kazino igrače. Podnijet ću krivičnu prijavu protiv ovog reudige casina zbog kriminalnih aktivnosti i ponuditi online kazina na njemačkom tržištu koje je zabranjeno bez njemačke licence! Raskinut ću ovaj kazino i pobrinuti se da ovakvi ljudi idu pravo u zatvor!

Automatski prevedeno:


I understand that you think there is a chance how to teach such a company a lesson, frankly, it's not so easy. As far s I understand, you have already contacted Curacao licensing authority to resolve your complaint, am I correct?

Furthermore, you can submit your complaint even here on our website. Other players will get a chance to browse your complaint and learn how this casino operates:

Feel free to share your progress with the authority, please.

Dobar dan. Ne vjerujte Ice Casinu. Već sam poslala sve ispravne dokumente, uplatila sam depozit, uspela sam da zaradim i povukla, ali čekam više od dve nedelje i ništa. Samo ništa ne govore. Kada otvorim razgovor sa operaterom za ćaskanje, oni uvijek govore iste riječi, to mora biti automatski. Ne nasjedajte na ovu PREVARU!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Triish1,

I can see that you've already submitted the complaint. Hopefully, we could be able to help you with your pending withdrawal.

live chat ne podržava ništa, samo se ponavlja svaki put isto, a metode podizanja karticom i bankovnim transferom ne rade, sada sam napravio povlačenje skrill-om nadam se da radi ako ne jer sam već prevaren.

Automatski prevedeno:

Frankly, the pile of submitted complaints is slowly getting higher mostly due to the withdrawal delay of KYC delay.

The good news is that all (except those we find unjustified) were closed as solved.

I can see lately that lots of casinos ask their players to opt for any other payment method than the card and bank transfers, Ice is next in line I suppose. 🙁 

Frankly, the pile of submitted complaints is slowly getting higher mostly due to the withdrawal delay of KYC delay.

The good news is that all (except those we find unjustified) were closed as solved.

I can see lately that lots of casinos ask their players to opt for any other payment method than the card and bank transfers, Ice is next in line I suppose. 🙁 

Ne mogu razumjeti zašto ste vi iz Casino Gurua stavili "IceCasino" na svoju crnu listu i upozorili sve igrače na ovaj kazino!

Ako sada pogledate brojne negativne kritike, onda i vi morate polako shvatiti da ovdje nešto nije u redu - osim ako niste uredno plaćeni od njih 😉

Jer ovaj kazino ne isplaćuje dobitke!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Mike1986,

this is the reason why all players can browse opened and closed complaints, to learn how the casino deals with problems.

If you did, you will find out that this casino solved every submitted complaint. The casino pays - with delay:


Check for yourself here:

Frankly, according to your complaint, you breached the rules:

"We have received the evidence supporting the casino's claims. All sign-ups have always been from the same devices, from the day of registration to the day when the winnings were lost."


Verovatno ni sami ne verujete u to. Ono što se ovde dešava je varanje i oni to promovišu.

Pa čak i ako neko dobije svoj novac, onda nakon mjeseci čekanja. Ovo je kriminal!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I do believe in myself 🙂. Everybody should.

I understand that you're not happy with how your complaint developed. Sadly, we were not able to prove any irregularities associated with your account. I'm sorry.

Feel free to contact the licensing authority as Kristina suggested, let's see if this authority can serve you better.

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