NaslovnaForumKazinaIceCasino - opšta diskusija

IceCasino - opšta diskusija (strana 21)

 od nadineanders81
130.862 pregleda 578 odgovora |
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I started a complaint about icecasino with Veronica but I don't know how to send an answer to her question.


It seems you already replied to her right? You just have to write within the complaint and she will see it and reply when she has the chance to

Thanks. Yes I figured it out but thank you for replying

I started a complaint about icecasino with Veronica but I don't know how to send an answer to her question.

Hi, according to the complaint I noticed that you have a problem with withdrawing money. You already have a verified account, but the issue seems to be that the casino keeps asking for banking information from you. Is that right ? Your case has been dragging on for a month, which I think is not a pleasant situation. 

However, does it mean that you need to provide the casino with some more documents ? Or what exactly is the problem that is preventing you from getting your money ? 


My account says verified and everything I request to withdraw my funds they ask for a bank screenshot of my name and account number I sent them what they wanted but it never changed they kept asking for the same thing over and over. Until today I opened my email and finally found thisfile

Ažuriranje: Danas je 20. oktobar

10. oktobra podneo sam zahtev za isplatu 4500 evra.

Otkazala sam i izgubila 300 €.

Prošle nedelje je bilo 1k400, 2 dana kasnije opet 400€ i posle vikenda ove nedelje sam dobio 200€, ukupno primljenih 1000€.

Prošlo je 10 dana od prijave!!

Imao sam veliku pompu i beskrajne dijaloge sa četom.

Uvek ste sigurni da treba da sačekate i da nećete biti prevareni.

Danas je 20. oktobar i jutros, iako je obrada navodno već kod spoljnog provajdera, jednostavno su otkazali 800 € (2 ID-a TRANSAKCIJE) i vratili ih na balans da bi se igrali sa 👁🧠🧠🧠😡😡😡I' m smrdljivo ljut. Stalno govore, ne brini, sa ovim iznosom maksimalno 5 radnih dana, onda će novac ponovo biti dostupan uz 5 dana čekanja od nekog eksternog provajdera.

I ja sam to prihvatio i čekao!!!

Moja Mastercard je bila u redu, uvek je išla na ovu karticu.

Sada opet kažu tehnički problemi, a nismo mi krivi.

Danas je prošlo 10 dana.

2000 evra još nedostaje.

800 € koje su oni jednostavno, ja to strateški nazivam, vratili na moj saldo danas, bez ikakvog verodostojnog i legitimnog razloga, bilo je dostupno za plaćanje 8 radnih dana, i oni ih jednostavno vraćaju.

Sa ovom dramom potpuno sam izgubio poverenje u politiku isplate ovog kazina.

Zašto to radite svojim lojalnim kupcima?

Još uvek dobijam 2000 evra.

Danas je 8 radnih dana!!!

Jednostavno vratite novac na stanje koje je bilo u isplati 8 radnih dana😡😡😡

Onda čekate pomoć u ćaskanju, čini se da je pomoć tu, izgleda da se zaposleni trudi.

Nakon čekanja 25 minuta, sačekajte, proveriću. Da li on zapravo kaže da mu je žao što sam dospeo u takvu situaciju i da isplata ponekad može da potraje duže od maksimuma predviđenog u uslovima. 😡😡😡😱 O da 😂😂😂😂

Čoveče, nisam ovde pre sto, ne, potpuno drugačiji brojevi. DAMNED

Želim da svi ovde znaju koliko je sofisticiran proces ovde😰

Samo želim da konačno imam svojih 2000 evra.

To je tako prokleto razočaravajuće.

Javljam u ponedeljak!!!

Svaki detalj, obećavam, ICECASINO

Hteo sam da se reklamiram za vas, bio sam tako srećan zbog moje male pobede😰

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, we give casinos 14 days to resolve a withdrawal, so I think the filing of a complaint is just around the corner.

Here is the link:

I think you're going through a pretty difficult situation and I understand you're frustrated. The best thing to do would be to write a new post for each update, so that it doesn't get lost among the old replies. 

Anyway, I hope this will be resolved as soon as possible and you will get your money, but I also think that a complaint will probably be necessary. Let us know if you do and if you hear anything new. 

My account says verified and everything I request to withdraw my funds they ask for a bank screenshot of my name and account number I sent them what they wanted but it never changed they kept asking for the same thing over and over. Until today I opened my email and finally found thisfile

Excellent so the verification was successful. Could you let us know how the situation around the withdrawal is going and if you succeeded or if there are any problems ? I think it could be useful for other players as well.

I will wait and hope for good news. 🙂

Vratio sam se

Danas je ponedeljak 23. oktobar!!

10. oktobra 2023. zatražio sam isplatu 4500 evra. One su u potpunosti podeljene na transakcije od 400, 200 i 100 evra od kazina ka navodnom spoljnom dobavljaču plaćanja. Treba naglasiti da sam tražio isplatu na svoju Mastercard kao i obično.

Trpio sam apoene u malim transakcijama bez ikakvog prihvatljivog objašnjenja.

Posle nedelju dana čekanja, dobio sam ukupno isplaćeno 1000 evra.

Posle toga ništa nije došlo. Imao sam nekoliko ćaskanja zbog navodnih tehničkih poteškoća i trebalo bi da sačekam, maksimalno vreme čekanja još nije prošlo.

Prošlog petka, 20. oktobra, javio sam vam se u vezi vremena čekanja. Isplatu čekam od 10. oktobra.

Uveravali su me da je sve u redu i da je samo na spoljnom dobavljaču plaćanja. 😡

Tog dana, manje od sat vremena kasnije, odjednom mi je 800 € od 4.500 € koje sam tražio za isplatu odbijeno u istoriji plaćanja i bezobrazno vraćeno na moj bilans u kazinu, spreman za igru😡😡😡.

Takođe ovo neposredno pitanje o tome ZAŠTO ovo radite?

Opet jezgrovit odgovor, ovde vidimo samo tehničke poteškoće, nemamo više informacija.!!!

Danas je 23. oktobar, ponedeljak

Jutros sam ponovo kontaktirao čet i ponovo pitao gde se nalazi isplata koju sam davno tražio.

Direktan odgovor je opet bio kao bot, žao nam je što ste došli u takvu situaciju, ne brinite, dobićete svoj novac. To je samo spoljni dobavljač plaćanja. Tamo smo naručili vašu uplatu. Molimo sačekajte 😂😡😡

Potpuno izbegavaju svoju odgovornost, neverovatno je sa ovom ocenom.

Prošle nedelje mi je službenica za ćaskanje ponudila da ako bude bilo kakvih problema, može da mi da priznanicu za moj dobitak😂😂😡😡😡 oni su muka u guzici, izvini.

Dakle, danas, nakon ovog novog razgovora u ćaskanju, nakon skoro 20 minuta, kazino je ponovo odbio 400 € i ponovo je knjižio u stanje kazina u istoriji plaćanja.

Sve je počelo 10. oktobra kada sam zatražio isplatu, do 23. oktobra sam dobio 1000€, ostatak je uglavnom vraćen u stanje do danas.!!!

To je sve što imam, i stvarno me ljuti.

Ovaj kazino nije zaradio ocenu 10/10 u 50 života.

Ovo je legendarno ruglo, bez premca, za sve igrače.

I dalje dobijam 2000€ dragi ICE CASINO!!!

Prošle su 2 nedelje, moja Mastercard, moj Jeton novčanik, sve je spremno, nastavljate da rezervišete posle nedelja, zahtevi za povlačenje se vraćaju na moj bilans.

Dosta je, drži se ovoga,

ono što vaš kazino obećava.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately I got happy to soon as Icecasino is back to its terrible ways after sending an email saying documents were all good nomore needed I asked to withdraw my funds. After doing so this email asking for bank documents once again. I feel like im being led in circles how do i ever get my money?file


Oh this his more than horrible my friend.

I feel with yu, they did similar things with me, I had to upload my mastercard selfie, I think, up to three times, though my account was verified and all documents long time accepted before.

If they at least accept the third upload then anytime during yur actual withdrawal request, yu think yu finally can breathe deep, then they delete yur requests and send the money back to yur account balance, after yu waited, as in my actual case, nearly 10 working days for 4500€,they sent it almost all back to my account balance.

I just got 1000€ from 4500€

I admit through this nerve exhausting process and uncountable frustrated chats after they sent the money back to my balance after so many days, I played again, for sure, with about 1600€, and lost it, this little part, surely at the end, my fault, I should ve waited some weeks longer for my money on my credit card, maybe😇😂gracias muchas!!!

Now there are still 1600€ resting in working process, requested to pay out on jeton wallet.

I should be excited, what it takes 😔

They hav to pay sister, they finally should

Ažurirano od strane autora

Well I agree they are horrible as they than tell me to withdraw to my visa only they don't offer that so I guess I'm back at square 1. Ridiculous


What a story to hear! 😕

From what I know so far, this particular casino is really proactive via the Complaint Resolution Center. So, I strongly advise you to submit one right here.

I'm truly convinced there is a way to get it through!

What do you say?

Well I agree they are horrible as they than tell me to withdraw to my visa only they don't offer that so I guess I'm back at square 1. Ridiculous

I'm glad to see you've managed to submit the complaint. Though I do not understand what's happening to you or to the other player, I think it was a good step to take. I'm eager to see where this complaint leads us, to be honest. 🤔


Well my wish finally came true so I'm hoping you get the same as I did. After giving them my bank info and account number by PDF instead of a screen shot. I finally have gotten my money minus the 2.60 I left in the account. I just thought leave a bit behind so maybe they think I'm coming back. So I put in 30 got 160 not a terribly big amount but a nice return that finally in my bank. Oh yes and I am officially verified now. Good luck keep us abreast of what's happening with you.

Catherine Amy Stark


So it's great that you finally managed to get your money and also verify your account. 🎉😊

I hope you will have a better experience from now on. For now, we will wait to see if the other player manages to do the same.

But my question is, will you still be playing in the casino after this incident or will you resort to some other casino ? 

Guys, I wonder why this Casino has rating 10/10. Well it has layout and plenty games to choose and bonus offers ..okay.

But withdraws take forever and I think there is kind of low tricks here. I requested twice withdraws and the money was still on my account to play after 3, 4 hours. Of course that is a trick to player get bored of waiting and play more until get balance to zero. That happened me twice. I had 1100eur earned fairly by gambling on my account ,requested withdraw and as was not processed after few hours I gamble it all until get no funds on my account. And it happened again when I had 250eur on my account. That is a low trick and I don't like Casinos that use that kind of tricks. For example Energy Casino is a very serious one, as soon you request withdraw the money vanish from your account after 30.sec .That is serious. I am out Ice Casino. In one month because that kind of low tricks I loose chance of earning my prizes (around 1000eur at least)that should be deserved after the amounts I deposited regularly, during 1 month. In the end these kind of casinos are happy when players deposit and that's why offer so tempting bonus everyday, but struggles when is the moment of paying out to the player. Its a scheme and tactics these kind of things.



I was asking myself the same thing. I see quite a logical explanation.

This casino always - in 100% of cases, addresses players' complaints through our resolution center (which is admirable. )

So, even if you deal with a delayed payment, submitting the complaint here, will help if you have not broken any rules along the way.

Sadly, the second thing is that we allow all casinos 14 full days to verify the account gaming history and proceed with the payout. Only after we stop in through the complaint

This is the most tricky part because, at the same time, I feel that 14 full days are far too much for my taste.

Additionally, withdrawal speed is not generally measurable for us; hence, it is not part of the safety index.

It means we are currently certain you will be paid at the casino with a score of 10/10, yet we cannot say when in this case.

Read these guides to find out more details about the Resolution Center, the consequences of complaints, and how we review casinos.

To be honest, if you play your balance away due to a few hour's delay in the withdrawal process, I would not call that a casino's dirty practice at all. I would say you should tame your passion for gambling.🙏

now honestly what makes this a 10/10 site?check it out who reviewed it.. it's only a 10/2 site even with good intentions.. I swear I don't understand the casino guru... the worst sites get the best reviews.. like this one... it's a crap site as it is.. nothing it doesn't give it, it's unplayable.. it's unbelievable how such sites have a license..


I'm sorry, but I won't write it all down again.

Could you kindly read the last few pages of this thread with a special time for my responses? It's all there...

I'm missing your complaint against IceCasino, though. Need some help?

Pre 3 dana sam zatražio povlačenje na veb stranici ICECASINO-a, ali do sada ga nisu deponovali. Tražio sam informacije u ćaskanju i rekli su mi da do 5 radnih dana mislim da je apsurdno jer igram u drugim kazinom i isplate su mnogo brže, kao što je kazino VERA&JOHN. ICECASINO je dobro igrati, ima puno bonusa, svaki dan, ali je potrebno mnogo vremena da se napravi povlačenje, što otežava.

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