ForumKazinaMr Bet Casino - opšta diskusija

Mr Bet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 12)

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🤣🤣You made my day much better. Thank you!🐱‍🏍

pre 3 meseci

This wont verify your docs faster bro 😁

pre 3 meseci

Znam druže, ali gospodin Jaro i gospođa Radka su mi mnogo puta pomogli oko lažnih kazina

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pre 3 meseci

Kudos to them 🤗

pre 3 meseci


Dobio sam e-poštu od MR.BET-a 28. juna 2024., evo originalnog teksta. "2,5 EUR je uplaćeno na vaš račun. Uživajte u igri! Dobili ste povraćaj novca." Odem na sajt kazina MR.BET i na njemu je pravi novac 2,50 evra, pa igram i pretvorim 2,50 evra u 600 evra, pročitam jednom 200 i jednom 300, i odjednom sve isplate nisu uspele i dalje piše ručna isplata 490 evra domaća plaćanja uspešna i još uvek imam 10 evra kredita na računu, onda pogledam svoj Sparkasse račun i nema ga, onda pitam u live chatu šta se dešava sa mojim novcem, da novac se ne uplaćuje jer je to bio bonus novac. Ko je ovde u pravu?

Hvala vam što ste odvojili vreme da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku! Nedavno ste nas kontaktirali sa zahtevom u vezi korekcije bonusa.

Naša veb lokacija je pouzdana platforma kojom upravljaju odgovarajuće strukture i koju vole mnogi korisnici na različitim lokacijama. Bezbedna i sigurna igra je naš glavni prioritet.

Iznos od 490,08 evra otpisan je kao dobitak od besplatnog bonusa. Imajte na umu da je bonus od 2,50 evra koji ste dobili sadržao maksimalan dobitak prema pravilima bonusa, koji je iznosio 10 evra. I sistem je prilagodio vaš balans iznosu koji je dostupan za povlačenje.

Imajte na umu da prema našim Uslovima i odredbama 7.9. Maksimalni dobici/dobiti od besplatnih okretaja bez depozita, svih bonusa bez depozita i svih dodatnih bonusa za dostignuća koja ispunjavaju uslove za povlačenje su ograničeni na 50 € ili ekvivalentnu valutu, osim ako nije drugačije navedeno. Zadržavamo pravo da smanjimo vaš balans na iznos koji premašuje gore pomenuto ograničenje dobitka od 50 € od besplatnih okretaja i bonusa bez depozita. Ovo smanjenje se može izvršiti odmah nakon pobede ili na vaš zahtev za povlačenje relevantnih dobitaka. Sa ovim bonusom maksimalna pobeda je ograničena na 10 €.

Tako je uticao samo na iznos dobitaka od bonusa i sva prilagođavanja su izvršena kako treba.

Ako imate bilo kakvih problema ili dodatnih pitanja za nas, kontaktirajte nas u bilo kom trenutku. Pokušaćemo da nađemo rešenje u najkraćem mogućem roku! Uvek vas rado savetujemo!

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pre 3 meseci


pre 3 meseci

Hello, this seems like a pretty complicated situation since you say you got the cashback in real money. Then I would also think that I can win any amount of what the casino gave me. 

However, if the Terms and Conditions state what they wrote to you and that is that the bonus money and therefore the cashback is subject to some maximum cashout, then there is probably nothing more to do with it. Did you read it somewhere before you played ? It seems to me that there is little to withdraw, but if they have it set up like that, it will probably be difficult to do something about it. 

So please let me know the answers to my questions. 

pre 3 meseci

Znam da se bonus pokloni u većini kazina mogu podići samo do 50 evra. Međutim, kada sam počeo da igram, obratio sam pažnju da li su sredstva na mom računu pravi novac ili bonus novac. Ispostavilo se da je u pitanju pravi novac. Takođe, pročitao sam da se povraćaj novca isplaćuje kao pravi novac. Inače ne bih igrao tamo.

Kazino ne bi imao šanse da dobije slučaj na nemačkim sudovima. Nažalost, nalazi se u zemlji do koje je teško doći i gde se primenjuju različiti pravni standardi.

Evo bankovnog izvoda koji pokazuje da su preneli novac. Izgleda da su se predomislili.

Poslednja stvar je da vas nateraju da mislite da ćete dobiti novac, a zatim prebacite novac u kazino da biste igrali jer mislite da dobijate novac na svoj račun. Nisam dobio nijednu poruku da ne isplaćuju novac. Morao sam da se zapitam.


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pre 3 meseci

Yes, that's what I was referring to, that it would be good to specify the exact balance and if it's to be cashback which is a bonus, then it should be in bonus money but if it says it's real money then I would look at it the same way. 

However, I can see from the screenshot that you got some funds which is pretty good news after all. 

Next time you'll see that if you play here again they have it like this.

pre 3 meseci

Zanima me kako se može pokrenuti pravni postupak protiv ovog kazina. Ima li advokata koji su specijalizovani za ovo?

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pre 3 meseci

I think you'll find a lawyer, but I can't recommend one. You'll have to do some searching on the internet or maybe ask other players, because I don't have any experience with that and legal stuff is out of our spectrum. 

Would you like to take it that far ? 

pre 3 meseci

Zdravo, 10 dana pokušavam da podignem novac i 4 transakcije sa različitim načinima plaćanja već ne uspevaju. Već sam shvatio da je to prevara jer vremena kašnjenja nisu normalna i da vam samo govore da budete strpljivi. ali dobro, hteo sam da preuzmem ovde i idem da vidim da li se zakonski nešto može učiniti iako mi je teško

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pre 3 meseci

Hello. Did the casino explain anything to you about why it is still failing?🤔 You said in your complaint that your account is fully verified, right? Have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

Hopefully, our team will be able to get to the bottom of things soon, and you'll be able to get your money. Just please keep us updated about any changes.

pre 3 meseci

Zdravo, to je najveći problem, što ti ne daju nikakvo objašnjenje. 24. juna tražim povlačenje, 25. traže od mene overu sa dokumentima i 26. dobijam mejl da je sve verifikovano. Promenio sam status povlačenja iz „na čekanju" u „u toku" i posle 2 dana sam dobio mejl da povlačenje nije uspelo. Od tada napravim još 4 isplate koja su "na čekanju" 2 dana i onda kažu da nije uspelo bez davanja ikakvog objašnjenja. Sada sam pokušao da uplatim da vidim da li će to deblokirati situaciju i ne izgleda da su napustili račun kod mene, a da nisu mogli ništa da urade ili povuku ili uplate. A u korisničkoj službi vam samo kažu da to prosleđuju odgovarajućem odeljenju, ali vas nikada ne kontaktiraju iz tog odeljenja. Veoma loše iskustvo i tera me da mislim da nikada neću moći da dobijem novac. filefile

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pre 3 meseci

Hey there,

Is that uruguayan money 200$ each or how much? One time they delayed me 3 weeks for 100$+ but they pay. Other times it was under 48hrs. I am talking from personal experience that they pay but they have a long list sometimes from the hits. They seem limited. But they always pay. Just give it some time. I found their slots to be the best and fairest of 99% of other casinos. Even crypto casinos which pay on the spot.

I am writing this coz I felt same as you. No explanation, just wait, but they always paid. Hope this helps!

pre 3 meseci

Hey there,

Is that uruguayan money 200$ each or how much? One time they delayed me 3 weeks for 100$+ but they pay. Other times it was under 48hrs. I am talking from personal experience that they pay but they have a long list sometimes from the hits. They seem limited. But they always pay. Just give it some time. I found their slots to be the best and fairest of 99% of other casinos. Even crypto casinos which pay on the spot.

I am writing this coz I felt same as you. No explanation, just wait, but they always paid. Hope this helps!

pre 3 meseci

Nadam se da jeste, ali to je veoma čudno. Imam otprilike 12.000 dolara za podizanje. Ali ono što me obeshrabruje je to što je verifikovano, novac je terećen sa računa i onda je opet i opet propadao. Onda su mi rekli da nedostaje neka verifikacija jer je već u redu i da su mi zadužili novac. Sada sam kao prvi dan sa povlačenjem na čekanju i čekam. Čekam 2 nedelje i nisu mi rekli šta nije u redu.

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pre 3 meseci

Ah shit, thats alot of money. Ok let me explain to you as I have investigated this matter online. You prob have done sports betting. W/e it was u bet on, on largw sums, they say it on TOS that they will pay u 5k (i think it is) in one month and rest next month, till the full sum is paid. They keep a waiting list. I stil believe they will pay, but might take a while. Sadly, this is the type of casino they run. They seem to have limited funds or dont want to bankrupt the casino so they put a waiting list.

There is nothing you can do. Just wait. Maybe will take 2 or 3 months but they seem to pay. Again, they delayed my 100$ for 3weeks ao go figure lol. You best learn to play with crypto. I say give it some time and dont touch that money. Most of the problems arise when people cancel and punt all the money. You might need it now but nothing you can do. Just wait! Thats their bussines model lol. But they seem fair. In the end they pay. Hope they do for you too.

Like I have a locally licensed casino in my province, Magic Red, they are the biggest scam. Never play there. We think Curqcao are bed but even this one in Ontario, Canada, is worst. I didnt want to file here for a claim so I have considered the money I had with them gone. No point for 120$. I only play slots. GL and give it some time! 🤗

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
pre 3 meseci

Ah shit, thats alot of money. Ok let me explain to you as I have investigated this matter online. You prob have done sports betting. W/e it was u bet on, on largw sums, they say it on TOS that they will pay u 5k (i think it is) in one month and rest next month, till the full sum is paid. They keep a waiting list. I stil believe they will pay, but might take a while. Sadly, this is the type of casino they run. They seem to have limited funds or dont want to bankrupt the casino so they put a waiting list.

There is nothing you can do. Just wait. Maybe will take 2 or 3 months but they seem to pay. Again, they delayed my 100$ for 3weeks ao go figure lol. You best learn to play with crypto. I say give it some time and dont touch that money. Most of the problems arise when people cancel and punt all the money. You might need it now but nothing you can do. Just wait! Thats their bussines model lol. But they seem fair. In the end they pay. Hope they do for you too.

Like I have a locally licensed casino in my province, Magic Red, they are the biggest scam. Never play there. We think Curqcao are bed but even this one in Ontario, Canada, is worst. I didnt want to file here for a claim so I have considered the money I had with them gone. No point for 120$. I only play slots. GL and give it some time! 🤗

pre 3 meseci

Zapravo sam ga osvojio na slotovima. Imao sam sreće haha, ali hajde da sačekamo. Ne ocekujem da mi isplate sve brzo ali bar podizanje 5 hiljada sto je maksimum pa onda odvoje vreme za ostalo ali hocu da mi daju mira sa podizanjem da mirno sacekam ostale . Nadam se da ću imati sreće jer mi je bilo jako dobro da pokrijem troškove operacije srca za mog šestomesečnog nećaka. Nikada nisam mislio da ću osvojiti taj novac, uložio sam samo 75 dolara da se zabavim i zaradio sam skoro onoliko koliko je koštala operacija, što mi je pričinilo mnogo radosti i sada me obeshrabruje što ne mogu da je dobijem jer će operacija biti u narednih nekoliko nedelja i tim novcem doveli smo boljeg specijaliste za srce da pomogne u operaciji

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pre 3 meseci

Oh yea, mrbet slots are fire lol. I have tried many casinos, crypto and fiat, but mrbet slots are the best. Hey bri, I totally understand you. I still believe they will pay. But you gotta understand, gotta pay for the nephew surgery with other means and give this to him or whoever paid to help when u get it. It seems that the casino pays. Just give it some time. And dont bother going to chat coz I went 3 times and they told me same: sometimes they are many payments to make so just wait. And it was over 100$+ for 3 weeks wait lol. Gratz again and I understand you but just wait and IN NO WAY, DONT TOUCH THAT CANCELLATION BUTTON. I know as a gambler that our mind plays tricks on us but just DONT TOUCH IT. What slot u won btw haha; sick score 🤣

pre 3 meseci

Oh yea, mrbet slots are fire lol. I have tried many casinos, crypto and fiat, but mrbet slots are the best. Hey bri, I totally understand you. I still believe they will pay. But you gotta understand, gotta pay for the nephew surgery with other means and give this to him or whoever paid to help when u get it. It seems that the casino pays. Just give it some time. And dont bother going to chat coz I went 3 times and they told me same: sometimes they are many payments to make so just wait. And it was over 100$+ for 3 weeks wait lol. Gratz again and I understand you but just wait and IN NO WAY, DONT TOUCH THAT CANCELLATION BUTTON. I know as a gambler that our mind plays tricks on us but just DONT TOUCH IT. What slot u won btw haha; sick score 🤣

pre 3 meseci

Da, razumem te i tako će biti. Uradićemo operaciju tako što ćemo prodati auto ako treba, ali kao da je nešto poslato odozgo da taj novac dođe tako niotkuda.

osvojite 3000k u igri Zeus protiv Hada igrajući za 1 dolar i zatim osvojite 2200k u traženoj igri za 4 dolara. Sve u 3 sata nisam mogao da verujem.

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