Iz vaše žalbe vidim da ste konačno dobili novac, što me veoma raduje jer sam video da ste već prilično nervozni. S druge strane, ne krivim vas, jer bih i ja bio da je bilo blizu dve nedelje, jer da se razumemo, dosta je.
U svakom slučaju, ono što vas najviše umiruje je to što imate novac na računu i možete biti zadovoljni. 🎉☘🤗
Nadam se da se nećete susresti sa sličnim brigama u budućnosti.
Međutim, koji način ste koristili da podignete novac iz kazina?
I see from your complaint that you finally got the money, which makes me very happy because I could see that you were already quite nervous. On the other hand, I don't blame you, because I would have been too if it had been near two weeks, because let's face it, that's enough.
Anyway, the most reassuring thing is that you have the money in your account and you can be satisfied. 🎉☘️🤗
I hope you won't encounter similar worries in the future.
However, what method did you use to withdraw the money from the casino?
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