NaslovnaForumKazinaPalmSlots Casino - opšta diskusija

PalmSlots Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 12)

 od Anonymized742
53.927 pregleda 250 odgovora |
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If you wish, keep us informed how it is going there. Thank you for that in advance.😉

Oh well, sorry to hear that's changed to tell you the truth. 

Regarding the slots, we have no warning that they are fake so why does it seem to you that they are ? What is it about the bonus that makes you feel that way ? 🤔

Izbrisao sam post koji sam nedavno napisao. Izvinite, imao sam pogrešnu percepciju. Nastaviću da igram ovde. Hvala i izvini još jednom

Automatski prevedeno:

You didn't have to do that. If you resolved the situation with the casino and were pleasantly surprised in the end, you could write how you came to the resolution and say that your perspective has changed. It's easier than deleting a post, and other players will get the idea that the casino is trying to accommodate its players. 

But never mind, maybe it will be at least a small lesson for the future. 

Anyway, what happened that changed your mind ? 

Zdravo dobro jutro, obrisao sam svoj post na zahtev kazina sa malim iznenađenjem koje na kraju nije bilo od koristi. Moje iskustvo sa ovim kazinom je veoma negativno, verujem da sam prevaren, igrao sam nekoliko puta na automatu do kojeg mi je najviše stalo sa nebrojenim gubicima. Verujem da je slot namešten (Netent gonzo kuest slot) u bonusima na istom kolutu isti simboli koji se preklapaju padaju sa uvek blokiranim uplatama. Žao mi je što moram da vam kažem za ovu neprijatnu situaciju, ali ako može nekome da pomogne ja sam srećan.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. Have you, by any chance, mentioned it to the casinos support? They could help somehow, perhaps.

And if you can provide some proof about this issue, we would be more than happy to help you out with the situation. What do you say?

Zdravo Romi, da, pričao sam o tome nekoliko puta iu ćaskanju uživo i sa mojim menadžerom naloga, ali nikada nisam uzet u obzir. Koji dokaz mogu da pružim? Moje slot igre ili mi treba video da pokažem nepravilnost?

Automatski prevedeno:


I have to admit I'm not very familiar with the issue, hence, the video would be great. On the other hand, games are provided directly from the game provider servers, so there is not much to investigate. Not so smooth graphics may seem suspicious, but mainly the game provider is capable of investigating. Anyway, if you have something, try to send it to our data team:

But in most cases, we can't be of any help. Original slots simply can't be altered by the casino, it's like watching movie in the cinema - it's merely a stream. Do you know how it works? This guide says it all 👈:

  • RNG generates a random number.
  • The game’s mathematical module takes the random number and calculates where the reels should stop.
  • The game stops the reels at the determined positions and calculates the outcome of the spin.
  • The outcome of the spin is then displayed to the player who initiated the spin.

I hate to say it, but there is no independent company focused on "investigating" games, because that would require the same tools game designers use. 🤷‍♂️

I imagine how that sounds, so, feel free to add your point of view.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Zdravo, neću slati nijedan video jer bih morao da nastavim da igram u ovom kazinu, a to se neće desiti. Takođe bih želeo da dodam da kada sam igrao ovaj slot (gonzoov potragu od netenta) ne samo da se nenormalno vrteo, već svi moji dobici nisu pripisani meni. Igram sa ovim slot-om godinama u mnogim kockarnicama i samo ovde se tako ponaša. Samo sam želeo da obavestim potencijalne igrače da se drže dalje od ovog kazina, a onda svako radi kako mu odgovara. Hvala, zdravo

Automatski prevedeno:


I think I understand a little bit better now. Simply put, I would request your entire gaming history from the casino if you feel that some legitimate winnings have been missing. You can then file a complaint if you would like. My intention was only to show that it is probably impossible to consult rigged slots these days. Uncredited winnings, however, ought to be visible.

I'll leave that decision to you, of course.

Zdravo Radka, da u praksi problem nekreditiranja dobitaka je počeo da se javlja kada je automat počeo da se vrti neredovno ili kada je maksimalni ulog podignut na 100 evra, dokle god je bio 50 evra to se nikada nije desilo. Sada se ne sećam tačnog dana, ali mogu da proverim na osnovu dopuna koje sam napravio. Možemo li tražiti izgubljene dobitke na automatima kada se to dogodi?

Automatski prevedeno:

Try to ask about gaming history as Radka suggested and we will see what can be done and what our team would find out. Maybe this case is not as lost as it seems, but of course I won't promise anything in advance and I won't say that it will be solved. But you certainly won't give anything for it, and you'll only be sacrificing your time. 

So what do you think, you're going to go ahead and let the team take a deeper look at it ? 

Dobro jutro, ok, tražiću istoriju predstava napravljenih na dotičnom slotu. Obaveštavaću vas, hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Of course, if you get it, then you can lodge a complaint and our experts will pay attention to you and see what they find out. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

Zdravo, tražio sam nekoliko puta da se istorija predstava napravi sa mog naloga na slotu Gonzo's Kuest i to mi nije dato. Mogao sam da vidim da otvaranjem slota sa mojim nalogom maksimalna opklada iznosi 100 evra i da se vrti na čudan način sa identičnim simbolima koji se preklapaju kako bi blokirali plaćanja dok kod drugih naloga slot ima maksimalnu opkladu od 50 evra i vrti se redovno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, so do you think you will lodge a complaint or not in this case if you have such knowledge ? Although on the other hand I'm not sure if it will help 100% and maybe it wouldn't hurt to try. 🤔

Zdravo Jaro, dobro veče, nemam alternativu, šta sam drugo mogao?

Automatski prevedeno:

I would try the complaint I mentioned that you can file with us. I want to point out up front that this is an alternative, but it doesn't have to have a positive ending. Your situation is quite demanding and therefore some evidence will be needed. However, our team would be happy to discuss everything and see if it would be possible to help. You don't pay anything to try it, so go ahead and see what happens. 

What do you think? 🤔

Početkom leta sam izgubio moped i morao sam da pritisnem kočnicu za slučaj nužde. Ubacio sam poruku prateći uputstva u ćaskanju sa slotovima za dlanove kao e-mail. Zahtev za zatvaranje naloga za igru, ništa se nije dogodilo. Ponovo sam podneo zahtev 5 puta dnevno. Konačno, više od mesec dana kasnije, odgovorili su da zahtev treba poslati na drugu e-poštu, dva dana kasnije tražio sam da mi vrate deo depozita, koji sam igrao kada sam imao problem sa igrom. Već 6 nedelja niko nije odgovorio na otprilike 100 poruka koje sam poslao. Kontaktirao sam izdavaoca licence Curacao, ali izgleda da ni oni ne pomažu oko toga. Najbolje je bilo kada sam 5 puta tražio da zatvorim svoj nalog za igru, dobio sam odgovor da sam postao VIP korisnik

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, so you don't have your account closed all the time, yes ? I think casinos should take things like that seriously, because it is serious stuff. If you haven't heard from anyone and you don't know what to do, you could use our free complaint feature.

Our team would try to help you, but of course we don't want to promise that it will be 100% successful. Anyway, you won't pay anything for it and maybe we can contact the casino, they don't have a single complaint unresolved so far, so it could be useful.

What do you think, then, will you go for it? 

If so, you can open a complaint here

Let me know how you decide. 

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