NaslovnaForumKazinaQuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija

QuickWin Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

 od Radka
53.022 pregleda 303 odgovora |
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Hi, I've read what happened to you in the casino and I've moved your post under the casino you're writing about.

As for the casino blocking you without an explanation, that seems pretty strange to me. The fact that you were able to look at your transaction history and then not a moment later is also quite weird. 

However, in this case, I would recommend that you file a complaint with us, which is free feature. Just click here to open it.

Our team will try to look into your case and see where it goes. Do you think it's worth a try ?  

QuickWin Casino

Takođe imam problem, moj nalog je deaktiviran kada sam želeo da izvršim isplatu, ali mi je potreban iznos veoma hitno, ali vaša podrška se odnosi samo na pomoć na neodređeno vreme.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I see you have a problem with a closed account. Did the casino give you a reason for closing it ? Additionally, do you have a verified account with the casino yet ?

Anyway, I see that you replied directly to the casino, so we'll see if a representative can reach you and try to help you. If not, I saw that you opened a complaint with us, which our team will try to help you with. Would it also be possible to update Veronica to take your case further ? 

I hope your issue will be resolved as soon as possible and you will be able to withdraw your money. Good luck ☘️

I am new to this page. A few days ago I opened a account on Quick Win. I have deposited 1500 Euro. And now I have won 12.000 euro. I will need to wait in order to verify my account. I am not allowed to verify it yet. I am so excited for my winnings!!

I have played alot on sportsbet but also on Roulette and Blackjack in the casino.

This money would mean the world to me. I am so excited. I am waiting for them to contact me. So that I can verify the account. I have all the documents ready.

I have read alot about the page. The casino. And I can only withdraw 500 euro per day. And also 7000 euro per month.

So the winning of 12.000 euro is a big amount. Not so easy to withdraw. But I love the casino so far. The layout is really good and easy and they offer good service and sportsbetting.

Hope I can start verify soon!!

Kind regards



Zdravo, želeo bih da vas pitam da li ste uspeli da podignete sredstva iz kazina? Subvencionisao sam finansije sa kartice, konačno nešto osvojio i sada želim nešto da podignem. Ušao sam u svoju selekciju, ali od tada samo čekam. Imate li iskustva? Hvala na odgovoru

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, kada ste uneli svoj izbor i koliko dugo čekate? Dajemo kazinima 14 dana da reše proces povlačenja. Da li komunicirate i sa kazinom u vezi sa selekcijom? Dodato, da li već imate verifikovan kazino nalog?

Javite mi da znam u kojoj ste fazi.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče i opet, ja lično nemam problema onoliko puta koliko sam pobedio, novac sam dobio za 2-3 dana!!!

Sada za limit isplate iznose 500€ dnevno i kako se nivo povećava, ja sam podigao 1360€ u jednom danu!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

pre 2-3 dana

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, I'm really delighted that you had no trouble in the casino and your withdrawals are always on time, or at least in a couple of days. 

Anyway, when you say that the withdrawal limit depends on a certain level, what level are you if you could withdraw 1360€ in one day ? 🤔

Hi, has anyone managed to withdraw money? I have the worst experience with previous casinos and it has been already 2 or 3 days with the withdrawal still pending. I am really anxious, I dont want to lose my money.

They just keep replying with copy-paste answers, I just want to get my money (it's just 300 euros) and close the account forever

btw i'm really curious, how did their score went from 3/10 to 9.5??


Hey there.

In my opinion, it's really handy to know whether your account has already been verified, meaning you are just waiting for the withdrawal, or whether the account is under verification, meaning it needs to be finished first.

To your question now: There was a significant drop between last April and July, when its safety index was the lowest ever - equal to 3/10. Before, the score was 7,3 which is actually much closer to the current value. As far as I can guess, some previously unresolved complaints might be resolved now, and the casino has probably also changed its terms to be more transparent, fair, and easy to understand.

Frankly, I can't say I'm familiar with the details.


Prijatelju lammt850, ne boj se, novac će stići normalno, potrebno je 2-4 dana, a ja sam napravio nekoliko povlačenja!!!

Sve u svemu, veoma sam zadovoljan ovim kazinom!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I've been waiting my withdrawal since 16 feb. It was canceled more than 5 times. Last time they told me you may put incorrect information, but I'm sure 100% everything correct however it was canceled this morning. I ask them many times about verify my acc but they always say no need.


Kada idem da se povučem, vidim ovo.


Već mesec dana im šaljem četove i mejlove o problemu, ali daju samo gotove odgovore.

Nikada niste imali problema??

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne brate ništa nema problema već nekoliko meseci kada igram kada povučem u roku od 2 do 4 radna dana novac ide na račun!!

Sad ne znam šta se dešava sa tobom i gore navedenim!!!

Kako se prijavljujete za povlačenje? file

Uvek radim sa BANKOVNIM TRANSFEROM, a ne sa Visom!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Kada neko zatraži povlačenje, trebalo bi da dobijete ovakvu e-poštu


Da li je došlo do tebe?

I kada ulože vaš novac, šalju vam ovu e-poštu


Automatski prevedeno:

Ako ne dobijete e-poštu, očigledno nešto nije u redu

Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe možete zaraditi do 500 € dnevno!

Da biste mogli da povučete više novca morate da podignete nivo i to se dešava dok igrate

Automatski prevedeno:

I've been waiting my withdrawal since 16 feb. It was canceled more than 5 times. Last time they told me you may put incorrect information, but I'm sure 100% everything correct however it was canceled this morning. I ask them many times about verify my acc but they always say no need.

I see that you have also filed a complaint and you are waiting for the casino's response. But you also mentioned that you called the casino and that you have a contact to speak to them directly. 

So you have one withdrawal and you have filled in everything as the casino told you to do ? Let me know if the other withdrawal was cancelled or if everything was fine. If it wasn't, I would definitely contact the casino again. 

I'll be waiting.

Kada idem da se povučem, vidim ovo.


Već mesec dana im šaljem četove i mejlove o problemu, ali daju samo gotove odgovore.

Nikada niste imali problema??

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, casinos usually require a verification deposit sometime, and the screenshot makes me feel the same way. 

However, I saw that the casino wrote back to your complaint and will let you know when they are investigating what is going on. So I guess we'll have to be patient and find out what's going on. I guess they'll also recommend what you should do in order to withdraw your money successfully.

I will keep my fingers crossed. 🤞☘️

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