NaslovnaForumKazinaRolling Slots Casino - opšta diskusija

Rolling Slots Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od quett18
39.614 pregleda 220 odgovora |
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Hey. I can see that you have already submitted a complaint here.

Nick explained to you that we are not able to intervene before the 14-day time frame passes, so hopefully until then you will receive your money. Especially if your account is already verified there.

Do you have any updates for us, by any chance?


Moj nalog je već verifikovan jer sam već primio isplatu, ali još ništa novo, samo sačekajte ili ću izgubiti novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Jose1978,

We are sorry in case there were any inconveniences caused, and we understand that the withdrawal process might be longer than expected.

Our team would like to notify you that all financial procedures are reviewed in due course. Therefore, cancellation of your withdrawal request can lead to your payout to be postponed.

Please note, that previous requests have been cancelled by you, thus influenced it withdrawal process.

Furthermore, we kindly ask you to pay attention to our Financial Department work schedule, that is set from Monday till Friday.

After a detailed check, our team has noticed that today, you have already received the letter with your next schedule that will be executed tomorrow. Financial Department will notify you about every payout by email.

Thank you for your understanding,

Rolling Slots Casino Representative.

Rolling Slots Casino

Thank you very much, Rolling Slots Casino Representative, for explaining the situation here.

Moj nalog je već verifikovan jer sam već primio isplatu, ali još ništa novo, samo sačekajte ili ću izgubiti novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Please read the Rolling Slots Casino Representative's reply to you and let us know whenever you have any updates for us.

Hopefully, soon you will get your withdrawal.


Problem je rešen. Hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Kazino veoma spor sa isplatama neki traju dugo. Imam neke od 8. ili 6. radnih dana a imam drugi od 12. onaj od 8. još nisam ni video a odgovor je uvek isti kazino ima svoj pravila

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Jose1978,

Thank you for your feedback.

We understand that waiting for withdrawals can be frustrating, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please note that cancellations of withdrawals can affect the processing time, so it's important to avoid such situations whenever possible.

If you have specific questions regarding the dates of your withdrawals, you are always welcome to reach out directly to our Finance Department for more detailed information. We will do our best to assist you as quickly as possible!

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Kind Regards,

Rolling Slots Casino Representative.

Rolling Slots Casino

file evo odgovora na pitanje datuma mojih povlačenja 8. i 12. tj. nema datuma, nema odgovora, mora da je kompjuter sa automatskim odgovorima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa, nekako mi nije jasno zašto ovaj kazino ima tako visok rang. Deponovao sam i igrao bez bonusa i pobedio. Sada želim da podignem novac i moram da se verifikujem, što je normalno. Ja sam to uradio. Podneo sam traženu dokumentaciju i dobio zelenu kvačicu ispod koja kaže da je ovaj deo verifikacije uspešno obavljen. Međutim, da biste dovršili ceo proces i dalje morate da otpremite dokaz o uplati. I ja sam to uradio, koristeći isti metod kao što sam ranije deponovao, naravno, ali sada jednostavno nije obrađen danima. Uvek dobijate iste poruke koje se kopiraju i zalepljuju. Veoma sumnjivo. Teško je videti da je namera iza ovoga da prokockate novac koji ste osvojili, što definitivno nije pogodno za igrače. Činjenica da možete završiti proces verifikacije samo ako zatražite povlačenje govori sve. Dokle god deponujete, oni ne žele da znaju ko ste. Nemate čak ni mogućnost da se prethodno verifikujete, samo kada želite da se povučete i tada su potrebni dani da se to dogodi. Čekam više od nedelju dana dok ne budem verifikovan i moje povlačenje može biti obrađeno, pa molim vašu pomoć, dragi Casino Guru timu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Sinoo89,

We are sorry in case there were any inconvenience caused, and we understand that the withdrawal process might be longer than expected.

Regarding your withdrawal inquiry, please note that our withdrawal system works on a queue basis. 

Once you place a withdrawal request, it enters the queue and will be processed in turn.

A kind reminder that repeatedly canceling and re-requesting withdrawals will delay your payout as it affects the queue.

Last but not least, please make sure to provide the additional requested documents by our KYC team in their last email dated October 22nd, 2024.

Thank you so much for your cooperation and patience.

Kind Regards,

Rolling Slots Casino Representative.

Rolling Slots Casino

Dakle, prvo želim da kažem da nisam otkazao uplatu, i da, pročitao sam vaš mejl i dostavio vam tražena dokumenta, koja se do danas smatrala prihvaćenom, ali je danas iznenada odbijena nakon što sam ovo napisao objavite ovde filefile Ali je veoma, veoma čudno da se to dogodilo tačno u trenutku kada ste mi ovde odgovorili. Poslao sam ti sve što si tražio. Prvo su to prihvatili, sada hoće još dokumenata. Da budem iskren, nikada ranije nisam doživeo ovako nešto i smatram da je to nemoguće. Pokušao sam da komuniciram sa vama u ćaskanju i razjasnim to, ali sam više puta bio odbijen i nije mi pružena pomoć iako nisam uradio ništa loše. To su dokumenti koje sam do sada uvek koristio u drugim kockarnicama da bih sebe proverio, šta god je radilo bez problema, ali ne žele da isplate, zbog čega svaki put smisle nešto drugačije. Veoma, veoma drsko.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Sinoo89,

Thank you for your review. We understand how you feel and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you’ve experienced.

We would like to explain that, for security purposes and in accordance with our Rolling Slots Account Management policy, we may request additional documents at any time to verify the identity of the account owner (Section 3.1). This is done to protect your interests and ensure safety.

If you have any further questions regarding financial and verification processes, please contact our Financial Department at Please note that the KYC Department operates from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM GMT+2 on working days, and response times may vary depending on the department's current workload.

Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your patience and hope to resolve this situation promptly.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Team.

Molimo vas da zaboravite na ova kazina - svaki njihov trud je besmislen. Stalno pronalaze nešto novo samo da bi mogli da odlože isplatu.

Najbolji tip po mom mišljenju - kada se registrujete u kazinu, odmah verifikujete svoj nalog sa svim podacima koji su vam inače uvek potrebni. Ne možete čak ni da pogledate tako brzo dok se nalog ne verifikuje

Automatski prevedeno:
Rolling Slots Casino

Zato kažem da je ovo šala. Oni ne traže ovo da garantuju bilo kakvu vrstu sigurnosti, oni jednostavno žele da izbegnu isplatu. I nemojte mi dolaziti sa uslovima i odredbama kojih se sami ne pridržavate. Tako piše na primer. Verifikacija naloga može potrajati do 72 sata od prijema potrebnih dokumenata. Nisu ga obrađivali 8 dana. Tek pošto sam pisao ovde, odbili su dokumente, koje su i ranije prihvatili. Dakle, treba li sada da pretpostavim da će mi svaki put kada je u pitanju isplata tražiti nova dokumenta? Vaš kazino ne traži rešenje. Svako ko otežava igraču ne može biti prijateljski raspoložen prema igraču. Takođe ne želim da pišem više u vaše odeljenje gde stalno dobijam iste glupe poruke jer sigurno znam da nisam uradio ništa loše i da su moja dokumenta validna. Zato vas molim da još jednom pogledate stvar i razjasnite je.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello there.

In order to get your verification done and your withdrawal paid it is always best to fully cooperate with the casino. Otherwise it really can happen that they won't be able to pay your money.

So, would it be possible for you to get in touch with the department they suggested here in the thread and send all the documents needed? Make sure they are in the right format and of good quality so they can be accepted.

Could you do that, so hopefully soon you can receive your payment even without our intervention?

We'll be here, though, if you need us, of course.


Draga Romi, ovo nije prvi put da se verifikujem u kazinu. Uradio sam to više puta. Takođe sam pokušao da sarađujem sa njima, ali Rolling Slots mi nije pomogao. Zar vam nije čudno što se dokumenta koja su mi poslata prvo prihvataju pa opet odbijaju? Još uvek imam ceo proces kao snimke ekrana koje mogu da vam pošaljem. Ovde sam takođe uključio neke gde možete jasno videti da je kazino prvo prihvatio dokumente, ali ih je zatim ponovo odbio. Iza ovoga stoji zlonamerna namera. Ne samo da sam ovom kazinu poslao jedan dokument sa dokazom adrese, već nekoliko, prvo su ga prihvatili pa ponovo odbili.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Sinoo89,

Thank you for reaching out, and please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced with the withdrawal process. We completely understand that any delays can be frustrating.

Our Finance Department first reached out on 2024-10-22 to assist you with your account verification. Since we haven't yet received the necessary documents, they've kindly followed up again today, 2024-10-31, to help you complete the process.

Please kindly refer to the most recent email from our Finance Department and review the steps outlined. We encourage you to pay special attention to the highlighted instructions, particularly ensuring that all four corners of each document are visible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We truly appreciate your loyalty, and we're committed to making your experience with us as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Team.

Zaboravite na takav kazino - ovaj kazino je sramota za svaki kazino koji se zaista trudi da radi ispravno

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Paclmaya,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We are truly sorry to hear that you've had a disappointing experience, as providing a positive and enjoyable environment for our players is our top priority.

We value all feedback, as it helps us improve our service and address any issues you may have encountered. Please feel free to share any specific concerns, and we’ll do everything we can to resolve them. Your satisfaction and trust mean a great deal to us, and we are here to make sure your experience is the best it can be.

Thank you for giving us the chance to make things right.

Best regards,

Rolling Slots Team.

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