Pretpostavljam da su ekrani za štampanje najbolji način da se objasni:

Žalba je podneta pod nalogom „davnrutherfordadams"
Dakle, samo želim da se uverim da za odgovor koristite odgovarajući nalog jer nema ažuriranja sa vašeg sajta otkako ste počeli da koristite drugi nalog ovde na forumu.
Bilo je to pre dve nedelje, ovo je iz žalbe :

U slučaju da imate problema, koristite ovu e-poštu da kontaktirate Petera, molimo vas:
Javite mi ako uspete da odgovorite, molim vas.
I guess that the print screens are the best way to explain:

The complaint was submitted under the account "dawnrutherfordadams"
So, I just want to make sure that you're using the proper account for the reply because there is no update from your site since you started using the second account here on the forum.
It was two weeks ago, this is from the complaint:

In case you struggle, use this email to contact Peter, please:
Let me know if you manage to reply, please.
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