NaslovnaForumKazinaSpinanga Casino - opšta diskusija

Spinanga Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 30)

 od Miikkuli
104.558 pregleda 823 odgovora |
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Spinanga kazino Napravio sam 2 zahteva za povlačenje jedan 11/08 drugi 13/08 i još uvek ništa.

Odgovor svaki dan sam, izvinjavamo se zbog kašnjenja, dobićete imejl od finansijskog odeljenja čim se obrada završi.


Automatski prevedeno:


Frankly, you're not the only one it seems. 🙁

It might be best to give you some time to read through this thread and take note of what has already been said.

Make sure to replay in your associated complaint, please. Forum will wait, complaint matters the most, I'd say.

Spinanga kazino Napravio sam 2 zahteva za povlačenje jedan 11/08 drugi 13/08 i još uvek ništa.

Odgovor svaki dan sam, izvinjavamo se zbog kašnjenja, dobićete imejl od finansijskog odeljenja čim se obrada završi.


Automatski prevedeno:

Oni su tragični

Automatski prevedeno:

Još uvek čekam

Automatski prevedeno:

I see you are getting to the 14 day mark, I'd probably be slow to think about complaining. What about you? You haven't learned anything new about your withdrawal ? 


Da. Ne brinite. Da su u poslednjoj fazi i ovi... Ništa više...

Automatski prevedeno:

It probably wouldn't be enough for me, so if you decide to file a complaint let me know. Although I know that the casino pays out the players but it takes them longer and usually around 2 weeks according to what I observe from other players. 

We will see what happens next.


Danas se navršavaju tačno dve nedelje. Šta da radim?????

Automatski prevedeno:

So, your withdrawal is still not approved? And your account is verified, right?

I would probably really suggest filing a complaint here with our team. If you're in, here's the link for you.

Please make sure to keep us updated.


Koliko mi je rečeno, mom nalogu nije potrebna autentifikacija. I da, nije odobreno!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there, and thank you for submitting the complaint. In my opinion, for the time being at least, this is the best you could have done. Even though the process may take some time to progress a bit further, our devoted specialists will try to help out getting the money. To be straight with you though, if the casino is in delay just because they can't keep up with the requests, I think there's not much to be done to change that. Still, in such delays, getting paid is usually a matter of time. At least, I hope so!


Svaki dan mi govore da je samo pitanje vremena. Da je obim povlačenja velik itd. Ne brinite, nema problema. I samo čekam...

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče! Upravo mi je poslato SMS da je moje povlačenje završeno i da čekam 3 radna dana dok ne dođe na moj račun. Kad god se problem reši! Hvala puno za sve!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey. That is really nice to hear. Hopefully soon you will have your money.

Please make sure to update us whenever this happens. We'll wait for the good news.

Već sam pripisan! Bilo kada momci ako želite da igrate u ovoj kompaniji! Znajte da je potrebno tačno 14 dana da se vidi vaznesenje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Good news, the casino mostly pays out players but they know it takes exactly as long as you say, so they will have to be more patient. I'm glad it worked out well.

Do you think you'll play here again ?


Mislim da nije 🤣

Automatski prevedeno:

I certainly understand the decision. I often ask this question to players because I know that some people don't mind waiting two weeks for the casino to pay. Of course, most players would say that two weeks is enough, so I'm not surprised by this approach either. 

I guess you'll do better elsewhere. 🙂

i to je apsurdno i čekam svoje povlačenje u ovom kazinu već tri dana, ali novac nije stigao, još uvek se proverava. lopovi podneću žalbu

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh, I'm sorry to mention that; it's just that we allow casinos quite a handful of time to deal with the payouts. I suggest you should get ready for a little shock - it's 14 full days.

Anyway, does it mean the withdrawal requested has not yet been accepted? From your other words, it seems like you could have easily withdrawn from this casino in the past, so perhaps you just need to be patient. Did you try to ask the casino support anyway?

Could be worth a try.

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