Savršeno razumem šta govoriš. Najgore je to što se u takvim okolnostima menadžment kazina jednostavno oseća dovoljno samopouzdano da donese konačnu odluku i preduzme direktnu akciju. Možda više ne osećaju potrebu da obaveštavaju igrača, jer situaciju doživljavaju kao nedvosmislenu.
Obično, sistem kazina označi račun, poništi stanje i zatvori nalog.
Međutim, iz perspektive igrača, to je veoma neugodna pozicija, a igrač takođe nema šanse da bilo šta objasni kazinu. Ne verujem da je ovo najbolji pristup.
Izgleda da iz nekog razloga niste prošli KIC verifikaciju. Mislim da ćete imati koristi samo od našeg Centra za rešavanje žalbi.
Nije tako komplikovano: podnesite besplatnu žalbu, obezbedite svu relevantnu komunikaciju i možda će vam moje kolege moći da pomognu.
Kako vam to zvuči?
I perfectly understand what you're saying. The worst part is that, in such circumstances, the casino's management simply feels confident enough to make the final decision and take direct action. They might no longer feel the need to inform the player, as they perceive the situation as unambiguous.
Usually, the casino's system flags the account, cancels the balance, and closes the account.
From the player perspective, though, it is a highly uncomfortable position, and the player also possesses little chance to explain anything to the casino. I do not believe this is the best approach.
It appears you did not pass the KYC verification for some reason. I think you may only benefit from our Complaint Resolution Center.
It's not so complicated: Submit a free of charge complaint, provide all relevant communication, and perhaps my colleagues will be able to help you.
How does it sound to you?
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