pre 4 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Vegasino Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
Pokušavam da verifikujem nalog u kazinu Vegasino oko tri dana. Imam depozit da podignem i ništa, nema šanse nakon što učitam sve dokumente koje traže od mene, stalno traže da pošaljem transakcije karticom iznova i iznova, ovo mi izgleda kao šala... Poslao sam hiljadu mejlova i niko mi ništa nije rešio...
I have been trying to verify an account at Vegasino casino for about three days. I have a deposit to withdraw and nothing, there is no way after uploading all the documents they ask me for, they keep asking me to send my card transactions again and again, this seems like a joke to me... I have sent a thousand emails and no one has solved anything for me...
Llevo como tres dias intentando verificar una cuenta en casino Vegasino . Tengo un deposito para retirar y nada no ha manera despues de subir todos los documentos q me piden siguen pidiendome q envie otra vez los movimientos de mi tarjeta una y otra vez , esto ya me parece una tomadura de pelo ... He mandado mil correos y nadie me soluciona nada ....
Zdravo, u čemu je konkretan problem sa onim što šaljete kazinu? Da li ga stalno odbijaju na osnovu nečega ili ga još nisu ni videli? Verovatno bi bilo najbolje da saznate zašto stalno pitaju istu stvar ako ste im to poslali nekoliko puta. Dajemo kazinima 14 dana da verifikuju igrača, a ako to ne urade, svakako pišite i mi ćemo pokušati da pomognemo.
sačekaću odgovor.
Hi, so what is the specific problem with what you are sending to the casino? Do they keep rejecting it based on something or haven't they even seen it yet? It would probably be best to find out why they keep asking the same thing if you've sent it to them several times. We give casinos 14 days to verify a player and if they don't, by all means write and we'll try to help.
I will wait for a reply.
Zdravo Jaro, izgleda da je problem u tome što su dokumenti koje traže od mene pokreti sa moje bankovne kartice u PDF formatu, ali moja banka mi ne šalje te stvari u PDF formatu, samo u formatu koji mogu sam da vidim jer sam u Španiji i ovde imamo zaštitu podataka i tu vrstu privatnih informacija ne treba i ne možemo da delimo ni sa kim. I pored toga, konvertovao sam ga u PDF pomoću konvertora, ali kazino to ne želi na taj način. Tako da ne znam kako da ih nateram da vide razlog, cenio bih vašu pomoć. Hvala.
Hi Jaro, the problem seems to be that the documents they are asking me for are movements from my bank card in PDF, but my bank does not send me those things in PDF, only in a format that I can see by myself because I am in Spain and here we have data protection and we should not and cannot share that type of private information with anyone. Even so, I have converted it to PDF with a converter, but the casino does not want it that way. So I don't know how I can make them see reason, I would appreciate your help. Thanks.
Hola Jaro el problema parece ser que es que los documentos que me piden son movimientos de mi tarjeta bancaria en pdf pero mi banco esas cosas no me las envia por pdf solo en un formato que lo pueda ver yo sola porque yo estoy en España y aqui tenemos la proteccion de datos y no debemos ni podemos compartir ese tipo de informaciones privadas con nadie .... Aun asi yo lo he pasado a pdf con un convertidor pero el casino no lo quiere asi . Asi q no se como puedo hacer para que entren en razon , agradeceria tu ayuda. Gracias
Da li ste pokušali da komunicirate sa kazinom o ovom pitanju? Kakav je bio njihov odgovor na to?
Možda pokušajte da pitate i u vašoj banci, pa ako vidite da to nikuda ne vodi, obavestite nas, a naš tim za žalbe će pokušati da vam pomogne da to rešimo.
Did you try to communicate with the casino about this issue? What was their answer to that?
Maybe try to ask at your bank as well, and if you see that it is going nowhere, let us know, and our complaint team will try to help to sort it out.
Zdravo Romi, kontaktirao sam kazino mnogo puta i objasnio slučaj... Uvek nude uobičajne odgovore i takve stvari da su pravila verifikacije takva i da im je jako žao... Pa, nema rešenja. Sada pokušavam sa bankom da vidim da li imam više sreće sa njima i daju mi prokleta dokumenta... Obaveštavaću vas i hvala vam puno na savetu.
Hi Romi, I have contacted the casino many times and explained the case... They always offer evasive answers and things like that the verification rules are those and that they are very sorry... Well, there are no solutions. Now I am trying with the bank to see if I have more luck with them and they provide me with the damn documents... I will keep you informed and thank you very much for your advice.
Hola Romi si me he comunicado muchas veces veces con el casino y le he explicado el caso ... Siempre contentan con evasivas y cosas como que las normas de verificacion son esas y que lo lamentan mucho .... Vamos que soluciones ninguna . Ahora lo estoy intentando con el banco a ver si con ellos tengo mas suerte y me facilitan los dichosos documentos ... Os ire informando y mil gracias por vuestros consejos
U svetlu izazovnih okolnosti, razmišljao sam da pitam i samu banku. Jedina stvar koja vas sprečava da napredujete, po mom mišljenju, jeste vaša bankarska istorija. Da li je to tačno? Možda će vaša banka pronaći način da vam dostavi takav dokument.
Na primer, dobijam ovu PDF datoteku svakog meseca u svom sandučetu za e-poštu, i uprkos činjenici da nisam upoznat sa španskim standardima, želeo bih da se nadam da će vaša banka moći da je napravi i za vas.
Želim vam brzo rešenje!
In light of the challenging circumstances, I was considering asking the bank itself too. The only thing that stops you from moving forward, in my opinion, is your banking history. Is that correct? Perhaps your bank will find a way to supply you with such a document.
For example, I receive this PDF file every month in my email box, and despite the fact that I am not familiar with Spanish standards, I would like to hope your bank can create one for you too.
I wish you a quick solution!
Dobar dan!! Moja situacija je i dalje ista ili gora... Posle svađe sa bankom ne mogu da dobijem dokumente, njihov odgovor je da ne mogu da mi pošalju ono što tražim u pdf-u i ne izlaze odatle. Imam sve snimke ekrana jer mi kažu da to nije moguće. Mogu da ga preuzmem u drugom formatu i pretvorim u pdf. Otvorio sam ga i izgleda savršeno i jasno i to me pitaju, ali kazino to ne želi tako i ponovo ga odbija... Očajan sam, ne znam više šta da radim, Osećam se kao da ću izgubiti novac koji moram da podignem. Molim vas pomozite!!!! Hvala
Good afternoon!! My situation is still the same or worse... After fighting with my bank I can't get the documents, their response is that they can't send me what I ask for in pdf and they don't come out from there. I have all the screenshots as they tell me it's not possible. I can download it in another format and convert it to pdf. I have opened it and it looks perfect and clear and that's what they're asking me but the casino doesn't want it that way and rejects it again... I'm desperate, I don't know what to do anymore, I feel like I'm going to lose the money I have to withdraw. Please help!!!! Thanks
Buenas tardes !! Mi situacion sigue igual o peor ... Despues de estar peleando con mi banco no consigo los documentos su respuesta es que no me pueden enviar lo que les pido en pdf y de ahi no salen . Tengo todas las capturas de pantalla como me dicen q no es posible . Me lo puedo descargar en otro formato y yo conventirlo a pdf lo he abierto y se ve perfecto y claro y es lo q me estan pidiendo pero el casino no lo quiere asi y me lo vuelve a rechazar ... Estoy deseserada ya no se q hacer siento q voy a perder el dinero q tengo para retirar . Por favor ayudaa !!!! Graciasd
Dakle, da li sam dobro razumeo da ste tražili od svoje banke mesečni izvod u PDF formatu, a oni su odbili da vam ga pošalju?🤷♀
Zaista deluje čudno jer je to standardni dokument koji banke obično šalju svojim klijentima.
Pokušajte da podnesete žalbu ovde našem timu, ako smatrate da zaista ne možete napredovati, a mi ćemo pokušati da to rešimo zajedno.
šta kažeš?
Da biste to uradili, pratite ovu vezu i obavestite nas kako ste.
So do I understand correctly that you have asked your bank for the monthly statement in PDF format and they refused to send it to you?🤷♀️
It really seems strange because it is a standard document banks usually send to their customers.
Please try to file a complaint here with our team, if you feel that you really can't move forward, and we'll try to get it sorted out together.
What do you say?
Follow this link, please, to do so, and let us know how you go.
Nažalost, ako je to slučaj, oni odbijaju da mi ga daju... Hvala vam puno na primljenoj pomoći. Nadamo se da će u narednih nekoliko dana sve ovo biti rešeno i mogu da vas obavestim da je sve u redu i da je slučaj zatvoren. Hvala puno!!!
Unfortunately, if this is the case, they refuse to give it to me.... Thank you very much for the help received. We hope that in the next few days all this will be resolved and I can inform you that everything is fine and the case is closed. Thank you very much!!!
Si lamentablemente asi es se niegan a darmelo .... Muchas gracias por la ayuda recibida esperemos que en los proximos dias todo esto se resuelva y pueda comunicaros que todo esta bien y el caso esta cerrado . Mil gracias !!!
Uvek nam je drago da pomognemo, ako je moguće.
Ne zaboravite da ažurirate svoju žalbu i pružite potrebne odgovore kako bismo mogli da nastavimo da je rešavamo.
Čekaćemo ažuriranja.
We're always glad to help, if possible.
Please don't forget to update your complaint and provide the answers needed so we can continue in resolving it.
We'll wait for the updates.
Dobro jutro! Zatražio sam 3 povlačenja od 29. novembra i još uvek nisam dobio svoj novac! Bio sam u kontaktu sa četovanjem uživo 22 puta i još deset puta putem e-pošte i stalno mi govore iste stvari da cene moje strpljenje i da ću dobiti novac. Nisu me tražili verifikaciju iako sam im poslao snimak ekrana koji kaže da mom nalogu nije potrebna verifikacija. Možete li mi pomoći?
Good morning! I have requested 3 withdrawals since November 29th and I still haven't received my money! I have been in contact with the live chat 22 times and another ten times by email and they keep telling me the same things that they appreciate my patience and that I will get the money. They did not ask me for verification even though I have sent them a screenshot that says that my account does not need verification. Can you help me?
Καλημερα! Εχω ζητησει 3 αναληψεις απο τις 29 του Νοεμβρη και ακομη δεν εχω παρει τα χρηματα μου! Εχω ερθει σε επικοινωνια με το live chat 22 φορες και αλλες δεκα φορες με email και μου λενε συνεχει τα ιδια πραγματα οτι εκτιμουν την υπομονη μου και οτι θα παρω τα χρηματα. Επαληθευση δε μου ζητανε ενω τους εχω στειλει και screenshot που λεει οτι ο λογαριασμος μου δε χρειαζεται επαληθευση. Μπορειτε να με βοηθησετε;
Pretpostavljam da je ovo prilično stres u kojem ste se našli.
Čekali ste skoro dve nedelje, što smo pod određenim okolnostima smatrali razumnim rokom za isplatu. Još jedan intrigantan detalj krije se u žalbi: „Uprkos ponovljenom kontaktu sa kazinom, dobijaju automatizovane odgovore u kojima se tvrdi da banka ne reaguje, dok banka odbija bilo kakvu komunikaciju iz kazina".
Možete li možda tražiti od kazina broj transakcije? Tim za žalbe će istražiti problem, ali ja lično preporučujem da dobijete detalje transakcije direktno iz kazina. Rekao bih da im ne bi trebalo da bude tako teško ako tvrde da banka ne reaguje, tako da to nije „njihova greška". Možda će biti zgodno za kasniju upotrebu. Da li ste to već probali, molim vas?
I imagine this is quite stress you've found yourself in.
You have been waiting for almost two weeks, which we under certain circumstances considered a resonable deadline for fulfilling the payout.Another intriguing detail is hidden in the complaint: "Despite repeated contact with the casino, they receive automated responses claiming the bank is unresponsive, while the bank denies any communication from the casino."
Can you perhaps ask the casino for a transaction number? The complaint team will investigate the issue, but I personally recommend obtaining transaction details directly from the casino. I'd say it should not be that hard for them if they claim that the bank is being unresponsive, thus it is not "their fault." Might be handy for later use. Have you tried that already, please?
U servisu mi kažu da nemaju kontakt sa deviznim, pa ne mogu da mi pomognu. Samo mi kažu da budem strpljiv. Zamolio sam ih da se obrate deviznom odeljenju i rekli su mi da to nije moguće
The service department tells me that they have no contact with the foreign exchange department, so they cannot help me. They just tell me to be patient. I asked them to contact the foreign exchange department and they told me it was not possible
Το τμημα εξυπηρετησης μου λεει οτι δεν εχει καμια επαφη με το τμημα συναλλαγων οποτε δε μπορουν να με βοηθησουν. Μου λενε απλα να κανω υπομονη. Τους ζητησα επικοινωνια με το τμημα συναλλαγων και μου ειπαν δεν εφικτο
Dobro veče! Tražio sam 3 podizanja po 500€ i još čekam, prošlo je 9 radnih dana i svaki dan mi kažu isto.
Good evening! I have requested 3 withdrawals of €500 and I am still waiting, 9 working days have passed and every day they tell me the same thing.
καλησπερα! Εγω εχω ζητησει 3 αναληψεις των 500€ και ακομη περιμενω περασαν 9 εργασιμες ημερες και καθε μερα μου λενε τα ιδια.
U vašoj žalbi vidim da verifikacija nije potrebna u ovom kazinu. zar ne?
Ali nisam mogao da razumem da li je ovo tvoj prvi pokušaj povlačenja tamo. Je li tako, molim vas?
Nadam se da će uspeti da to reše pre 14 dana, tako da neće biti potrebna nikakva intervencija našeg tima i novac ćete dobiti u redu.
I can see in your complaint that the verification is not required at this casino. Right?
But I couldn't understand if this is your first withdrawal attempt there. Is it so, please?
I hope they will be able to solve it before the 14-day time period, so no intervention from our team will be needed and you get the money all okay.
Da molim! Moje prvo otpremanje je.
Yes please! My first upload is.
Ναι παρακαλω! Η πρωτη μου αναληψη ειναι.
U servisu mi kažu da nemaju kontakt sa deviznim, pa ne mogu da mi pomognu. Samo mi kažu da budem strpljiv. Zamolio sam ih da se obrate deviznom odeljenju i rekli su mi da to nije moguće
The service department tells me that they have no contact with the foreign exchange department, so they cannot help me. They just tell me to be patient. I asked them to contact the foreign exchange department and they told me it was not possible
Το τμημα εξυπηρετησης μου λεει οτι δεν εχει καμια επαφη με το τμημα συναλλαγων οποτε δε μπορουν να με βοηθησουν. Μου λενε απλα να κανω υπομονη. Τους ζητησα επικοινωνια με το τμημα συναλλαγων και μου ειπαν δεν εφικτο
Zdravo, upravo sam primetio da ste pomešali kazino sa drugim, pa se nadam da nećete imati ništa protiv da raščistim drugu temu. Ne brinite, ne morate da razmišljate o tome. 🙂
Sada se vratimo na najnovije događaje:
Kada govorite o službi za usluge, da li je ovo odeljenje banke ili bolje rečeno kazino? Rekao bih da su obe verzije moguće, ali bih glasao da to bude odeljenje za kazino usluge jer ima malo boljeg smisla. Na ovaj ili onaj način, postoji li neka druga opcija plaćanja koju možete koristiti da biste izvukli novac iz kazina? Po mom mišljenju, ako kazino iz bilo kog razloga jednostavno „ne može da dođe do vaše banke", trebalo bi da traži alternative.
Hello, I just spotted you mistaken the casino with another one, so I hope you won't mind me clearing up the other thread. Don't worry, you don't have to think about that. 🙂
Now back to the latest events:
When you speak about the service department, is this a bank department, or rather a casino's, please? I would say both versions are possible, but I would vote for it to be the casino service department because it makes a bit of better sense. One way or another, is there any other payment option you may use to get the money out of the casino? In my opinion, if the casino, for any reason simply "can't reach your bank," should seek out alternatives.
Sa karticom koju sam napravio depozit, zatražio sam povlačenje, kao što radim u svim kazinima. I novac stiže odmah. Sada sam zatvoren 2 nedelje. Sutra je 14. dan
With the card I made a deposit, I requested a withdrawal, as I do in all casinos. And the money comes in immediately. Now I am closed for 2 weeks. Tomorrow is the 14th day
Με την καρδα που εκανα καταθεση ζητησα αναληψη οπως κανω σε ολα τα καζινο. Και τα λεφτα μπαινουν αμεσως. Τωρα εχω κλεισει 2 εβδομαδες. Αυριο δηλαδη ειναι η 14η ημερα
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
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