ForumKazinaVulkan Vegas Casino - opšta diskusija

Vulkan Vegas Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 23)

pre 3 godina od Jonas23111
88075 pregleda 451 odgovora |
1...22 23 2425
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pre 11 meseci


Zanima me ko od vas od danas više ne može da koristi bonus kodove?

I kakvo ti je opravdanje dato.


Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Care to share yours, perhaps? One I "like" the most is "administration decision" 😀 Am I close?

pre 11 meseci

Da li je neko u skorije vreme imao problema sa Vulcan Vegas kazinom moj profil je verifikovan mnogo dokumenata tražili su puno fotografija selfija Poslao sam im sve što moj profil kaže provereno i jednostavno neće odobriti moje povlačenje Da li samo odlažu transfer ili ne slanjem ih uopšte biću veoma bio bih zahvalan ako bi neko mogao da mi odgovori

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

What did you win? Do you have screenshots?

pre 11 meseci

Da li je neko u skorije vreme imao problema sa Vulcan Vegas kazinom moj profil je verifikovan mnogo dokumenata tražili su puno fotografija selfija Poslao sam im sve što moj profil kaže provereno i jednostavno neće odobriti moje povlačenje Da li samo odlažu transfer ili ne slanjem ih uopšte biću veoma bio bih zahvalan ako bi neko mogao da mi odgovori

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hi, how long has the situation been going on that you can't withdraw the money ? Have you tried asking the casino what the problem is and why you can't withdraw ? Tell us more so we can try to help you.

pre 11 meseci

Problem je što ja uložim 1.000 evra, pa 2.000 evra da podignem, i svaki put kada prebace 200 evra sa 400, ne mogu da razumem zašto ih ne prenesu odjednom, koliko sam tvrdio, za celinu. nedelje su mi plaćali skoro svaki dan 200 evra sa 400 evra i sad opet pet-šest dana nemam nikakav transfer, ne znam šta čekaju, da ih igram, neće dobiti , iznos nije nimalo mali

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci


pre 11 meseci

Hmm, that's quite a small limit. Do they have somewhere that they have a daily limit or why do they send you in such small amounts ? I see that you've accumulated a lot of money, which is probably difficult to pay out after 200 euro. However, if nothing goes ahead and you don't get another amount from the casino and nobody replies to you, could you let us know so we can try to help you ? 

pre 11 meseci

Nakon što sam prijavio svoje prvo podizanje 2000 evra posle nedelju dana čekanja počeli su da mi prenose 200 ili 400 svaki dan nedelju dana pa su prestali već 5. dan ne dobijam ni jedan peni i pravdaju se sledećim pošaljite snimak ekrana u ćaskanje file

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

I understand, and it is certainly not pleasant. So I understand correctly that you can withdraw only the multiple of your deposit, yes ? Of course, if the casino refuses to send you more money, let us know and we will try to help you. I'm not sure how long you'll be withdrawing such a large amount if it's still in such small amounts. 🤔

pre 10 meseci

Hej ljudi, ja sam Andi, imam 27 godina.

Već godinama igram na Vulkan Vegasu i takođe su mi isplaćeni "veći" iznosi, više od 5k. Ponekad je uvek sve uspelo. Sada je situacija da sam 30. oktobra osvojio 800 evra i hteo da ih podignem. Status se trenutno obrađuje 9 dana. Obično ovo ne bi trebalo da traje više od 5 dana (obično je uvek bilo na računu sledećeg dana zahteva za povlačenje). Sada mi niko ništa ne može reći iz podrške, samo stalno govore „ne možemo ništa da uradimo osim da čekamo jer se isplata vrši preko spoljnog partnera". Pa se pitam šta to znači? Da li sada čekam nedeljama? Ili meseci? Ili šta to znači? Da li neko ima slično iskustvo?

Definitivno neću uplaćivati dok ne primim novac.

Srdačan pozdrav

Andreas Hot

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Hello, I've moved your post under Vulkan Vegas Casino. I'm sorry to hear about this situation, but I would say that it would be a good idea to wait a bit longer, although I understand that it's not easy when support keeps giving you the same answer, which isn't very helpful. I would like to point out that we give casinos 14 days to resolve your withdrawal, so I would suggest you try to be patient for a while and inform yourself about your withdrawal. 

However, since you haven't had any problems so far, I firmly believe that this situation will also be resolved without any major problems and the money will eventually come to your account. If that doesn't happen, be sure to update us and we will try to help you. 

Would that be possible ? 

pre 10 meseci

Hi Jaro, of course I'll wait for 14 days. But it seems very, very strange to me. because larger amounts have already been paid out more quickly

pre 10 meseci

I understand that, and it seems strange to me as well. As far as the 14 days are concerned, they are counted from when you made the withdrawal, just to make it more precise. 

However, in this case it would be best if we had some answer from support, but they didn't give you any response as to why it takes longer than usual, which is a pity. However, if you find out something new, please let us know. 

pre 9 meseci

Zdravo, kako da registrujem vav vilkon

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hi, you register at the casino itself. If you have any problem you could try to ask live chat. What seems to be the issue when registering ? 

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 9 meseci
pre 9 meseci

I've said before that when you play at Vulkan Vegas it feels almost as if it's scripted as several deposits will play out exactly the same.

I didn't use them for quite some time now but I recently got some 100 euro no-deposit offer which sucked me back in, and after that I deposited a few more times. And now it's happening again. Three straight deposits playing out exactly the same. I didn't screenshot the first of the 3 but, trust me, it was as good as identical to the following two below:

file file

One good win almost immediately - within the first 25 spins or so - and then absolute silence. And look at the amounts wagered, there is hardly anything to separate them! And this is with 0.25 spins. On each of the 3 deposits!

I've played enough in casinos not to get paranoid by a losing streak, This however is too blatant, and too much. In fact, for something that's supposed to be completely random, such similarities occuring in only a short time, and on consecutive deposits, is near impossible.

pre 9 meseci

Hey, I think you probably won't be coming back in this case even if they offer you something similar again, am I right ? 

If you feel that something is wrong, I think it's best not to play here and stay at the casinos where you can do better. 

Also, the wagering you mention is pretty high so I'm not sure if it's really worth taking a bonus like that at all. What do you think ? 🤔

pre 9 meseci

Čekam 2 nedelje na isplatu manju od 100 evra

Možda bankrot?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 9 meseci

Hardly bankrupt, this is one of the biggest groups. Maybe there is a staff shortage? Sadly, this is quite common these days, with Christmas around the corner.

I guess your KYC has been successful, right? Perhaps submitting another complaint is worth the time.

Care to try?

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