Ovo je najveći kontakt koji sam imao sa Zevsom Glorijem u jednom danu...
Od Zevsove slave....
Pogledajte poruke koje ste poslali, pokušajte da pošaljete poruku kao jednu umesto 10 puta, molim vas Metju.
Svaku uplatu smo slali direktno na karticu. Uključujući najnoviju transakciju u Velikoj Britaniji. Bankovni transferi traju duže od transakcije direktno na karticu. (I da, opet ću ponoviti da smo poslednju transakciju poslali u UK koristeći bankovnu karticu, a ne SEPA).
Pokušali smo da pošaljemo 2 vaše kartice, ali to nije uspelo. Zato ćemo sada koristiti SEPA metod za slanje direktno vašoj banci, mogu vas svakodnevno ažurirati ako treba nešto da ažurirate, ali molim vas da se dogovorimo da zaustavimo neželjena pošta u ćaskanju i imejlovima.
Od mene
Rekao sam ti da je pokušaj druge bankovne kartice gubljenje vremena jer neće raditi u UK! Rekao sam vam to pre otprilike 8 dana, ali ste ipak želeli da probate.
SEPA plaćanje se može izvršiti i platiti sam odmah! Uradimo to i mogu da te ostavim samog.
Dozvolite da se dogovorimo da me svakodnevno ažurirate dok ne dobijem novac, samo kratak email o tome šta radi finansijsko odeljenje. Ako se slažete, neću morati da kontaktiram druge članove osoblja putem e-pošte i ćaskanja... Mislim da je nakon odvratnog načina na koji sam tretiran to vrlo mala molba.
Slažemo li se?
Od Zevsove slave
U redu, to je pošteno, možemo se složiti oko toga 🙂
Od mene
Divno, hvala. Cenim to
Spam i poruke ćaskanja koje on prima sada su da pokušavam da ih kontaktiram, ali sam stalno ignorisan, pa sam pokušavao sve dok mi se neko nije javio.
Dakle, razumeju da je potrebna SEPA uplata (koja se može izvršiti odmah) ...ali ja još uvek čekam.
Da vidimo da li će održati svoje obećanje o dnevnim ažuriranjima i... opet koliko će mi trebati da dobijem svoje povlačenje.....
This is the most contact I have had with Zeus Glory in one Day...
From Zeus glory....
Look at the Messages you have sent, Please try to send the message as a one instead of a 10 a time please Matthew.
We sent every payment to the card directly. Including Latest transaction in the UK. Bank Transfers take longer than a transaction directly to the card. (And yes again I will repeat we sent the latest transaction to the UK using bank card, not the SEPA).
We tried sending 2 of your cards, but that did not work, That is why now we will use the SEPA method to send directly to your bank, I can update you daily if there is something to update, But please let's agree to stop the spam in chat and emails.
From me
I told you trying a second bank card was a waste of time as it would not work in the UK! I told you that about 8 days ago, but you still wanted to try it.
A SEPA payment can be done and paid I'm instantly! Let's just do it and I can leave you all alone.
We let's agree that you update me everyday until i get my money, just a short email of what the financial department is doing. If you agree I won't need to contact other members of staff on email and Chat... I think after the disgusting way I have been treated it's a very small ask.
Do we agree?
From Zeus glory
Okay That is Fair, We can agree on that matthew 🙂
From me
Lovely, thank you. I appreciate that
Now the spam and chat messages he's taking about is me trying to contact them but being constantly ignored, so i kept truying until someone got back to me.
So they understand a SEPA payment is needed, (which can be done instantly) ...but I'm still waiting.
Let's see if they keep their promise of daily updates and.... again how long will it take for me to recieve my withdrawal.....