Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem svojih dobitaka zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer je igrač smanjio dobitak.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing their winnings due to ongoing verification. We ended up rejecting the complaint because the player played down the winnings.
Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem svojih dobitaka zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer je igrač smanjio dobitak.
Dao sam sve dokumente na verifikaciju, ali neki nisu prihvaćeni, sada je moj račun deaktiviran i moj profit je iznosio 2000 € u isplati i preko 7000 još na računu, odnosno oko 9000 €
Imam ih
vozačka dozvola
Lična karta
Račun za struju
stanje racuna
Dokaz o vlasništvu kreditne kartice
Molim te pomozi mi
I have provided all the documents for verification, but some are not accepted, now my account has been deactivated and my profit was € 2000 in the payout and over 7000 still in the account, i.e. about € 9000
Got them
driver's license
Identity card
Electricity bill
statement of account
Credit card proof of ownership
Please help me
Habe alle Dokumente zur Verifizierung erbracht jedoch werden manche nicht akzeptiert jetzt wurde mein Account deaktiviert und mein Gewinn 2000€ in der Auszahlung und über 7000 noch auf dem Konto also ca.9000 €
Habe denen
Kreditkarten Eigentümernachweis
Bitte helft mir
Dragi Serkkk,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu.
Imajte na umu da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino brine da se novac šalje zakonitom vlasniku. Budući da nemaju luksuz da mogu fizički vidjeti sve igrače i provjeriti njihovu identifikaciju i dokumente, ovo je jedini način na koji kockarnice mogu dovršiti postupke verifikacije. Nijedno od licenciranih kockarnica ne shvaća olako KYC i moglo bi potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se dovrši ovaj temeljiti proces.
Jeste li obaviješteni šta konkretno izgleda da predstavlja problem pri verifikaciji vašeg računa? Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da ste bez odlaganja dostavili sve lične dokumente potrebne za verifikaciju?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Serkkk,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Have you been advised what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account? Could you please confirm that you have provided all the personal documents required for the verification as soon as possible, without any delay?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Da, već sam poslao sljedeće na provjeru
vozačka dozvola
lična karta
Dokaz o vlasništvu kreditne kartice
Slike kreditne kartice
stanje racuna
Račun za struju
Yes, I have already sent the following for verification
driver's license
ID card
Proof of ownership credit card
Pictures of the credit card
statement of account
Electricity bill
Ja ich habe folgendes für die Verifizierung bereits gesendet
Proof of ownership Kreditkarte
Bilder der Kreditkarte
Puno vam hvala, Serkkk, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Tomasu koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Serkkk, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Tomas who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Hello Serkkk!
Od sada ću se pobrinuti za vašu žalbu. Pozvao bih predstavnike
Playzilla Casino podnese ovu žalbu kako bi nam pomogao da riješimo ovaj problem.
Hello Serkkk!
I will take care of your complaint from now on. I would like to invite representatives of
Playzilla Casino into this complaint in order to help us resolve this issue.
Dobar dan,
Hvala što ste se javili. Nadamo se da će objašnjenje u nastavku pojasniti našu poziciju.
Nakon što je klijent zatražio isplatu, 03.10.2021. zatražili smo sljedeću dokumentaciju kako bismo dovršili verifikaciju računa: ličnu kartu, dokaz adrese, kreditnu/debitnu karticu koja se koristi za polaganje i podatke o bankovnom računu.
Klijent nam je poslao paket dokumenata, od kojih nijedan nije pokazao niti dokazao njihovu adresu i vlasništvo kreditne/debitne kartice, datum isteka i broj. Nakon razmjene e-pošte između našeg finansijskog odjela i klijenta u vezi s vlasništvom kreditne kartice, klijent je dva puta dostavio jako obrađene slike kartice (sa različitim rokovima važenja), kao i uređenu sliku izvoda od izdavaoca kartice. Pokušali smo više puta doći do klijenta tražeći neuređene dokumente kako bismo dovršili verifikaciju. Igrač je insistirao da je kartica registrovana na njihovo ime, međutim, nisu dali dokumente koji nisu retuširani da to potkrepe.
Na osnovu gore navedenih dokaza, pošto verifikacija računa nije mogla biti završena, bili smo primorani da zatvorimo račun i odbijemo dobitke na osnovu sljedećih tačaka u našim Uslovima i odredbama:
4.1 Otvaranjem računa na našoj web stranici i korištenjem naše web stranice jamčite da:
djelujete u svoje ime;
ste kompetentan građanin koji poštuje zakon;
svi podaci i informacije koje ste dali prilikom registracije na našoj web stranici su istiniti i stvarni te ćete nastaviti ažurirati ove informacije u slučaju bilo kakvih promjena;
ne koristite novčana sredstva koja ste primili na nezakonit način ili iz nezakonitih izvora;
niste ušli u tajni dogovor i nećete pokušati direktno ili indirektno dogovarati s drugim korisnikom web stranice;
kreditna/debitna kartica ili bilo koji drugi način plaćanja koji koristite za dopunu stanja na računu pripada vama, nije ukradena i nije izgubljena od strane druge osobe. Kompanija zadržava pravo da zatvori vaš račun i poništi sve dobitke u slučaju osnovane sumnje da ste prekršili ovu garanciju.
9.1 Web stranica se može koristiti samo u svrhe lične zabave. Sljedeće aktivnosti su strogo zabranjene i smatrat će se materijalnim kršenjem ovih Opštih uslova:
korištenje web stranice u komercijalne svrhe ili u tuđe ime ili interes;
uključivanje u bilo kakve prijevarne aktivnosti, uključujući, bez ograničenja, korištenje bilo koje kreditne/debitne kartice ili drugih načina plaćanja ili sredstava koja ne pripadaju vama, slučajeve povlačenja/osporavanja sredstava;
dogovaranje sa drugim kupcima ili trećim licima. Ovo uključuje, bez ograničenja, igranje u interesu drugih, dijeljenje informacija, saradnju ili koordinaciju s drugima;
Nadamo se da gore navedeno pruža detaljnu sliku slučaja.
Slobodno se obratite ako imate dodatnih pitanja.
S poštovanjem,
Good day,
Thank you for reaching out. We hope the below explanation clarifies our position.
After the client requested a withdrawal, on 03.10.2021 we requested the following documents to complete the verification of the account: ID, proof of address, credit/debit card used for depositing, and bank account details.
The customer sent us a pack of documents, none of which were showing or proved their address and credit/debit card ownership, expiry date, and number. After the email exchange between our financial department and the customer regarding the ownership of the credit card, the client provided heavily edited images of the card twice (with different expiry dates), as well as an edited image of the statement from the card issuer. We did try to reach out to the client multiple times asking for the unedited documents to complete the verification. The player insisted that the card registered with their name, however, they failed to provide the non-retouched documents to support it.
Based on the above evidence, since the account verification could not be completed, we were forced to close the account and deduct the winnings based on the following points in our Terms and Conditions:
4.1 By opening an account on our Website and by using our Website you warrant that:
you are acting on your own behalf;
you are a competent and law-abiding citizen;
all data and information that you have provided when registering at our Website is true and real and you will continue updating this information in case of any changes;
you are not using monetary funds that you have received in an illegal way or from illegal sources;
you have not entered into collusion and will not make an attempt to collude directly or indirectly with another customer of the Website;
the credit/debit card or any other payment method that you use to top up your account balance belongs to you, is not stolen, and has not been lost by another person. The company reserves the right to close your account and void any winnings in case of a reasonable suspicion that you have violated this warranty.
9.1 The Website may only be used for personal entertainment purposes only. The following activities are strictly prohibited and will be considered a material breach of these General Terms and Conditions:
using the Website for commercial purposes or in someone else’s name or interest;
engaging in any fraudulent activities, including, without limitation, using any credit/debit cards or other payment methods or funds not belonging to you, cases where funds are recalled/disputed;
colluding with other customers or third parties. This includes, without limitation, playing in the interest of others, sharing information, cooperating or coordinating with others;
We hope the above provides a detailed picture of the case.
Please feel free to reach out should you have further questions.
Poslao sam sva priložena dokumenta Casino Guruu. Ako sam nešto uredio onda moj izvod s računa, pošto se većina objava ne tiče tebe, ali ništa drugo. Moja adresa je također na izvodu računa, a na izvodu se mogu vidjeti i uplate u kazino sa moje kreditne kartice
Poslao sam vam i dokaz o vlasništvu kreditne kartice iz banke.
I have sent all the documents provided to Casino Guru. If I have edited something then my account statement, since most of the postings are none of your business, but nothing else. My address is also on the account statement, and the payments to the casino from my credit card can also be seen on the statement
I also sent you a proof of ownership of the credit card from the bank.
Ich habe alle bereitgestellten Dokumente an Casino Guru gesendet. Wenn ich was bearbeitet habe dann meinen Kontoauszug da Sie die meisten Buchungen nichts angehn aber sonst nichts. Auf dem Kontoauszug ist auch meine Adresse.Auf dem Kontoauszug sind auch die Einzahlungen ins Casino von meiner Kreditkarte ersichtlich
Dessweiteren habe ich euch von der Bank eine Proof of ownership der Kreditkarte geschickt.
Hvala, Playzilla Casino i Serkkk na vašim odgovorima,
Serkkk, Da biste mogli potvrditi vaš identitet, kazinu su potrebni needitovani dokumenti. To je uobičajena praksa u gotovo svakom kasinu koji zahtijeva verifikaciju igrača. Možda će biti neugodno dijeliti informacije koje se ne bave kazinom, ali je obavezno da kazina sigurno potvrde vaš identitet. Najbolji postupak za vas, po našem mišljenju, je da udovoljite zahtjevima kazina i pružite potrebne dokumente bez njihovog uređivanja.
Thanks, Playzilla Casino and Serkkk for your replies,
Serkkk, To be able to verify your identity, the casino needs unedited documents. It’s common practice in practically every casino that requires player verification. It might be uncomfortable to share information that is not the casino’s business, but it’s mandatory for casinos to confirm your identity for certain. The best course of action for you, in our opinion, is to comply with casino demands and provide the required documents without editing them.
Upravo sam zacrnio rezervacije na svom izvodu računa koje ne utječu na kazino i nisu njihova stvar. Moram samo da pokažem kazinu svoju adresu i depozit ili kazino ide i na šta sam potrošio novac, kada i za šta mislim da postoji niti zaštita podataka u tom pogledu. baš kao i kod kreditne kartice, zašto moram otkriti kompletan broj svoje kreditne kartice, po mogućnosti sa cvv?
I just blacked out the bookings on my account statement that do not affect the casino and are none of their business. I just have to show the casino my address and the deposit or the casino also goes to what I spent my money on, when and what I think there is nor the data protection in this regard. just as with the credit card, why do I have to disclose my complete credit card number, preferably with cvv?
Habe lediglich auf meinem Kontoauszug die Buchungen geschwärzt die das Casino nicht betreffen und auch nichts angehen.muss doch dem Casino lediglich meine Adresse und die Einzahlung vorweisen oder geht das Casino auch an was ich wann und wofür mein Geld ausgegeben habe.ich glaube es gibt auch noch den Datenschutz diesbezüglich.genauso bei der Kreditkarte wieso muss ich meine komplette Kreditkarten Nummer offenlegen am besten noch mit cvv?
U svakom kasinu mora se provjeriti
Lična karta (adresa je na službenom dokumentu)
vozačka dozvola
Račun za struju
Dokaz o vlasništvu je potpuno dovoljan
I stavio sam ih na raspolaganje kazinu u originalu i neuređenim
In every casino has to verify the
Identity card (address is on the official document)
driver's license
Electricity bill
Proof of ownership is completely sufficient
And I made these available to the casino in the original and unedited
In jedem Casino hat zur Verifizierung der
Personalausweis (Adresse steht auf dem amtlichen dokument)
Proof of ownership völlig gereicht
Und diese habe ich dem Casino im original und unbearbeitet zur Verfügung gestellt
Serkkk, kazina imaju sve vrste procedura koje su uslov za uspješnu verifikaciju igrača. Svaki kazino ima pravo provjeriti identitet igrača kako bi se uvjerio da korišteni načini plaćanja pripadaju njemu, a ne nekom drugom. Osim ako to nije dozvoljeno od strane kazina, nikada ne biste trebali uređivati svoje dokumente za verifikaciju. U ovom slučaju, kazino to ne dozvoljava, što je standard za mnoge druge online kazina. U mnogim slučajevima, uređivanje dokumenata signalizira kazinu da moraju biti posebno oprezni.
Bojim se da bez uspješne verifikacije u ovom slučaju nećete moći doći do svog novca. Preporučujem vam da se pridržavate postupka verifikacije kazina.
Serkkk, casinos have all kinds of procedures that are a requirement for successful player verification. Every casino has the right to verify the identity of a player to make sure the used payment methods belong to them, and not someone else. Unless it’s allowed by the casino, you should never edit your verification documents. In this case, the casino doesn’t allow it, which is standard for many other online casinos. In many cases, editing of the documents signals to the casino they need to be extra vigilant.
I am afraid without a successful verification, you will not be able to get to your money in this case. I would strongly suggest to you comply with the casino verification process.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo svima,
Serkk, kažete da ste već dali kasinu dokaz o vlasništvu, slike kreditne kartice koju posjedujete, ali kazino u svom posljednjem postu kaže da su slike uređene. Kako ste uspjeli prije poslati dokaz? Pošaljite ponovo, ali neuređeno.
Želio bih da predstavnik Playzilla kazina posavjetuje Serkka po ovom pitanju, te da mi još jednom objasni koji su dokumenti potrebni i kako da se slikaju te dokumente.
Hello everyone,
Serkk, you are saying you already provided the casino with proof of ownership, pictures of the credit card you own, but the casino says in their last post that the pictures have been edited. How did you manage to send the proof before? Send it again, but unedited.
I would like Playzilla casino representative to advise Serkk in this matter, and to explain which documents are needed and how the pictures of those documents should be taken once again.
Također sam poslao slike jedne kreditne kartice u kazino neuređene.
Ne mogu slikati drugu kreditnu karticu jer ona samo VIRTUALNO postoji !!!!!!!
I also sent the pictures of one credit card to the casino unedited.
I can't take pictures of the second credit card because it only exists VIRTUALLY !!!!!!!
Habe dem Casino auch die Bilder der einen Kreditkarte geschickt unbearbeitet.
Von der zweiten kreditkarte kann ich keine Bilder machen das sie nur VIRTUELL existiert!!!!!!!
Dragi svi,
Nedavno smo dobili fotografije kartice od klijenta. Međutim, broj kartice se razlikovao od onog koji se koristi na našoj web stranici. Klijent je objasnio da je kartica virtuelna, te da zbog toga ne mogu da nam dostave neuređene fotografije kartice kako smo prethodno tražili. Kontaktirali smo ih putem e-maila sa spiskom dokumenata koji umjesto fotografija mogu poslužiti kao dokaz o vlasništvu kartice.
Molimo klijenta da ni na koji način ne uređuje i ne mijenja dokumente, u suprotnom ih nećemo moći prihvatiti.
Nadamo se da je ovo od pomoći.
S poštovanjem,
Dear All,
We received photos of the card from the client recently. However, the card number was different from the one used on our website. The client explained that the card is virtual, and that is the reason they cannot provide us with the unedited photos of the card as we requested previously. We have contacted them via e-mail with the list of documents that can be used as proof of ownership of the card instead of the photos.
We kindly ask the client to not edit or alter the documents in any way, otherwise, we will not be able to accept those.
We hope this is helpful.
Kazino je želio video u kojem se prijavljujem u aplikaciju monese i prikazujem detalje računa i virtuelnu kreditnu karticu
Sada sam to obezbijedio
Nadam se najboljem. Hvala guru
The casino wanted a video in which I log into the monese app and show the account details and the virtual credit card
I have now provided that
I hope for the best. Thank you guru
Das Casino wollte ein Video in dem ich mich bei der monese App anmelde und die account Details zeige sowie die virtuelle Kreditkarte
Das habe ich jetzt bereitgestellt
Ich hoffe das beste. Danke guru
To zvuči obećavajuće Serkkk! Hvala vam što ste nas obavijestili. Ovu žalbu ću držati otvorenom do vaše potvrde o uspješnom povlačenju. Obavještavajte nas i obavijestite me čim primite uplatu.
That sounds promising Serkkk! Thank you for letting us know. I will keep this complaint open until your confirmation regarding successful withdrawal. Keep us updated and, please let me know as soon as you receive the payment.
Primili smo vijesti od Serkkk-a u vezi s problemima s verifikacijom koje je imao s kazinom:
„Zdravo nakon što sam napravio video u kojem se prijavljujem na bankovnu aplikaciju (Monese), zatim pokazujem detalje računa i virtuelna kreditna kartica je ponovo otvorena, moj račun je ponovo otvoren, onda su ponovo tražili račune od dobavljača električne energije, što sam ja zatim ih poslao. Ovi opet nisu prihvaćeni. Tada sam dobio potvrdu o prebivalištu od svoje općine, a ni oni je ne prihvataju, iako je ovo službeni dokument SR Njemačke. Zatim sam Vam poslao trenutnu fakturu od mog telefonskog/Internet provajdera. Nisu prihvatili ni ovu fakturu. Sada danas želite da vidite još jednu sliku kreditne kartice 5354XXXXXXXXXX3477 iako ona postoji samo virtuelno. Imate dokaz o vlasništvu kreditne kartice i u videu koji sam napravio, također pokazujem virtuelnu karticu. To je stvarno smiješno, samo žele da zavaraju CasinoGurua šta da radim? da li da podnesem tužbu preko advokata?"
Možete li, molim vas, dati objašnjenje zašto dokumenti koje je Serkkk dostavio nisu prihvaćeni? Sve relevantne dokaze možete proslijediti na tomas@casino.guru
We've received news from Serkkk regarding the verification problems he had with the casino:
„Hello after I made the video in which I log in to the bank app (Monese), then show the account details and the virtual credit card was reopened, my account was reopened, then they wanted bills from the electricity supplier again, which I then sent them. These were again not accepted I then obtained a confirmation of my residence from my municipality and they do not accept it either, although this is an official document of the Federal Republic of Germany. Then I sent you the current invoice from my telephone / Internet provider. They did not accept this invoice either. Now today you want to see another picture of the credit card 5354XXXXXXXXXX3477 although it only exists virtually. You have the proof of ownership of the credit card and in the video that I made, I also show the virtual card That's really ridiculous, they just want to fool a CasinoGuru what should I do? should I file a lawsuit through a lawyer.?"
Can you please give an explanation of why the documents Serkkk provided were not accepted? You can forward any relevant evidence to tomas@casino.guru
Dobar dan,
Hvala što ste se javili.
Potvrđujemo da smo primili sve potrebne dokumente potrebne za verifikaciju računa. Ovo uključuje video koji je klijent poslao kao dokaz o vlasništvu virtuelne kartice, kao i dokaz adrese. Dokumente je pažljivo pregledao relevantni tim. Uprkos činjenici da je klijent prethodno dostavio jako uređene dokumente, procedura verifikacije je završena jer je igrač dao needitovane fajlove na naš zahtev. Klijentu smo također poslali obavještenje putem e-pošte, obavještavajući ga da je račun verifikovan.
Zahvaljujemo se klijentu i predstavnicima Casino Gurua na saradnji po ovom pitanju.
Slobodno nas kontaktirajte u slučaju dodatnih pitanja.
S poštovanjem,
Good day,
Thank you for reaching out.
We confirm that we received all the necessary documents required for the verification of the account. This includes the video the client sent as proof of ownership of the virtual card, as well as proof of address. The documents were carefully reviewed by the relevant team. Despite the fact that the client provided the heavily edited documents previously, the verification procedure was completed as the player provided unedited files per our request. We have also sent an email notification to the client, informing them that the account was verified.
We would like to thank the client and Casino Guru representatives for cooperation on this matter.
Please feel free to contact us in case there are further questions.
Dragi Serkkk,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Serkkk,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Ne, još uvijek nisam primio uplatu BM.
Kazino sada kaže da imam sve na svom kazino računu
Ali to nije sasvim tačno
Dobio sam 8638,80 na svom kasino računu, a ostatak od 8598,80 otišao je na isplatu, pogledajte snimak ekrana
Ovo je zaista smiješno šta kazino uzima od toga. Pomozite mi gurue molim
No, I still haven't received a payment BM.
The casino now says I got everything in my casino account
But that is not entirely true
I got 8638.80 on my casino account and the rest of 8598.80 went to the payout see screenshot
This is really ridiculous what the casino takes out of it. Help me gurus please
Nein habe noch immer keine zahlungbm erhalten.
Das Casino sagt jetzt ich hätte alles auf mein casino Konto bekommen
Das ist aber nicht ganz richtig
8638,80 habe ich auf mein kasinokonto bekommen und der rest 8598,80 ging zur Auszahlung siehe Screenshot
Das ist doch echt lächerlich was sich das casino rausnimmt.helft mir bitte Gurus
Zdravo Serkkk,
Da li sam dobro shvatio da nakon što je zahtjev za povlačenje od 22. oktobra otkazan, traženi iznos nije vraćen na vaš kazino saldo?
Hello Serkkk,
Do I understand correctly that after the withdrawal request from Oct 22nd was canceled, the requested amount hasn't returned to your casino balance?
Zdravo Serkkk,
koliko razumijem situaciju, na snimku ekrana piše da je zahtjev za povlačenje koji ste podnijeli otkazan. Istovremeno, dio vašeg stanja u sličnom iznosu je zaplijenjen, ali vam je kasnije vraćen. Odatle dolazi razlika.
Obavijestite nas ako vam mogu više pomoći.
Hello Serkkk,
as far as I understand the situation, The screenshot is saying the withdrawal request you made was canceled. At the same time, part of your balance of a similar amount was confiscated but later returned to you. That is where the difference comes from.
Please let us know if I can be of any more assistance to you.
Snimak ekrana jasno kaže da je završeno i da nije otkazano.
Nakon što je dio mog kredita vraćen na kazino račun, imam ono što je s ovim brojem transakcije isplate 68132294 i rečeno mi je da će to biti u isplati.
The screenshot clearly says completed and not canceled.
After a part of my credit was posted back to the casino account, I have what is with this payout transaction number 68132294 and I was told that it would be in the payout.
Auf dem Screenshot steht doch ganz klar abgeschlossen und nicht abgebrochen.
Habe nachdem mir ein Teil meines Guthabens wieder auf das Casinokonto gebucht wurde was mit dieser Auszahlung transaktionnummer 68132294 ist und man habe mir gesagt die wäre in der Auszahlung.
Zdravo Serkkk,
Razumijem tvoju poentu. Predstavnik kazina mi je objasnio da je transakcija od 8598,8 € skinuta sa vašeg računa, ali je kasnije vraćena na vaš balans kao direktan rezultat toga što ste im pružili dokaz o vlasništvu vaše virtuelne kartice. Transakcija sa snimka ekrana nije zahtjev za povlačenje koji ste podnijeli u oktobru. Koliko ja znam, navedeni zahtjev za povlačenje koji ste podnijeli je poništen. Vidim zašto vas je ovo zbunilo.
Jeste li pokušali napraviti novi zahtjev za povlačenje novca u kazinu?
Hello Serkkk,
I understand your point. The casino representative explained to me that the transaction of 8598,8 € was deducted from your account, but later returned to your balance as a direct result of you providing them with the proof of ownership of your virtual card. The transaction from the screenshot is not the withdrawal request you made in October. As far as I know, said withdrawal request you made was canceled. I can see why this was confusing to you.
Did you try to make a new withdrawal request with the casino?
Dragi Serkkk,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene informacije u zadatom roku, odbiti Vaš prigovor.
Dear Serkkk,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
17237,60 sa snimka ekrana nije bilo ukupno?
I nakon što je moj račun zatvoren, dobio sam oko 8600 od njih na kazino račun, ništa drugo
The 17237.60 from screenshot weren't the total?
And after my account was closed, I got about 8600 from them on the casino account, nothing else
Die 17237.60 von screenshot waren doch die Gesamtsumme?
Und von denen habe ich nachdem mein account geschlossen wurde habe ich ca 8600 aufs casinokonto bekommen sonst nichts
Vjerovatno je to bio ukupan iznos vašeg stanja u vrijeme prije nego što je zahtjev za povlačenje poslat. Možete li nam reći da li ste smanjili bilo koji saldo koji je vraćen na vaš račun igrača? Da li postoji bilo kakav balans koji nedostaje na vašem računu igrača?
It was probably the total of your balance at the time before the withdrawal request was made. Could you tell us if you played down any balance that was returned to your player account? Is there any balance that is missing from your player account?
Ova objava je privatna za sada. Čeka da ga odobri Casino Guru. Nove objave objavljujemo tek nakon ručnog pregleda, kako bismo bili sigurni da ne sadrže osetljive podatke koje bi trebale videti samo uključene strane.
Hvala, Serkkk na odgovoru.
Dragi Playzilla Casino, možete li objasniti gdje je otišao ostatak bilansa od 17237? Molimo da nam dostavite objašnjenje i zapisnik računa igrača iz relevantnog perioda. Veoma cijenjen.
Thanks, Serkkk for the reply.
Dear Playzilla Casino, could you please explain where the rest of the balance of 17237 went? Please provide us with an explanation and a log of the player's account from the relevant period. Much appreciated.
Dobar dan,
U trenutku zatvaranja računa, klijent je imao stanje od 6638,80 EUR i dva isplate u iznosu od 1000 EUR. Po zatvaranju, isplate su poništene, čime je njegov ukupni saldo iznosio 8638,80 EUR. Iznos od 8598,8 EUR je odbijen sa stanja klijenta, a ostalo je 40 EUR kao iznos depozita za refundaciju. Transakcija odbitka, kao što je detaljnije, registrovana je kao završena transakcija isplate u sistemu (id 68132294). Iznos nakon kose crte (17237,60) na transakciji označava iznos stanja prije odbitka (8638,80 EUR) plus iznos same transakcije (8598,8 EUR). Shvaćamo koliko bi ovo moglo biti zbunjujuće i već smo prenijeli povratne informacije relevantnom timu.
Nakon što je problem sa dokumentom riješen i provjera završena, iznos od 8598,8 EUR tačno je dodan na stanje igrača. Dakle, kada je račun otvoren, igrač je imao pristup ukupnom iznosu od 8638,80 EUR, što je bilo njegovo prvobitno stanje na računu.
Nadamo se da će gore navedeno razriješiti zabunu. Obavijestite nas da li trebamo e-poštom pisati historiju igrača igrača za taj period da to dodatno razjasnimo.
S poštovanjem,
Good day,
At the time of the account closure, the client had the balance of 6638.80 EUR and two withdrawals in the amount of 1000 EUR. Upon closure, the withdrawals were cancelled, making his total balance 8638.80 EUR. The amount of 8598.8 EUR was deducted from the client’s balance, leaving 40 EUR on balance as the deposit amount to be refunded. The deduction transaction, as detailed, was registered as a completed withdraw transaction in the system (id 68132294). The amount after the slash (17237.60) on the transaction indicates the amount of balance before the deduction (8638.80 EUR) plus the amount of the transaction itself (8598.8 EUR). We realize how this could be confusing and we have already transferred the feedback to the relevant team.
Once the document issue was cleared and verification completed, the amount of 8598.8 EUR exactly was added back to the player’s balance. Thus, once account was open, the player had access to 8638.80 EUR total, which was his original account balance.
We hope the above clears the confusion. Please let us know if we should email the player’s account history for that period to clarify it further.
Kada ste mi rezervisali 8600 na kazino račun, nekoliko puta sam pitao podršku za uplatu 68132294 i rekli su mi da je to sada gotovo i da će biti na mom računu za nekoliko dana.
Potpuna dezinformacija.
Inače ne bih u potpunosti prokockao 8600.
Čak i kada sam zatražio povrat novca u ponedjeljak, rečeno mi je da su moje isplate veće od mojih gubitaka i da neću dobiti povrat novca. Isplate=0
Lažete i varate gde god možete
When you booked the 8600 on the casino account for me, I asked the support a few times about the payment 68132294 and they told me that it was through now and would be on my account in a few days.
Complete misinformation.
Otherwise I would not have gambled away the 8600 completely.
Even when I requested the cashback on Monday, I was told that my payouts were higher than my losses and I would not get any cashback.Payouts=0
You lie and cheat wherever you can
Als ihr mir die 8600 auf das casinokonto gebucht habt habe ich den support ein paar mal auf die Auzahlung 68132294 angesprochen und die haben mir gesagt die wäre jetzt durch und würde in einigen Tagen auf meinem Konto sein.
Völlige Fehlinformation.
Ansonsten hätte ich die 8600 auch nicht ganz verzockt.
Selbst als ich nach den Cashback Montags angefordert habe wurde mir gesagt dass meine Auszahlungen höher als meine Verluste waren und ich keinen Cashback bekommen würde.Auszahlungen=0
Ihr lügt und trickst wo es nur geht
Pozdrav svima,
Hvala Playzilla casino timu i Serkku na odgovoru. Budući da je situacija objašnjena i da nije izgubljena ravnoteža, vjerujem da možemo zatvoriti ovu žalbu.
Serkkk, žao mi je što nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći u tvom slučaju. Čak i ako ste lažno obaviješteni o vašim povlačenjima, molimo vas da shvatite, igrač je jedini odgovoran za svoj račun, aktivni balans i sve opklade koje se odvijaju.
Iako ste uspjeli uspješno završiti verifikaciju, na kraju vam nismo uspjeli pomoći da podignete svoj dobitak. Kako je bilans smanjen, ne možemo nastaviti da pomažemo u rješavanju ovog slučaja i morat ćemo odbiti žalbu.
Hvala na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Hello all,
Thanks to the Playzilla casino team and to Serkk for your reply. Since the situation was explained and no balance was lost, I believe we can close this complaint.
Serkkk, I am sorry we couldn't be of more help in your case. Even if you’ve been informed falsely regarding your withdrawals, please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance, and all the bets taking place.
Although you managed to complete the verification successfully, in the end, we weren't able to help you withdraw your winnings. As the balance was played down, we cannot continue to help resolve this case and will have to reject the complaint.
Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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