Samo želim da upozorim sve na ovaj kazino. Ne deponujte ovde.
Postoje hiljade kazina koji su bolji i ne oslanjajte se na recenzije ovde dole, oni to plaćaju....
Moje iskustvo sa ovim kazinom je totalna katastrofa.
Pre svega, njihovi uslovi bonusa nisu sa ovog sveta.
Recimo da deponujete 200 evra i dobijete 200 evra bonusa.
Da biste dobili tih 200 evra morate se kladiti 250 puta! Dakle, morate da uložite 50000 evra i ONDA dobijete 200.
To je zaista loš bonus. Najgore što sam ikada video.
Onda su to igre:
Im from Sveden i Netent igre su ograničene za švedske igrače.
Igrao sam Jackpot6000 koji će imati RTP za 95-98%. Imao sam 4200 okretaja na opkladi od 1-2 evra sa NULA pobeda, nisam dobio čak ni JEDNU pobedu u 4200 okretaja.
Dakle, ovde nešto nije u redu.
A takođe ne bi trebalo ni da mogu da igram te igre.
Zatvorio sam svoj nalog i rekao im da imam problema sa kockanjem, a takođe sam poslao lekarsko uverenje o svom dodatku.
Onda su me ovog vikenda kontaktirali i pokušali da me nateraju da ponovo otvorim račun.
Izgubio sam preko 5000 evra za manje od mesec dana. Poslao preko 100 poruka o bonusima, lošem RTP-u, žalbama itd. Svi znaci problema kockara.
Ali oni nemaju obavezu brige, odgovornog kockanja ili bilo čega sličnog.
Kako uopšte možete pomisliti da pokušate da vratite igrača koji je poslao lekarsko uverenje o zavisnosti od kockanja??
Sačuvao sam sve transakcije na Jackpot6000, sve mejlove i poruke na Vhatsup-u o ovom kazinu kao dokaz da li su vam potrebne za ovaj pregled.
Zato, molim vas, uštedite svoj novac i igrajte u drugom kazinu. Ovo ne bi trebalo nikome da predlažem.
Samo pročitajte ostale loše kritike ovde dole, to je tako tačno.
I znam zašto i oni dobijaju dobre kritike... ovo su igrači dali nešto zauzvrat..
Držite se dalje od njih!
I just want to warn everbody about this casino. Dont deposit here.
There are thousands of casino that is better and dont rely on the reviews down here, they pay for that…..
My experince with this casino is totally disaster.
First of all their bonus terms are not from this world.
Say you deposit 200euro and get 200euro in bonus.
To get that 200euro you have to wager it 250times! So you have to wager 50000euro and THEN you get the 200.
That is a really bad bonus. Worst i have ever seen.
Then its the games:
Im from Sweden and Netent games are restricted for swedish players.
I played Jackpot6000 that shall have a RTP for 95-98%. I had 4200 spins on 1-2euro bet with ZERO win, i dint even get ONE win in 4200spins.
So something wrong here.
And also i shouldnt even been able to play those games.
I closed my account and told them i had gambling problems and also sent a medical certificate on my addition.
Then this weekend they contacted me and tried to get me to reopen the account.
I lost over 5000euro in less then a month. Sent over 100messages about bonuses, bad RTP, complaints etc. All signs of problem gambler.
But they have no duty of care, responsible gambling or anything like that.
How can you even think of trying to get a player back that have sent a medical certificate on gambling addiction??
I have saved all transactions on Jackpot6000, all emails and messages on Whatsup about this casino as proof if you neeed them for this review.
So plz, save your money and play on another casino. This i shouldnt suggest to anyone.
Just read the other bad reviews down here, it is so true.
And i know why they get the good reviews also… this by given players something in return..
Keep away from them!