Bonus na prvi depozit ima datum isteka, a ja to nisam znao. Postojala je greška ili tako nešto kada sam napravio depozit i prikazan je bonus na depozit. Uplatio sam depozit i shvatio da nisam dobio bonus. Kasnije sam pročitao sam opis i saznao da bonus ima rok trajanja. Odustao sam, uradio sam to sa novcem koji sam položio, izgubio sam i dobio nulu. Naljutio sam se i požalio se u ćaskanju. Onda je, na moje iznenađenje, položio oba iznos mog depozita i 100 posto bonusa! Nikada ranije nisam doživeo nešto slično u kazinu, i pišem da vam se zahvalim! Isplata traje samo nekoliko minuta.
First deposit bonus has an expiration date and I didn't know it.There was a bug or something when I made the deposit, and the deposit bonus was displayed.I made a deposit and realized I didn't get the bonus.I later read the description and found out that the bonus has an expiration date.I gave up, did it with the money I had deposited, lost and got zero.I got angry and complained in chat.Then, to my surprise, he deposited both the amount of my deposit and the 100 percent bonus!I I've never experienced anything like this in a casino before, and I'm writing to thank you!Withdrawals take only a few minutes.