szabolcs recenzije

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
Prvo, ovde nema pobednika. Nema povraćaja čak ni nakon deponovanja toliko novca. Drugo, uz bonus sredstva, nisu dozvoljene sve dobre igre koje imaju potencijal za velike pobede. Treće, ne postoji opcija odgovornog igranja. Imao sam blokiran nalog kod njih.
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
nema bonusa za prijavu kao što je obećano, zaista nepravedno s obzirom na razlog koji su dali - duplikat!
Zapravo nemam duplikate, ne mogu da verujem da su zadovoljni da požele dobrodošlicu korisnicima, a onda ih samo izbace
ne preporučuje se
ali je gospođa u četovanju bila bar fina
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • Brzi depozit
  • Cripto
  • Nema ćaskanja
  • Nema bonusa
Automatski prevedeno: Casino
pre 3 nedelja
Dear Szabolcs,

We sincerely appreciate your feedback and understand your concerns. Our team has thoroughly reviewed your account, and we couldn't find any records of chatting with our support via chat on the webpage or bonus refusals linked to your profile.

You only contacted us via email and your personal VIP manager John was helping you out. And account under your specified email was closed per your request by your VIP manager.

If you believe there has been any misunderstanding, we kindly encourage you to reach out to our support team directly so we can further investigate and clarify the situation. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible experience, and we’re here to assist you.

Thank you for acknowledging our support team's efforts—we're always happy to help!
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
It's getting worse and worse, ever since the main site moved to another domain I haven't won since... the odds of winning have been terrible... and I've been playing for a few years... but this year it's a disaster

or a few weeks ago someone won 100 tausend euros... maybe for a reason, but I haven't won since.

After 1 year I tried to play again... after 1000€ deposit I won nothing... stay away!!! Worst casino
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • fast support
  • fast payment
  • slow page
  • small chance of winning
Bizzo Casino
pre 2 nedelja
We are sorry to hear that you had such feelings. We would like to assure you that the change of domain does not affect the game mechanics or the chances of winning - all slots are based on a certified random number generator, and the results remain completely honest. Wins and losses are purely down to luck, and all players have the same chances.

We appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions or need help, our support team is ready to help!
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
EPS depozit nije, recenzije koje ovde čitate su sve sa novih profila, pa je moguće da su lažne.

veb lokacija je lepa. bez depozita, bez ćaskanja...

edit: Platio sam skrilom i pobedio sam.. Čekam isplatu!!
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • veb lokacija je lepa
  • nema ćaskanja...
  • nema EPS
Automatski prevedeno:
WinGaga Casino
pre 1 meseca
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama. Žao nam je što ste u početku imali poteškoća, ali srećni smo što je vaš depozit preko Skrill bio uspešan i što ste čak uspeli da ostvarite profit - čestitamo!

Želimo da vas uverimo da su sve recenzije na našoj platformi originalne i da dolaze od naših igrača. Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja u vezi sa povlačenjem ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, naš tim za podršku će vam rado pomoći.

Nadamo se da će vaše iskustvo ostati pozitivno i želimo vam puno sreće u sledećim utakmicama!

Srdačan pozdrav,
Vaš Vingaga tim
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
Napravio sam mali depozit i novac je podignut sa mog bankovnog računa. Nakon toga, više nisam bio prijavljen na svoj kazino nalog. Pokušao sam ponovo da se prijavim ali ništa se nije desilo. Poslao sam e-poštu tražeći povraćaj mog depozita, ali sada insistiraju da pošaljem dokaz identiteta da promenim informacije o svom nalogu. Rekao sam im da ne želim više da imam račun u ovom kazinu, samo želim svoj novac nazad, ali oni ne sarađuju. Ponekad sam imao slične slučajeve sa drugim kockarnicama i oni su mogli da refundiraju nedostajuće depozite bez lične karte. Kloni se ovog mesta!
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • avans nedostaje
  • Ne mogu da se prijavim na nalog
  • Loša usluga za korisnike
Automatski prevedeno:
King Billy Casino
pre 1 meseca
Dear player,
We could check the situation and assist the customer with login and/or refund, if the case applies to our T&C, but we cannot even confirm that the comment was left by the player of King Billy. Please, provide us with the correct email and we will check everything.
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
I have registered several months ago , I have won a large amount of money, but the payout is very slow, only the verification process takes 7 or more days .. and then you have to wait. unfortunately I do not get to the withdraw because I gamble the winnings

last week i deposited a couple hundred euros and played with it until yesterday, up to almost 4800 euros... unfortunately the slow withdraw made me addicted, so i gambled it away

I am not sure I will get my money here..

the site is fast, there are a lot of games, but I have reservations about payments..

I waited nearly 2 days for a withdraw and no information , just to wait ...

suddenly you can win lots of money here. but you can also play it fast
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • fast payment
  • quick chat
  • super games
  • very slow withdraw
Bingo Bonga Casino
pre 1 meseca
Dear Szabolcs,

We really appreciate your feedback, it is really important for us as it helps to improve our service. We deeply regret that you had a negative experience. We're also happy to hear that you liked our site overall.

However, we would like to inform you that KYC is a standard and mandatory process before withdrawing funds and it is quick process. If you are missing any documents for a withdrawal, you will receive a full list of required documents by email immediately, and your VIP manager is always happy to help you with verification.

Also, your withdrawals were processed according to our rules, which are specified in our terms and conditions, you can find it on our website. Unfortunately, if you cancel an active withdrawal and create a new one, your request will be processed from the beginning again, and the waiting time will be updated accordingly.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact your VIP manager or the support team with any questions. It is always a pleasure to help you.

Sincerest wishes,
BingoBonga team.
pre 1 mesecaOriginalPrevod
in defense of the casino : I signed up, wagered a total of 350 euros, and so far I have won 7000 euros, which is incredible , and amazing, I read all the help here, I saw that withdrawals are slow and complicated, but I saw that withdrawing to Tether wallet is faster and problem free.

So I registered a Binance account, and searched for the TRC20 wallet, and tried to transfer 10 Euros with my Wallet code !

After 2 days I received the 10 euros, so I can say it really works ! BUT now I'm trying to transfer 2000 euros ! I hope to receive it in 2 days!

today we received the full amount !

out payment : binance wallet
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • fast withdrawal to Binance wallet
  • korrekt
  • good games, good bonuses
  • the chat is a bit slow
  • out payment : binance wallet
pre 6 meseciOriginalPrevod
prvi problem je plaćanje večnog vremena...
Osvojio sam 6000 evra, ali mogu da podignem samo 500 evra dnevno, podizanje ne ide... samo čekaj čekaj čekaj.

Verifikacija naloga ne radi.

Danas sam dobio bonus koji izgleda ovako:
(150% bonus do €50)

Dobio sam 100% od 150%. Kada sam pitao zašto samo 100%, dobio sam odgovor da

„maksimalni iznos bonusa je 50 EUR".

Pa šta znači 150%?

sledeći odgovor:

Na primer, ako deponujete €10, vaš bonus će biti €25.

ceo sajt je šala.. bonus je šala. isplata je šala, recenzije ovde sa njom su lažni profili... plaćene recenzije... DRŽITE SE DALjE OD OVOG SAJTA
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • brzo plaćanje
  • Igrači se uzimaju za budale
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 8 meseciOriginalPrevod
incredible casino !

I registered yesterday and got a 50% bonus, so I played with 300 euros, after the spin I could withdraw 600 euros without any problems, I got it in 2 seconds ! unbelievable fast ..
Prikaži višePrikaži manje
  • unbelievable fast
  • great site
  • fast payment and withdrawal
  • none
pre 8 meseciOriginalPrevod
I am more likely to win here than on another site.
I think it's a great site, I always win.
  • fast support
  • Helpful Chat
  • fast withdrawal (5 min - 3 hours)
  • none
Sol Casino
pre 8 meseci
Hello, dear player! Thank you for your positive evaluation of our casino. We are very happy about your winnings and wish you good luck in the future game!

Best regards,
Sol Casino!
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