Moram da branim kazino! Probao sam pre nekoliko dana jer sam video da ga je Casino Guru ocenio visoko, pomislio sam zašto da ne... Deponovao sam 250 evra i dobio 100% bonusa... Igrao sam nekoliko sati sa 40-60 centi pre nego što sam pobedio 2-3 hiljade evra, zaustavio sam se na nagradi od 3700€, podizanje je bilo teško, jer kao što je ovde napisano, morate koristiti metod isplate na koji ja uplaćujem !!
Ovo je loše jer mogu da platim bankovnom karticom, ali za podizanje moram da koristim BANKOVSKI TRANSFER zbog IBAN broja... IBAN broj nije isti kao broj KARTICE... Na ovo sam ukazao na četovima nekoliko puta i dobio pomoć, uspeo sam da dobijem svoj dobitak BANKOVNIM TRANSFEROM,,, relativno brzo, u roku od 3 sata mora da sam dobio novac !!!
u svakom slučaju mislim da je to moguće zbog nedavne registracije, a možda ako bih uplatio kasnije ne bih dobio.. ne znam... kazino kockanje retko mora da se radi da bi se pobedilo... to je činjenica... ako igrate svaki dan samo gubite !!!!
tako da je sajt ok ... plati... iako sam čitao kritike i uplašio se da neću dobiti svoj novac !!!
I have to defend the casino ! I tried it a few days ago because I saw that Casino Guru rated it highly, I thought why not... I deposited 250 euros and got a 100% bonus... I played for several hours with 40-60 cents before I won 2-3 thousand euros, I stopped at a prize of €3700 , the withdrawal was difficult, because as it was written here, you have to use a withdrawal method that I deposit with !!
This is bad because I can pay with a bank card, but to withdraw I have to use BANK TRANSFER because of the IBAN number... the IBAN number is not the same as the CARD number... I pointed this out on Chat several times and got help, I managed to get my winnings with BANK TRANSFER,,, relatively quickly, within 3 hours I must have received the money !!!
anyway i think it's possible because of the recent registration, and maybe if i deposited later i wouldn't win.. i don't know... casino gambling rarely has to be done to win... it's a fact... if you play every day you only lose !!!!
so the site is ok ... pay... even though I read the reviews and was scared that I would not get my money !!!