Hvala vam na objašnjenju i što ste se pobrinuli da igrač dobije deo dobitka koji nedostaje, Nick / Roial Ace tim.
Dragi ChasKai,
Drago mi je što smo uspeli da vam nabavimo nedostajućih 100 dolara, a vi ste ih već dobili. Prema dobicima sa vašeg depozita,. Nažalost, da, mešanje sredstava se dogodilo, ne samo zato što je još bilo nekih sredstava na vašem računu, već i zato što povlačenje bonus dobitaka nije obrađeno zbog nedostajućih dokumenata i potvrde načina plaćanja. Dakle, iako ste deponovali prava sredstva bez priloženog bonusa, gotovinski depozit je bio iznad bonus sredstava, što je izazvalo mešanje sredstava. Važan faktor u ovome je to što od novembra 2022. niste uplatili pravi novac bez priloženog bonusa. Zbog toga obrada vaših dobitaka nije mogla biti jednostavna.
Iako je ACCESSVIP bonus zaista bio poseban bonus sa specifičnim uslovima bonusa, pravilo mešanja sredstava je i dalje bilo na snazi u skladu sa opštim uslovima bonusa
Mogu da se složim sa vama da podrška za ćaskanje uživo može da vam pruži tačnije informacije, međutim, oni nemaju uvek pristup celokupnoj istoriji vašeg naloga, a s obzirom da se bave uglavnom „osnovnim pitanjima", ne bih baš kriviti ih.
Uz ovo, verujem da je situacija razjašnjena, i pošto ste primili dobitke na koje imate pravo, da li mogu da smatram da je vaša žalba rešena ili mogu da vam pomognem u bilo čemu drugom?
Thank you for the explanation and for making sure the player receives the missing part of the winnings, Nick / Royal Ace team.
Dear ChasKay,
I'm glad we managed to get the missing $100 to you, and you have already received it. As per the winnings from your deposit,. Sadly, yes, the mixing of funds did happen, not only because there were still some funds left in your account, but also because the withdrawal of the bonus wins was not processed because of the missing documents and confirmation of the payment method. So although you did deposit real funds without a bonus attached, the cash deposit was on top of the bonus funds, which caused the mixing of funds. An important factor in this is that you have not made a real money deposit without any bonus attached since November 2022. That's why the processing of your winnings could not be straight-forward.
Although the ACCESSVIP bonus was indeed a special bonus with specific bonus terms, the mixing funds rule was still in place as per the general bonus terms and conditions
I can agree with you that live chat support could provide you with more accurate information, however, they don't always have access to the whole history of your account, and considering they deal mostly with the "basic issues" I wouldn't really blame them.
With this being said, I trust the situation has been clarified, and since you have received the winnings you have been entitled to, can I consider your complaint resolved or can I assist you with anything else?
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