NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaHow to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority

How to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority (strana 10)

 od Daniel
147.761 pregleda 392 odgovora |
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Ne možete pisati, već samo stvari za koje mislite da su zaista relevantne za slučaj, ali preporučujem da ponovo pošaljete svoju žalbu sa detaljima na sve mejlove koje sam vam poslao iznad

Automatski prevedeno:

OK, uradiću to. Koliko vam je bilo brzo?

Automatski prevedeno:

This is all fantastic information, Joao! This is the type of stuff that Casino Guru should have links to from the main page.

Also, you seem to know quite a bit about the back end of this stuff. Operators, regulators, etc. I'd love to have a chat with you about this stuff one day. I think there's a lot I could learn from you.

Thanks for helping people out! You're one of the good ones.



Mogu samo da se složim sa tobom. ☺

Automatski prevedeno:

Bio je to dug proces u kome sam mnogo naučio, uglavnom da postoje kazina koja se ne mogu rešiti sa nekoliko mejlova, morate da se žalite na javnim sajtovima, kao što sam objašnjavao Dženi, neka kazina i regulatori daju veći značaj žalbama napisano na TrustPilot-u. Što više izloženosti imate, to bolje! Kazina Curacao, posebno ona licencirana od strane Antilephone NV ili CEG, obično ne žele da pokažu mnogo pažnje... obično imaju mnogo toga da sakriju

Automatski prevedeno:

Bila je to nedelja Dženi. Ali BetOnRed je zaista dao veliki značaj žalbi TrustPilot-a

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm glad you got paid!

Dealing with the more popular casinos, ones with establishes names and reputations, always helps.

The point I was trying to make, however, was that if, for whatever reason, they decided that they were gonna not pay you, there's still nobody to hold them accountable. Sure, the regulator could fine them and their reputation may take a little hit, but you'd still be out the money.

Personally, I believe the regulator should be the one who has to pay the player in cases where the casino is in breach of their terms and conditions. They can then deal with getting reimbursed by the casino when their license is up for renewal.

Just my $0.02


I've always had my suspicions about 8048/JAZ.

Dama uses them for all their Curacao casinos, and there's something about Dama that just doesn't sit right with me. Kinda like maybe they're funneling money to Russia, or something like that...

If I'm not heard from for a while, you'll know why lol

Lol mods have a ton of reading to do here when they wake up 🤣

Hi, Radka! Jaro! 👋


Da, imam, i navodno je slučaj predat regulatoru, ali to je ono što Roku Bet kaže... Nemam nijedan mejl od Antilephone NV koji ovo potvrđuje. Ali Roku Bet je licenciran od strane Antilephone-a, ali ga sada „kontroliše" tim za usklađenost sa eMoore NV, za koji sam otkrio da je kredibilniji entitet. Barem veb lokacija eMoore NV ima adrese, e-poštu i mesta za pritužbe.

U prilogu su fotografije veb stranice Roku i odgovor dat na portugalskom portalu Kueika.

Može li mi CasinoGuru pomoći sa ovim podacima? Kontaktirajte tim za usklađenost sa eMoore NV? Inače, iako je Roku Bet i BetTilt licenca od Antilephonea, to je podlicenca, zar Abudantia BV grupa ne mora da poštuje pravila zakona o Master licenci Curacao? Molim vas pomozite mi.



Automatski prevedeno:


It is unfortunate, but since we are not among the officially recognized authorities, we are not in any relation with Moore NV compliance team. For the same reason, we just can't address any license providers or casinos (aside from standard complaint communication initiated through the RCM Team) on any players' behalf. The same goes for the legal aspect, we are not lawyers, hence we can't prosecute local law. I'm sorry.

Vidite, možda niste daleko od istine, mnoga od ovih kazina kao što su Leon i Tvin će uvek biti locirana u istočnim zemljama, odnosno Rusiji. Ako koriste veb lokaciju pod nazivom „offshore leaks" i pretražuju „ORing Limited" ili „Moonlite NV", vi ćete poludeti 😂 postoji najmanje 20 različitih kompanija povezanih sa Casino Leon Bet

Automatski prevedeno:

But don't you maybe think that there's more you guys could do outside of the legal stuff?

Making taking a proactive stance and start warning players about casinos/operators/regulators with shady business practices?

This casino is operated by (insert name). There are many cases of non-payment with this operator and they are non-responsive to our team. We highly suggest playing elsewhere.

Something like this would help a lot of people.

..whether the casinos will cooperate..

And this is the problem with online gambling.

Licensed, unlicensed. Curacao, Malta, UKGC. At the end of the day, none of it means a damn thing, as the only person deciding if you get paid, is whoever is in charge of casino finances.

If a casino doesn't want to pay you, they won't. It's as simple as that. For most people, there's absolutely nothing you can do to get your money, because there's nobody in charge of making sure players get paid.

The commissions and regulatory bodies are all a farce. They exist solely to make players feel "comfortable" giving their money to these shady businesses. They'll also take a big chunk of change from every operator so they can line their own pockets. As long as that money keeps coming in, they don't give a single Fudgsicle.

Let's use Blazzio as a recent example.

One day, they just decided to pull the plug on their operation. No warning was given to players. No responses have been sent out. All they did, was change their website to look like a geo-block.

Try to look up information about this, and you'll find next to nothing. You'll see complaints that people have sent to affiliate sites such as this one. You'll even see some sites still recommending it as a safe place to play! Painfully missing, is any actual NEWS relating to their shutdown. Nobody seems to know a damn thing about what happened.

In this "regulated" industry, how is it possible for a casino to just pull the plug - taking (very likely) millions of dollars of players funds along with them - yet it doesn't even make a single news headline. Not even the affiliate sites had much to say about it.

There are people that lose their life savings to places like this and yet nothing ever happens to the people responsible. At the VERY LEAST, the regulator should be investigated by the Government of Curacao, but that won't happen. They're in the midst of new regulations, which is only making things more confusing, as they're too busy enjoying their Carribean beach lifestyle to give a flying phuck about the players.

/End rant


From my perspective and also from my experiences, if the player reaches out to any licensing authority, the person who decides whether the player's issue should be addressed and settled is someone from the licensing authority. Sadly, many player's requests remain unaddressed. I also agree that these authorities sometimes act more in favor of casinos by ignoring complaints.

I believe there is a way to prevent these issues from occurring. Play exclusively at casinos that are authorized in the nation of your permanent residence.

If we stick with our nationally licensed casinos, Curacao or Malta-licensed casinos would be left with quite a little traffic, I think, and surely their possible issues could not be avoided so easily. From what I can tell, especially on this forum, players prefer Curacao or Malta because they come from highly regulated markets. Most of them take this risk to avoid the regulations. These players create the demand.

Aside from this, I can appreciate your viewpoint.


so what does CasinoGuru really does? 😅 I saw a Post that shows that you have good relations with some operators and regulators from Curaçau .. but until now no one could help me 😅 why can’t you speak with any company? Its not like they are doing the right thing or doing legal stuff 😂 as for the eMoore N.V they are not just a compliance team… you should have good relations with them.. because they are managing/helping almost every Casino in Curaçau. They are license holders, regulators, complaince team, everything that a modern casino from Curaçau has to got.. They do the Service. They are the owners of TrustMore, and most of new and some oldschool Curaçau Casinos even got the same address from TrustMore.. yes, they rent off shore offices too.. so, I Think CasinoGuru have to Know the guys from the EM Group 😅 they are now present in Curaçau, Malta, Cyprus and Netherlands.

Do you know anyone from Antillephone N.V that CasinoGuru could contact? Or Roku Bet, BetTilt. Their compliance team is eMoore N.V a very well knowned company in the gaming industry. They Manage, deal with complaints, pass licensed, help you oppening a Casino from scratch.. so I think its a good away to start! I have sent an email to the eMoore Compliance team and they answered quick saying that they Will investigate the case !

maybe if someone here from CasinoGuru sent an email with would My case being faster …

They use


I am not familiar with this kind of information, but you could try asking your complaint handlers. But I really believe that we do not act in such a way. I explained in my previous reply.

Try it anyhow, and you will see.

Lol mods have a ton of reading to do here when they wake up 🤣

Hi, Radka! Jaro! 👋

Hi there,

We do not often get the chance to see how far players can go on their own, so I am especially happy about that.

Have a good day! 🖐


Koliko ja razumem EM Group, eMoore NV sada rešava žalbe i usklađenost za Roku Bet / Abudantia BV i veliki deo kazina na Curacao-u. Ako kompanija brže odgovara i opuštenija je čak i u imejlovima, zašto CasinoGuru zapravo ne bi pokušao da pomogne svojim lojalnim pristalicama i posetiocima veb stranice? Jer ne zaboravite da je vaš cilj, pored procene kazina, i da pomognete igračima da reše probleme, zato postoji deo za žalbe

Automatski prevedeno:

But don't you maybe think that there's more you guys could do outside of the legal stuff?

Making taking a proactive stance and start warning players about casinos/operators/regulators with shady business practices?

This casino is operated by (insert name). There are many cases of non-payment with this operator and they are non-responsive to our team. We highly suggest playing elsewhere.

Something like this would help a lot of people.

Good idea, In my opinion, this warning says it too:

(example shown in the Safety Index tab)




Upravo mi je palo na pamet da sam takođe pisao trustpilotu kada sam se žalio na ninecasino. Ne znam da li je to pomoglo, ali dobio sam svoj dobitak. To verovatno može zaista pomoći. CEG je zapretio sankcijama i kaznama jer kazino nije reagovao. Tužno ali istinito. Odjednom su prihvatili moju ponudu od 50% i munjevito isplatili

Automatski prevedeno:

Žalbom na pravim mestima, ispravnim pisanjem, pokazivanjem svih dokaza i kršenja pravila Kazina regulatoru, moguće je stići gde želite! U ovom slučaju nisam im dao ni minut odmora... kao što možete videti ovde, BetOnRed je brzo refundirao iznos potrošen na igru. Samo sam morao da dokažem da nema dovoljno KIC ili zaštite igrača na sajtu... u stvari, nikakve! filefilefilefile

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