U stvari, isto sam uradio kada su u pitanju kompanije za sportsko klađenje. Bio sam prilično iznenađen što su neke kompanije odbile da me unaprijed verifikuju. Samo su rekli: "Ne želimo vaše dokumente, izvršite depozite i zamolićemo vas da završite verifikaciju kada smatramo da je potrebno." Nisam tamo uplaćivao, ali samo želim reći da u nekim slučajevima nije tako lako. Samo odbijaju da vas verifikuju 😀
Actually I did the same when it come to sports betting companies. I was quite surprised that some companies refused to verify me in advanced. They just said: "We don't want your documents, make the deposits and we'll ask you to complete the verification when we feel it's needed." I didn't make any deposits there, but I just want to say it's not that easy in some cases. They just refuse to verify you 😀