NaslovnaForumKazinaBetOnRed Casino - opšta diskusija

BetOnRed Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od CasinoStreamer88
42.075 pregleda 241 odgovora |
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Zdravo draga Radka,

Ne znam tačno da li sada treba da tražim nazad ceo depozit i da li imam šansu,

Pitanje je da li sam uopšte mogao da verifikujem svoj nalog? Da li bi povećanje uopšte bilo moguće?

Mislim da je to bio prihod bez rizika za kazino; da sam dobio veliku dobit, vratio bih samo svoje depozite.

Tada biste takođe mogli da budete fer i da vam se depoziti vrate bez zarade.

Ili grešim?

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear Blerko,

I imagine this whole topic must be quite overwhelming, but I will try to explaint it plainly. Let's start with a few definitions:

Safety Index: is calculated value saying how likely the caiso will pay ou our rightfull winnings.

Refund: is when amount of money you have previously deposited in the casino to play is returned to you, ussualy becase there has been some tech issue, or bous issue. Casinos refund players when they feel they made a mistake but it it best to reset the situation by returning the deposit

Now, when you say "I am a player with an addiction problem, the only thing I look at is how you rate them." and aslo "No, verification wasn't really asked about and there is no way to verify yourself, probably only when you make a withdrawal." as explained what you call rating has little to do with it when you have never asked for a withdrawal. And yes, many casinos verify players once they request withdrawal.

Players from Gemany should only play in casinos licensed under the GGL - your local licensing authority. You decided to play in casino licensed under the Curacao license - and according to our website, this casino does not accept players from Germany. Is this your concer, please?

In any case, if you are able to deposit, play, win or lose fairly in this casino, I see no reason for refund. Once the casino let's you register, deposit and play, and if you play in accordance with every rules, you should get your winning, if you win.

What I truly fail to understand is this " think that was risk-free income for the casino; if I had won big, I would have only gotten my deposits back." Please infor the casino of your concer. If they say you can't play there, because of the restriction, that would mean you should get back your money, if the casino plans not to pay out your possible winnings. If the casino is ok with you as a player, you should be treated like a person from any other allowed country.

From general perspective, playing in caisno is never risk-free, you may lose all quite easily. Also, try to avoid casinos restricted from German citizens. If you somehow manage to do that, ask the support imemdiately.

To be more specific now, ask the support or chat whether it is ok for you to play there even if you are from Germany. The refund option depends on casino's point of view.

If I may have just a one advise, try not to play. Do anything you can to focus your mind on anything else.

When you have to play, set low limits, at least, and inform the casino you are addicted.

Further support, tips and anything related to this problem is available 24/7 in our responsible gambling section 👈. Take a look at it whenever you need please.

Let me know what you learn from the casino, I'll be here.

Zdravo svima, možete li mi reći da li je opklada na crveno pouzdana? Tražili su od mene verifikaciju i račun je već verifikovan, ali povlačenje još uvek čeka

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, here you can find a lot of necessary things and surely also how the withdrawals in this casino went for the players. 

According to the safety index I would say that there should be no problem with this but we both know that something can always happen. How long have you been waiting for your money ? Did you play with any bonus ? What payment method did you use to withdraw ?

Put me more in the picture please.


Hvala, platili su mi u roku od 48 sati

Automatski prevedeno:

Great then all is well as I see it. Sometimes you just have to be a little patient because the withdrawals don't have to be instant. 

Are you going to stay and play here ?


Zatvorili su mi račun

Automatski prevedeno:

Crvena opklada je zatvorila moj račun Imam dobitak veći od 200 evra. Moj nalog je već verifikovan i već sam napravio povlačenja, pomozite mi, molim vas, to nije bio bonus novac

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, do you know the reason why this happened ? I see that a week ago we were talking about you getting money , so this is quite a cold shower I would say. If the casino had a reason, be sure to tell me what they told you. 

I'll be waiting for a response.

Toliko je grozno da ne mogu ni da pomislim na to

Sve su to zarezi i zarezi i sve te stvari.

Iako se stanje stalno povećava i bonus takođe raste u skladu sa ukupnom opkladom, 219.075 JPI je i dalje deklarisano kao 2190 jena, a iznos prikazan u novčaniku je 2190 jena.

Ali dobio sam BUI BONUS 10,000 JPI.

Čak i ako osvojite 40.000 JPI, vaš novčanik će imati samo minus 1.000 JPI.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, hmm from what you describe I'm not sure if I fully understand what's happening to you here. Do you have money in your account that the casino is miscalculating when you talk about the commas? Does the money come from the bonus you bought ? 

Could you explain it a little better, please ?

Problemi sa prikazom iznosa na ekranima slotova

Preostali iznos na ekranu slota koji trenutno igrate je prikazan kao 219,075 JPI, ili 219,075 japanskih jena.

Međutim, iznos prikazan u stanju na računu je prikazan kao 2.190,00 JPI, iako se koristi simbol „¥" koji se koristi za prikaz iznosa u JPI. Ovo je metod koji se koristi za prikazivanje iznosa kao što su USD, a ne za prikazivanje iznosa u japanskom jenu.

Pored toga, ukupna opklada po okretu se može podesiti u 19 koraka, od najmanje 20 JPI do maksimalno 15.000 JPI. Od toga, ukupna opklada koja koristi "," je 1.000 JPI, što je 13 koraka od dna.

Iako ekran slota jasno pokazuje ¥219,075, iznos prikazan u stanju računa se menja u „00" bez ikakvog zaokruživanja nagore ili naniže decimalne zapete.

Prema objašnjenju menadžmenta, „,075" u 219.075 JPI zapravo nije 75 jena u japanskim jenima, već broj iza „.", a oni su rekli da ne razumem razliku između „," i „ .". Stoga su tvrdili da 219.075 JPI = 219.075 jena, za koje sam se raspitao kao greška u prikazu, nije prikazano kao 219.075 jena, već kao 2.190,00 JPI, što je globalno priznata valuta za svaku zemlju, a trenutna situacija je nije poboljšan.

Prema ovom objašnjenju, od 19 mogućih ukupnih nivoa opklade po okretanju, iznos opklade tri nivoa iznad minimalne opklade od 20 JPI, 40 JPI i 60 JPI biće cena koja se ne odražava u stanju na računu.

Međutim, setovi bonusa koji se mogu kupiti na ekranu slota mogu se kupiti za 100 puta veći iznos opklade, tako da ako je iznos opklade 60 JPI, to bi bilo 6.000 JPI, ali ga zapravo možete kupiti za samo 6 JPI.

Kao što je gore pomenuto, postoji neslaganje između iznosa prikazanog na ekranu slota i iznosa prikazanog u stanju na računu, što otežava razumevanje. Nadam se da će ovo pitanje biti rešeno što je pre moguće.

Da li razumete?

Ako mislite da ste dobili veliku dobit i rado pokušate da podignete svoj novac, bićete ismejani i rečeno vam je: „Šteta za vas 😀 To je univerzalno razumevanje ☺ Vi ste krivi što ne učite dovoljno 😃 Prijatan dan 😃 Zbogom. "

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, na kraju su uplatili dobitak nakon nekoliko dana u kojima sam objasnio da traže karticu koja nije moja, užasna pomoć

Automatski prevedeno:

Better to forget about it, right? You know, I think it is still great to share such tediencies with others because it sounds quite unbelievable. I imagine the support was damn serious about such a request at the beginning.

In any way, what was it like in the end? Did they apologize for the issue?

Well, we are just humans after all. I hope our next experiences will be far more enjoyable than this.🤞



Now I understand that it seemed the slot showed different values compared to the active balance. Well, I understand it's because the general marker is "," instead of "." I imagine it must be quite complicated for players from specific countries. I also think the slot provider just has one set up for the bet scale, probably not very versatile for more exotic currencies.

How many spins have you bought this way?


Ne, nisu se izvinili ako kliknem na Verifi not lp Verifikovan sam čak iako sam već bio lp. Ali povlačenje lp su platili

Automatski prevedeno:

Well that's too bad, sometimes we don't even get that apology. But for me personally it would have been important to get the money, even though some situations leave us with bitter taste. 

However, on the basis of them we can then decide whether we will continue to play in such a casino or not. 


ne sećam se.

Automatski prevedeno:

Osvojio sam 4500 kruna u četvrtak, ali ih još nisu isplatili, iako sam pokušao da ih kontaktiram nekoliko puta - neko iz njihove korisničke službe kaže da su poslani od njih i može proći do 5 dana pre nego što stignu do banka - drugi kažu da su još u obradi i još nisu odobreni - pišu da novac nije prenet jer je banka zatvorena i nije bankovni dan, ali znam da je bilo mnogo bankarskih dana od četvrtka.

Mogu li da im mahnem zbogom? Može da vidi duge negativne poruke na trustpilotu za prošli mesec

Automatski prevedeno:

Did you get your account verified at this casino, and have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

Kristina has already explained in your complaint that we usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed with the withdrawal, so I hope that you will be able to get the money before this time period passes.

Keep us updated about any changes, please.

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