Hvala na odgovoru. Pre svega želim da se zahvalim vama i vašem timu koji pomažete ovim nesrećnim ljudima. Zaista cenim sve ovo što radite.
Btv verujem da je sve ovo kašnjenje zbog letnjih dana godišnjeg odmora, nedostaju radnici na odeljenju finansija, ali još uvek nisam siguran. Šta misliš ? Da li su oni prevara? Imaju dobar rejting od Gurua? 9,6 je možda najveća ocena ovde?
U svakom slučaju, problemi se mogu desiti, ali ipak u 2024. godini oni bi trebalo da olakšaju kao što su to učinile druge platforme. Imam strpljenja, ne treba mi taj novac da preživim u životu, ali me se ipak tiče, iznerviralo bi me da neko pokuša da me prevari. Zaista sam imao dobre vibracije sa ovim sajtom, sada se osećam razočarano. Sačekaću do sutra i poslaću žalbu.
Verovatno mnogo profitiraju, imaju dobar rejting, zašto im ovo treba?
Thank you for answering. First of all I want to thank you and your team that helping those unfortunate people. I really appreciate all this that you are doing.
Btw I believe all this delay is because of vacation summer days they lack workers on finance department, but still Iam not sure. What do you think ? Are they scam ? They have good rating from Guru ? 9.6 is possibly biggest rating here?
Anyway problems can happens , but still its 2024 year they should make it easy as other platforms did it. I have patience , I dont need that money to survive in my life but still it concern me , it would piss me off that someone try to cheat on me. I really had good vibes with this site , now I feel disappointed. I will wait until tomorrow and i will send complaint.
They are probabley profiting much , they have good rating , why they need this ?
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