NaslovnaForumKazinaDelOro Casino - opšta diskusija

DelOro Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od DiePartei
40.230 pregleda 316 odgovora |
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See what I mean 🙂. Partnership says it all... no fair threatment.

Dear Sabine, you would notice a significant difference between the way the casino representative and I handle the limits if you closely read every post I have made in this thread for the last few weeks.

Thus, in my opinion, jumpy judges are not necessary. Would you please take that into account? Otherwise, I am not sure why you keep getting back to us, to be honest.

Let's just take it as grown individuals, please.

Zdravo draga Radka,

Nažalost, ne mogu u potpunosti da podelim vaše mišljenje. Kod ovakvih limita povlačenja obično se navodi da isplata zavisi od VIP nivoa ili je bar definisana na drugi način.

Takođe ne razumem zašto moja recenzija i žalba nisu objavljeni. Svoja iskustva sam opisao samo onako kako sam ih imao. Zašto ne mogu da ocenim kazino? Izgleda malo sumnjivo. Naravno da razumem ako želite da zaštitite svoje partnere, ali mislim da bi Casino Guru mogao da izgubi poverenje ako više ne bude transparentan i fer prema igračima.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

This is really confusing to me. The English version begins with "Unfortunately, I can not entirely share your opinion," despite the fact that we clearly agree on the limits and how they should be stated. I am lost, I guess.

I told you not to lose the balance . since you actually did, the complaint was rejected. As explained in the complaint thread:

"Dear Blerko, since you've lost the remaining funds and there are no funds left in your casino account, there isn't anything we can do."

To be honest, in certain situations, this might also have an impact on how objectively we view the review. In this instance, I regret to say that an error was made: nearly 90% of unfavorable user reviews linked to complaints that are rejected as unjustified are also rejected because the primary points in the complaint were found to be false. However, in your case, the circumstances were different, so I approved your user review retroactively.

At least my apology for the user review, and I'm sorry the complaint has no chance to get into the final stage.


Pokušao nekoliko puta, ali kao što rekoh deloro reaguje samo selektivno. Ignorišu druge komentare poput mog.

Automatski prevedeno:

Vraćam se ovde jer ovde su ljudi koji takođe imaju pritužbe na kazino. I pošto sam mislio da je Deloro odgovorio ovde (ali nažalost samo selektivno), mislio sam da ću pokušati ovde.

Ali kao što sam ranije naznačio... , koristite vašu ikonu na njihovom sajtu, recenzije su uklonjene sa vašeg sajta, samo žalbe se obrađuju od strane deloro-a koje nemaju nikakve veze sa njihovim integritetom.. to mi takođe daje sumnju da postoji saradnju. Nema nikakve veze sa tim da li se ja sa ovim odnosim zrelo. Samo zrelo odgovaram. Ovo je moj zaključak.

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Radka,

Znam da ne mogu da povratim ništa što sam izgubio i prokockao.

Ali činjenica je: da je novac isplaćen, ne bih mogao da ga potrošim tako brzo zbog limita depozita.

Sada je situacija takva kakva jeste. Ne želim da nanesem štetu kazinu, ali mislim da je važno da novi igrači u Deloro kazinu budu svesni ograničenja povlačenja pre nego što naprave velike opklade.

Hvala vam puno na podršci.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Automatski prevedeno:

Vraćam se ovde jer ovde su ljudi koji takođe imaju pritužbe na kazino. I pošto sam mislio da je Deloro odgovorio ovde (ali nažalost samo selektivno), mislio sam da ću pokušati ovde.

Ali kao što sam ranije naznačio... , koristite vašu ikonu na njihovom sajtu, recenzije su uklonjene sa vašeg sajta, samo žalbe se obrađuju od strane deloro-a koje nemaju nikakve veze sa njihovim integritetom.. to mi takođe daje sumnju da postoji saradnju. Nema nikakve veze sa tim da li se ja sa ovim odnosim zrelo. Samo zrelo odgovaram. Ovo je moj zaključak.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, I really appreciate your honesty, and thank you for the details.

We occasionally—and I will admit, sometimes mistakenly—reject reviews, but only because we have a good feeling that they are part of a pattern from third parties, or even casinos. In player cases, on the other hand, we most likely believe the information is ambiguous or possibly biased. However, there was never any malicious intent, and all players are welcome to return to discuss the matter. I understand you have your doubts, and I also understand that every explanation from a Casino Guru member has little meaning. However, it is not in our best interests to gamble with your trust as long as we depend on players.

If you were able to read some of our internal emails expressing our stance against the casinos telling us how we should "cooperate," you might be startled.

Well, anyway. I am happy that I now have a better understanding of your worry, and I hope that we can resolve it eventually, over the time.

Draga Radka,

Znam da ne mogu da povratim ništa što sam izgubio i prokockao.

Ali činjenica je: da je novac isplaćen, ne bih mogao da ga potrošim tako brzo zbog limita depozita.

Sada je situacija takva kakva jeste. Ne želim da nanesem štetu kazinu, ali mislim da je važno da novi igrači u Deloro kazinu budu svesni ograničenja povlačenja pre nego što naprave velike opklade.

Hvala vam puno na podršci.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there.

I know this is not what we were expecting, I assure you; at least I did not anticipate that.

Nobody here, I believe, is trying to hurt anyone. Discussions occur, and viewpoints might even shift. I think it is fantastic that you have tried so hard to educate people about the significance of withdrawal limits.

All I can hope for is that you will eventually discover a safer pastime. You must be under a lot of stress because of this experience, and I am sorry to hear that.

Take care!


Draga Radka,

Smatram da moja žalba nije shvaćena dovoljno ozbiljno. Takođe sam jasno stavio do znanja da je moj nalog već dva puta ponovo otvaran, iako sam ga zatvorio zbog svoje zavisnosti od kockanja.

Da li je pošteno tražiti novac nazad u ovakvoj situaciji kada ste se isključili zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, ali je nalog ionako ponovo dostupan? mislim da da. Kao zavisniku od kockanja, teško je kontrolisati impulse i tužno je kada te trenutke iskoriste kazina.

Moja zavisnost od kockanja me je finansijski uništila i trenutno sam na lečenju. Žalosno je što kazina ne nude mogućnost da se trajno i obavezujuće isključite iz takvih razloga jednostavnim dugmetom. Čini se kao da neka kazina zapravo profitiraju od nevolje bolesnih ljudi - barem se nadam da nije!

Trenutno pokušavam da saznam da li imam dokaz da je Deloro ponovo otvorio moj nalog uprkos mojoj zavisnosti od kockanja i višestrukim zatvaranjima.

Srdačan pozdrav

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Takođe vidim da je limit povlačenja u Deloru i dalje 10.000 evra dnevno. Međutim, u mom slučaju to nije tačno, kao što znate.

Nije važno šta se kazino dogovori sa igračem pojedinačno – trebalo bi da bude jasno koje ograničenje važi za sve.

I postoji ograničenje od 1.000 evra dnevno za sve!

Automatski prevedeno:

Draga Radka,

Smatram da moja žalba nije shvaćena dovoljno ozbiljno. Takođe sam jasno stavio do znanja da je moj nalog već dva puta ponovo otvaran, iako sam ga zatvorio zbog svoje zavisnosti od kockanja.

Da li je pošteno tražiti novac nazad u ovakvoj situaciji kada ste se isključili zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, ali je nalog ionako ponovo dostupan? mislim da da. Kao zavisniku od kockanja, teško je kontrolisati impulse i tužno je kada te trenutke iskoriste kazina.

Moja zavisnost od kockanja me je finansijski uništila i trenutno sam na lečenju. Žalosno je što kazina ne nude mogućnost da se trajno i obavezujuće isključite iz takvih razloga jednostavnim dugmetom. Čini se kao da neka kazina zapravo profitiraju od nevolje bolesnih ljudi - barem se nadam da nije!

Trenutno pokušavam da saznam da li imam dokaz da je Deloro ponovo otvorio moj nalog uprkos mojoj zavisnosti od kockanja i višestrukim zatvaranjima.

Srdačan pozdrav

Automatski prevedeno:

Good day to you.

I see you have been thinking, well, me too.

Do you recall that I told you to include all relevant information in the complaint? Regretfully, it appears that you have specifically neglected to mention your permanent casino account closure and the reopening.

I would not hesitate to ask that the complaint be reopened because, as I mentioned earlier, the circumstances surrounding the reopen and the account closure are significant, even though I am unable to add this information to anyone's complaint and I am not asserting that it will not be rejected again. That solely depends on the way and the reason why your account was reopened. So, if you decide to tray again, upon the request, please specifically explain the self-exclusion and then the events that led to the account reopening.

Regarding the limits, and allow me to put the answer into one post here:

As I said, we provide the limits the way casinos confirm these to us; we also check the terms and ask the support for explanation. Every player who is not sure which limit he actually has in the casino should always ask the support and capture the response, just in case later on the confirmed withdrawal limits won't match the reality. I wish you did the same. 🙁

We will look into any suggestions made by the player during the complaint and any evidence that the casino reduced the limits to disadvantage them. However, the permanent self-exclusion and the manner in which the casino reopened your account are now the most significant aspects of this entire situation, I'd say.

Are you going to reopen the complaint?

i find deloro casino is a good casino had never got problem fastwithdrwal friendly customer support


Would you like to tell us more about your experience at this casino?

Which games do you like? How long did you wait for the withdrawal and how did the support help you, if I may ask?


by deloro the withdrawal takes only 5 second with no hassle for the support is 24/7 to assist you they give you full attention and also fast answer what your asking for and give good info and they are also if theres a problem also derecly gives you sulotion about it that is base on my experience in deloro casino

i hope i give you good answer


Great answer. Thank you.

I can see that you really like it there, and I am glad.

Which games do you like the most there?

Did you know that you can submit a user review where you can describe your experience? I am sure they will like it a lot.

Here's the link for you.😉

Želeo bih da jasno stavim do znanja da nisam želeo da omalovažavam Delora, već da podelim svoja lična iskustva. Svako može da formira svoje mišljenje.

Pretpostavio sam da se ograničenja navedena u Casino Guru-u za Deloro zapravo odnose na igrače u Deloru. Međutim, sada sam saznao da to nije slučaj. Očigledno se morate pojedinačno prijaviti za nova ograničenja.

Ovo postavlja pitanja za mene: Zašto obični igrač koji uloži 100 evra nema ista prava na povlačenje kao česti igrač? Koja je logika iza činjenice da morate prihvatiti velike gubitke da biste mogli da povučete veće iznose?

Korisnički servis je veoma ljubazan, ali imam utisak da nisu uvek potpuno transparentni. Čini se da se ova ljubaznost proteže do tačke u kojoj stvari postaju ozbiljne - na primer, kada se povlači - gde onda dolazi do kašnjenja, kao što je bio slučaj u mom slučaju.

Takođe smatram da je softver malo spor. Čini se da Deloro koristi sledeću taktiku: nizak RTP (Return to Plaier), brze isplate do limita od 1.000 evra dnevno i ljubaznu korisničku podršku, koja, međutim, nije uvek pouzdana u kritičnim situacijama.

Mislim da je iskrena recenzija važna jer mnogi ljudi igraju pod lažnim izgovorom i potencijalno trpe velike gubitke.

Automatski prevedeno:

The sharing of players experiences is always appreciated here. Good or bad. So, we are glad that you decided to write about it, of course.

From our experience, this casino is usually trying to solve issues efficiently, and we always hope for their fairness.

It is completely understandable, though, that not everyone is going to be happy with their practices. It is normal in every online casino, I could say. 🤷‍♀️

Whenever you have any questions or you don't understand the reason behind the limits at this casino, as you wrote, I would recommend contacting the support. They should be able to explain everything to you.

We also have the casino representative active in this thread quite often, so maybe he will be able to explain things here for everyone. It is always nice to read more information from him. 🙂

Thank you for caring about others and sharing your thoughts here. We'll look forward to hearing from you again.

Warning ⚠️

Deloro casino and Heats casino newly opened are same casino and identical.


Post od dcharlet05 Sakriveno od Radka
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj
Post od dcharlet05 Sakriveno od Radka
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

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