NaslovnaForumKazinaSportaza Casino - opšta diskusija

Sportaza Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 3)

 od marcusitu1232
19.680 pregleda 95 odgovora |
12 3 45

I am sure about the casino! It happened twice, the same way, and not on a busy card that I use for multiple things! Sorry to say this, but it's a sophisticated textbook scam!


Well, from my point of view, there is still nothing solid to link this situation directly to the casino. I'm really sorry to say that, I have no reason not to believe you, of course.

I hope you won't ever find yourself in such a spot again. I'm just wondering whether other players have come across anything similar. 🤔

But do you know what?

It's a tedious coincidence, yet just a few hours ago, I ordered some stuff in the pharmacy e-shop. I paid in advance by virtual visa card, the pop-up message I must tap on and press "confirm" to finalize the payment came up for the second time, 2 minutes after the first message made it through, AND at the same time, I received an email confirmation stating the payment was successful.

Sounds quite the same, right? 🤔

I cancelled the second request for authorization, but still, my order is ok - status "paid".

Kind of weird. Despite that, I'm hesitant to accuse the pharmacy e-shop of fraud. Anyway, sorry to bother you with my little visa adventure.


So you can verify that this scam is also well-known and widespread in other sectors. It surprises me that you almost title this charge as common and usual with visas! For me, it is a disgrace and something very unacceptable! And it is not quite the same. My charges were at the same minute. No way you could escape. And I can verify from the payment history that they were double charges at the same minute. It is almost impossible to avoid this scam. And yes, I would accuse the pharmacy e-shop and their charging system. Who else would charge the same amount at the same time when you tried to order from them? I want other people to be aware; no one would care anyway... scams are everywhere, but at least I like people to be somehow protected and aware!

Zdravo, nakon nekoliko pobeda na sajtu Sportaza odlučio sam da izvršim povlačenje putem bitkoina. Povlačenje je bilo i obrađuje se. Danas idem da napravim drugo povlačenje u bitkoinima i pojavljuje se ček gde piše da ne mogu da povučem sa bitkoinom a da nisam izvršio depozit putem bitkoina. Dakle, pitanje koje sam sebi postavio bilo je 'zašto su me naterali da uzmem prvo povlačenje?'. Iz brojnih recenzija je jasno da Sportaza koristi trikove kako bi izbegao da ga pokupe. Najbolje tek dolazi. Zato pišem podršci objašnjavajući problem i prvi operater mi kaže da neće biti problema i da će moje prvo povlačenje biti ispravno obrađeno. Čitajući beskrajne negativne kritike, odlučio sam da ponovo kontaktiram podršku postavljajući im isto pitanje. Odgovor je bio suprotan. To jest, povlačenje će biti blokirano jer nikada nisam deponovao Bitcoin-om. Bez reči, dozvoljavaju vam da podignete novac, a zatim ga otkažete. Pitam se, da li je to legalno?

Štaviše, prvi operater je takođe mogao da laže govoreći mi da će povlačenje biti uspešno.

Drugom prilikom su operateri Sportaze bili lažni, odnosno drugačije su odgovorili pokušavajući da me prevare.

Kada sam postavljao uporna pitanja o mom prvom povlačenju koje nikada nije obrađeno, rečeno mi je da kontaktiram odeljenje za finansije. Nikada to ranije nisam radio, ali jednog dana sam došao na razgovor za podršku i zatražio da razgovaram sa odeljenjem za finansije. Operater odgovara da nema finansijskog odeljenja. 🤯 Pa opet pišem drugom operateru koji mi kaže da postoji finansijsko odeljenje...

Kako je sve ovo moguće?

Ipak, na kraju bi mi bilo dovoljno da primim svoj dobitak.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

To tell you the truth, it is not unusual, really, that in many casinos they have a rule about using the same deposit method for the withdrawal, as well. You should always try to contact the support by email whenever you experience some kind of issue. Have you tried to send them an email to change the payment method, perhaps? Or to cancel your withdrawal and request a new one using the same method as you've used when making a deposit? That would be probably the best thing to do. Is your account fully verified at this casino? Please let us know, whenever you'll have some updates regarding this, and if needed, we will try to help you out, for sure.

So you can verify that this scam is also well-known and widespread in other sectors. It surprises me that you almost title this charge as common and usual with visas! For me, it is a disgrace and something very unacceptable! And it is not quite the same. My charges were at the same minute. No way you could escape. And I can verify from the payment history that they were double charges at the same minute. It is almost impossible to avoid this scam. And yes, I would accuse the pharmacy e-shop and their charging system. Who else would charge the same amount at the same time when you tried to order from them? I want other people to be aware; no one would care anyway... scams are everywhere, but at least I like people to be somehow protected and aware!

Hey! I missed your reply. My apologies.

What I was trying to say is that card abuse is sadly very common these days, and the recipient simply doesn't have to be related to the abuse at all. Like it was in my case, for instance. The incorrect response from my banking app and the Visa gateway was the root of the issue.

But I see you are more than convinced, so I won't take that from you. Anyway, what do you plan to do?

The bank statement sounds pretty clear to me. How about trying the visa company for a change?





Oni traže mnogo izgovora za kašnjenje u povlačenju, a zatim se naplaćuju čudnim nepostojećim kompanijama, tako da ne možete ni da osporite poslovanje kancelarijskih koliba file

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, does that mean you haven't received your money yet ?What excuses does the casino have ? Have you tried to ask why there is a delay in withdrawals and how long it has been going on ? 

Anyway, I see that you have filed a complaint, so I firmly believe that if you fail to withdraw your money, our team will be able to help you.

I'll keep my fingers crossed. 🤞


Uvek dobijam isti odgovor, moram da čekam 3 do 5 radnih dana, u pretposlednjem ćaskanju mi je rekao da će danas preduzeti akciju, danas kažu da je praznik, videvši da se tužbe vrše u Nikoziji na Kipru I morao da objasnim da na Kipru ima mnogo religija Grci pravoslavci, katolici muslimani Danas nije Uskršnji ponedeljak za Grke pravoslavce, a u svakom slučaju ne mislim da njihov sistem radi samo radnim danima već 24 sata. Čudno, grad Palermo se pojavljuje u transkriptima ćaskanja, imao sam stotine prilika da povećam ovu sumu deset puta, ali ne želim da resetujem njihov 3-5-dnevni prekid

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I see, so it will be important to wait and see how it all develops. Some casinos don't work 24 hours every day, so it may be true that they only operate on working days, or that they only send money on those days. 

I have one more question, did you play slots or did you load money from sports betting ? 🤔

Ovaj kazino je jedna velika prevara. Takođe imam skidane uplate sa moje kartice koje nisam izvršio, ali nažalost pomoć od banke je apsolutno suluda i oni uopšte ne pokušavaju da reše problem. Drugi problem je komunikacija sa Sporzatom. Na mejl niko ne odgovara i kao što je ovde već pisalo – finansijska služba jednom postoji, pa ne postoji. Jedna velika prevara po mom mišljenju. Definitivno se ne preporučuje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, možete li mi reći nešto više o tome šta se dogodilo? Da li ste deponovali ovde i trebalo vam je više novca nego što ste zaista imali? Kada pokušate da dobijete pomoć od banke, šta vam oni kažu? Recite mi nešto više o tome šta se dešava pa ćemo videti šta se može uraditi i da li možemo da vam pomognemo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Danima sam čekao neke isplate (2 povlačenja po 500e), danas sam zatražio treće podizanje u 11:30 ujutru.

Odjednom sam dobio 3 e-poruke u kojima se navodi da su 3 povlačenja izvršena, ali samo 2 od 3 povlačenja su stigla na moj bankovni račun.

Razgovarao sam sa njima putem ćaskanja uživo i rekli su mi da su 3 isplate ispravno obrađena, za šta je sigurno kriva moja banka. Razgovaram sa svojom bankom i logično nemaju šta da mi kažu, ne blokiraju nikakve depozite.

Stalno me odbacuju u ćaskanju govoreći da su sve uradili kako treba...

Sad se postavlja pitanje gde je tih 500 evra?

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask if the issue is still persisting, please? If you need our help, do not hesitate to write to us. We'll wait for your reply.

Ovde sam podneo žalbu na Sportaza kazino, ali sporataza mi nije dozvolila da biram sa liste. Molim vas pomozite.

Automatski prevedeno:

Try to use this link, please, and let us know how it went and if you were able to submit a complaint.


Skoro sve sam uspeo da podignem, još uvek sam tu sa 500 evra, ne daju mi da ih uzmem, oni povuku ali posle 5 dana se vraća na račun, prethodna podizanja su izvršena na račun, i nije bilo problema, sad mi jadnici ne puštaju na drugi račun i ništa, sad sam probao karticu sa kojom sam uplatio... ali ni to izgleda ništa.

Automatski prevedeno:

How long are you waiting for this €500, please? If you see that it is going nowhere, let us know, and I am sure that our complaint team will gladly help you out.


Pa, lako već mesec dana...

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay. So if you wish our team to intervene in this case, please file a complaint here 👈 and let us know if you need any assistance.

12 3 45

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