pre 8 meseci
Imam više od 6000 evra tamo kako da to procesuiram
I have more than 6000 euros there how can i process tiwh that
Imam više od 6000 evra tamo kako da to procesuiram
I have more than 6000 euros there how can i process tiwh that
Rekli su da nisam poštovao uslov broj 11.5 koji je lažan, uzimaju 6000 evra, prvi put sam igrao bonus
Odgovorio sam Tomasu, nisam znao da je ovaj kazino lopov.
Možda ću se obratiti nadležnim organima ANjOUAN GAMING, ako mi ne objasne.
They said i didnt respect term condition number 11.5 which is false, they take 6000 euros, i played a bonus for the first time
i answered to thomas, i didnt know these casino is a thief.
Maybe ill contact the ANJOUAN GAMING authorithies, if they dont explain me.
Dobro, a šta onda kaže tačka 11.5 o kojoj ste optuženi za kršenje pravila? Ako ne mislite da ste nešto pokvarili, onda je to bio dobar korak da uložite žalbu i videćemo da li možemo to nekako da rešimo.
Takođe, hvala vam što ste odgovorili Tomašu i da vidimo gde ćete krenuti odavde.
Ako imate nešto novo, ne ustručavajte se da nas obavestite.
Right, and then what does point 11.5 say about which you were accused of breaking the rules ? If you don't think you broke anything then it was a good step to lodge a complaint and we'll see if we can resolve it somehow.
Also, thank you for replying to Tomas and let's see where you go from here.
If you have anything new, don't hesitate to let us know.
Samo sam hteo da čestitam Casino Guruu na sniženju ukupnog rejtinga Suprabeta, sada je 6,1 i ispod proseka.
Podsećanja radi, pre samo nekoliko meseci bilo je 8.3.
Naravno, oni su potpuno lažni sajtovi i zaslužuju ocenu 0.0, ali mi se krećemo u pravom smeru. 😀
Just wanted to congratulate Casino Guru on bringing down the overall rating of Suprabets, it is 6.1 and below the average now.
As a reminder, just a few months ago it was at 8.3.
Ofcourse they are completely fraudulent site and deserve the rating 0.0, but we are moving in the right direction. 😀
Na osnovu nečega rejting mora da padne. Nekoliko faktora utiče na to i kada se dodaju igrači čije su žalbe nerešene, onda stvari počinju da se kreću više. Ali ako to nije slučaj, ne možemo samo sniziti indeks bezbednosti.
Međutim, vidim da ako se ovako nastavi, verovatno neće biti dobro za kazino. 🤔
On the basis of something the rating must go down. Several factors influence it and when you add players whose complaints are unresolved, then things start to move more. But if that's not the case, we can't just lower the safety index.
However, I can see that if it goes on like this, it probably won't be good for the casino. 🤔
11.5 pravila, upravo su rekli da sam prekršio pravilo 11.5 bez objašnjenja gde je tačno problem?
11.5 rules, they just said i broke rule 11.5 without explaining exactly where is the problem ?
O da, tako da bi u suštini moglo biti nekoliko stvari. Možda ću vas pitati o zajedničkoj stvari, a to je više naloga. Tamo se takođe pominje. Zar to ne bi bio problem, na primer? Naravno, ovo je samo snimak u mraku, ali ja samo pitam jer je to nešto čime se često bavi.
Oh yeah, so it could basically be several things. Maybe I'll ask you about a common thing, which is multiple accounts. It's also mentioned there. Wouldn't that be a problem, for example ? Of course, this is just a shot in the dark, but I'm just asking because it's something that is often dealt with.
Dobrodošli u GuruSlots...(Sarkazm). Pogledajte u mom konkretnom slučaju... mesecima sam razgovarao sa curacao gaming-om o ovom pseudokazinu. Što se mene tiče, neću ništa da oporavim, ali bih voleo da se to ne desi drugima.
PS: Hvala Guru... što ste mesecima smanjili bezbednosnu reputaciju ALTA-e koju je imala ova prevara.
Welcome to GuruSlots...(Sarcasm). Look in my particular case... I've been talking to curaçao gaming for months about this scam pseudocasino. For my part, I am not going to recover anything, but I would love for it not to happen to others.
PS: Thank you Guru... for after months lowering ALTA's security reputation that this scam had.
Bienvenido a GuruSlots...(Sarcasmo). Mira en mi caso particular... meses llevo hablando con curazao gaming por este pseudocasino estafa. Por mi parte no voy a recuperar nada, pero me encantaría que no le pase a otros.
P.D.: Gracias Guru... por después de meses bajar la reputación de seguridad de ALTA que tenia esta estafa.
za šta ste optuženi? Video sam vaš slučaj, nisam razumeo
What are you accused of? I saw your case i didnt understand
Optužuju me za isto što i sve igrače ovog prevarantskog kazina. Nanesite pravilo 11.5.. i blah.. bla...
They accuse me of the same thing as all the players of this scam casino. Inflict rule 11.5.. and blahh.. blah...
Me acusan lo mismo que a todos los jugadores de este casino estafa. Infligir la regla 11.5.. y blahh.. bla...
Hvala vam puno, i jeste li pokušali da se zapitate šta ste prekršili ili ne postoji ništa o čemu se setite što bi odgovaralo vašem slučaju? 🤔
Thank you very much, and have you tried to ask yourself what you have violated or is there nothing that you can think of that would fit your case ? 🤔
Nema, gospodine, dokaza kada dobijete previše, oni će stvoriti neke izgovore da vam ne daju novac.. kazina
No sir its evidence when you win too much, they will create some excuses to dont give you your money.. casinos
U redu onda, da vidimo šta će tim smisliti i nadamo se da ćemo dobiti neku vrstu odgovora od kazina ili šta god se desilo.
Držaću fige da sve prođe kako treba. 🤞
Okay then, let's see what the team comes up with and hopefully we'll get some kind of response from the casino or whatever happened.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out well. 🤞
Uvek će naći razlog da ne komuniciraju
They will always find some reason to dont communicate
Možda da, a možda i ne, ne možemo naterati kazino da odgovori i komunicira sa nama, pa ako ne žele da to reše, neće to učiniti. Ali onda znamo sa kojim kazinom imamo posla, a takođe i igrači.
Naravno, neću preduhitriti sebe, jer ne mora tako.
Maybe yes and maybe no, we can't force the casino to respond and communicate with us, so if they don't want to resolve it, they won't do it. But then we know which casino we are dealing with and so do the players.
Of course, I won't get ahead of myself, because it doesn't have to be that way.
Naravno Jaro razumem tvoj stav ali računam da ćeš mi pomoći jer imam više od 7000 evra na ovom računu koji je blokiran bez razloga.
I pročitao sam sve žalbe i forum ovde, isti igrači imaju isti problem blokirani bez razloga kažu da krše pravilo 11.5 .. lažno
Of course Jaro i understand your position but i count on you to help me because i have more than 7000 euros in these account which blocked with no reason.
And i read all the complaints and forum here the same players have the same problem blocked for no reason they say breaking rule 11.5 .. fake
Martina kako si rešila situaciju sa njima molim te?
Martina how did you solve the situation with them please?
Tio alekis, oni nemaju licencu od Curacao Gaming, zašto ste razgovarali sa Curacao Gaming?
Tio alexis, They are not licensed by Curacao Gaming, why you talked to curacao gaming ?
Naravno Jaro razumem tvoj stav ali računam da ćeš mi pomoći jer imam više od 7000 evra na ovom računu koji je blokiran bez razloga.
I pročitao sam sve žalbe i forum ovde, isti igrači imaju isti problem blokirani bez razloga kažu da krše pravilo 11.5 .. lažno
Of course Jaro i understand your position but i count on you to help me because i have more than 7000 euros in these account which blocked with no reason.
And i read all the complaints and forum here the same players have the same problem blocked for no reason they say breaking rule 11.5 .. fake
Kako je Jaro pojasnio, sporovi igrača nikada ne dobijaju ishod, uprkos činjenici da se članovi našeg posvećenog centra za rešavanje uvek trude da pronađu rešenje – ponekad čak i izvan njihovog domašaja.
Nažalost, direktan uticaj igrača na Indeks bezbednosti prvenstveno proizilazi iz potvrđenih žalbi. Značenje: Indeks bezbednosti će biti smanjen samo srazmerno ozbiljnosti problema ako igrač uloži žalbu i prođe ceo proces dokazivanja da se kazino ponašao nepravedno. Pošto su sve ostale pritužbe izgleda rešene, argumenti igrača nisu potkrepljeni dokazima. Govoreći o forumu, to je samo mesto za diskusiju, pa je logično da se pažljivo utvrđeni Indeks bezbednosti ne može menjati ni na koji način samo zato što su neki igrači generalno nezadovoljni. Tako dugo za "lažnom", po mom mišljenju.
Međutim, slažem se da je korišćenje različitog pravila kao što je 11.5 kao jedino objašnjenje nedovoljno. Predviđao bih malo više, idealno sa dokazima o specifičnostima vašeg kršenja.
Sve ovo pišem da bih vas obavestio kako funkcioniše i da vam se zahvalim što sam došao da podnesem žalbu. Možete biti sigurni da će se njime postupati pažljivo.
Hello there!
As Jaro clarified, players' disputes are never granted an outcome, despite the fact that members of our committed Resolution Center always try their hardest—sometimes even beyond their reach—to find a solution.
Unfortunately, players' direct influence over the Safety Index is primarily derived from validated complaints. Meaning: The Safety Index will only be reduced in proportion to the seriousness of the problem if a player files a complaint and goes through the entire process of proving that the casino behaved unfairly. Since all other complaints seem to have been resolved, the players' arguments were not supported by the evidence. Speaking of the forum, it is just a place for discussion, so it makes sense that the carefully determined Safety Index cannot be changed in any way just because some players are generally dissatisfied. So long for "fake", in my opinion.
However, I agree that using a rule as diverse as 11.5 as the sole explanation is insufficient. I would anticipate a little more, ideally with evidence of the specifics of your breach.
I am writing all of this to let you know how it operates and to show my gratitude for coming to file the complaint. You can be sure it will be handled with care.
Postoji nekoliko pogođenih sa istim načinom rada i još uvek ima prosečnu ocenu, trebalo bi da mu dam minimalnu jer je čuvao naš novac bez ikakvog objašnjenja i nikada ne odgovara na mejlove, verujući u reputaciju koju neko unosi da bi igrao u tom kazinu. .. da ne pomaže to što nastavlja da prevari sve više ljudi.
There are several affected with the same modus operandi and it still has an average rating, I should give it the minimum since it kept our money without any explanation and never responds to the emails, trusting in the reputation one enters to play in that casino... that It doesn't help that he continues to scam more people.
son varios afectados con el mismo modo operantis y aun tiene una calificación media, debería darle la mínima ya que se quedo con nuestro dinero sin explicación alguna y nunca responde los emails, confiando de las reputación uno entra a jugar en ese casino...eso no ayuda que siga estafando a mas personas
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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