Great casino! Trebalo mi je bukvalno 5 minuta da brzo verifikujem nalog, ali imajte na umu da skeniranje neće biti prihvaćeno, šaljite samo fotografije. Stalno daju bonuse, to je dobro, ulog bi bio još manji, ili bi se povećali limiti generalno, bilo bi super. Podrška je odlična i možete razgovarati srcem u srce i problemi se brzo rješavaju.
Great casino! It took me literally 5 minutes to verify the account quickly, but keep in mind that scans will not be accepted, send only photos. They constantly give bonuses, it's good, the wager would be even smaller, or the limits would be increased in general, it would be great. The support is excellent and you can talk heart to heart and problems are solved quickly.