ForumKazinaBruce Bet Casino - opšta diskusija

Bruce Bet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 6)

pre 11 meseci od Gambit123
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pre 7 meseci

Hi, certainly not the most pleasant situation you've found yourself in. 

However, I noticed right away that you have already filed a complaint and have responded to Nick, so we'll see how the case goes from here. 

Anyway, your withdrawal was approved you say, so I would see that as a positive. Do you also have a verified account with the casino or have you not been asked to do so yet ? Obviously I wouldn't have the best feeling after a week, but try to be patient and if nothing changes and the casino doesn't reply, you can contact us and we will try to help you. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed that the money will show up in your account soon. ☘️☘️😊

pre 7 meseci

filefile A očigledno ni druga uplata od 1200 evra nije isplaćena, ali nisam dobio mejl i kredit nije uplaćen. Odlično, čekam od 24.11.24 i danas moram da pročitam ovako nešto u live chat-u posle toliko tekstova, nisam dobio tačan mejl a ni kredit mi nije pripisan na nalog.

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pre 7 meseci

Thanks for the screenshots, be sure to mention these facts in your complaint, because I think it is essential. 

Anyway, do you also have any reason from the casino why you didn't get your money back to your gaming account ? It would certainly not be pleasant if they just cancelled the withdrawal and didn't refund the money. It's getting all tangled up and so our team will investigate and try to help.

Hopefully, it will turn out well in the end. 

pre 7 meseci


U stvari, trenutno nerado podnosim žalbu... Ali polako počinjem da sumnjam u poštenje onlajn kazina BruceBet. Ne samo da morate da navedete sumnjivo privatne informacije radi verifikacije, već se ne poštuje vreme obrade navedeno u odredbama i uslovima, takođe iz ćaskanja uživo iznova i iznova čujete iste izgovore (čak i čet-bot bi bio kreativniji ).. Povrh toga, čak i odgovaraju na ovu sumnjivu informaciju u nadi da je u pitanju renomirani onlajn kazino, ali ne izgleda kao da ovde možete očekivati bilo kakvu saradnju ili partnerstvo pod jednakim uslovima!! Prvo pošalješ sve što si konkretno pitao u ćaskanju šta je potrebno (dostupna istorija + skrinšot), a onda dobije još... Ali ja sam ipak poslao. Zaista razumem ovakve stvari, pošto na Internetu ima mnogo prevaranata, i zato sam srećan što sam umešan u ovakav slučaj! Povrh toga, sada je sve dostavljeno korektno i uredno nekoliko puta i sada uzalud čekam odgovor... Bez obzira u kom obliku - mejl, aplikacija, poruke u inboksu itd. Ali ništa se ne dešava.. NIŠTA ne dolazi... I pored ove veoma neobične provere, uvek sam bio kooperativan i odmah sarađivao istog dana! Ali pitam se, kako da budem siguran da nisam upao u zamku prevaranta?? Iskreno tražim da se moj zahtev za povlačenje obradi i pre svega da dobijem povratnu informaciju!! Nadam se da je BruceBet OnlineCasino zainteresovan za razumno i zadovoljavajuće rešenje za obe strane! Inače, međutim, osećam se prinuđenim da preduzmem pravne i medijske korake!!! Sa moje strane, uprkos ovom slučaju, saradnja i zajednički rad nisu za kritiku i naravno I dalje se očekuju! Nadam se brzom dogovoru!

Bilo bi neverovatno lepo dobiti pomoć i podršku u mom slučaju! Iznos isplate je 500 evra

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pre 6 meseci

Hi, how long have you been waiting for your withdrawal ? 

I certainly understand that in such a situation it is important for you that the casino gives you some kind of answer or reassurance. However, if you have provided all the documents and the casino still hasn't contacted you, I would say that they are still processing them, so when everything is ready and the checks are in order or something comes up, they will contact you. 

So I wouldn't be skeptical right away and just try to be patient because sometimes it takes longer than we expect. 

Anyway, I also noticed that you filed a complaint, so you are definitely not alone in this and if nothing moves in the next few days, our team will try to help you. 

I firmly believe that you will see your 500 as soon as possible. 

pre 6 meseci

Zdravo, već neko vreme igram sa Brusom. Imao sam mnogo sreće na početku i osvojio 8000 evra. Takođe sam proveo godine sa verifikacijom, mislim da je to bilo skoro 2 nedelje. Mogu svima dati samo savet da postave ograničenje na sajtu i sačekaju. Uvek sam do sada dobijao novac od ovog kazina, čak i ako je ponekad trajalo duže, ali oni su platili i uvek nude dobre bonuse. Moj savet je da jednostavno postavite ograničenje obrta i depozita i ne aktivirate nikakve besplatne okrete bez depozita, onda će to raditi i u ovom kazinu.. to je moje iskustvo

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pre 6 meseci

Hi and thank you for your contribution with your experience which I believe will be useful for players. 

Anyway, what payment method do you use when it takes so long sometimes ? How long did it take you to complete the account verification ? Are you still playing here even though withdrawals are not so fast ? 

pre 6 meseci

da, još uvek igram tamo... Uvek koristim bankovni transfer, obično je potrebno 48 sati da se obradi i onda 2-7 radnih dana da novac bude na mom bankovnom računu... Jednostavno sam sebi postavio limit za klađenje tokom toga vreme da ne mogu da igram. Verifikacija naloga je trajala oko 1,5 nedelje, mislim u to vreme. Problem je što ako nešto nije u redu i pošaljete nove dokumente, oni se ne obrađuju najmanje 24 sata i ponekad žele čudne i vrlo specifične stvari. Volim da igram tamo jer nude dobre bonuse i nema maksimalne gotovine.

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pre 6 meseci

I think you described it perfectly. 

If we're talking about withdrawals, if it was around a week, I personally wouldn't mind that much. There are casinos where it takes much longer and if there was no problem with the withdrawal and the money would always come to me eventually, it would be fine. 

Following the verification, what specific things did the casino want ? I know that sometimes casinos, for example, want various selfies with the date written on the paper, ID and some other curiosity. So I'm quite interested to know what it was in your case. 

Regarding the bonuses, I wouldn't use them too much, but if you like them and even managed to withdraw from them, that's great. But max cashout is also something that players will probably enjoy, so that's where the casino can benefit. 

I also thought that if you have this kind of experience, you can write a user review. You described it perfectly and maybe you would help more than one player. 

So if you decide to, just click here- user reviews.  ⬅️

Keep up the good work. ☘️👍

pre 6 meseci

file Hteo sam da podignem 1500 evra i posle 2 dana 170 evra je vraćeno na moj račun igrača, a preostalih 1300 evra je nestalo.

Navodno sam koristio bonus bez depozita, ali to nije tačno. Koristio sam bonus na depozit, uložio bonus i nakon što više nisam imao nikakav bonus kredit već kredit za pravi novac, želeo sam da unovčim i onda je novac nestao.

Da li im je to zaista dozvoljeno???

Nisam dobio nikakvu e-poštu ili bilo šta drugo.

Samo maksimalni iznos isplate za bonuse je 50 evra.

Čak i ako iskoristim bonus i onda ga pretvorim u pravi novac pa nastavim da igram sa ovim novcem i ostvarim profit od, na primer, 1000 evra, onda oni i dalje moraju da isplate novac, zar ne???

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 6 meseci
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pre 6 meseci

Hi, could you please show me or share the bonus you played with ? If there was a maximum cashout applied to it then I would understand why your money was taken away. 

However, sometimes it is the case that after wagering on a bonus you are left with all the money you have wagered. When you withdraw, there is a cap on how much you can withdraw and the rest disappears. In some casinos, when you finish wagering, you are left with only as much as you can withdraw and the rest is gone immediately. 

But in your case, did you try to communicate with the casino and did they tell you anything about all this ? 

Anyway, since you have filed a complaint, our team will try to find out everything they need to know and we will see how it went. 

I wish you a fair resolution. 

pre 6 meseci

file Igrao sam sa ovim bonusom nakon mog depozita od 15 evra.

Znam da mi je nakon klađenja bonus bilansa ostalo oko 98€ u pravom novcu i nastavio sam da igram sa tim i od 98€ sam osvojio više od 1500€.

Za gotovinsko stanje ne postoje nikakvi uslovi!

U razgovoru se pozivaju na tačku 7.9

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 6 meseci
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pre 6 meseci

Okay, and point 7.9 says what ? So if you loaded 98€ from the bonus and it showed as real money then I would be of the opinion that they shouldn't take that money. 

However, if it was still with the bonus money, then again I would say that I am not surprised by this situation. 

What will be important is what is in the Terms and Conditions.

pre 6 meseci


Prema mojoj istoriji bonusa (pogledajte snimak ekrana), bonus na depozit od 150% + 70FS je aktiviran u 07:52 i deaktiviran u 08:33.

Pod 7.9, na primer, postoji sva "fuša" sa bonusima bez depozita ili bonusima za besplatne okrete i dobicima od njih, koliko često moraju da se klade i koliki je maksimalni iznos povlačenja u takvim bonusima itd.

A ako želite da povučete sa bonusom bez depozita, prvo morate da uplatite depozit...

Ali to je bio bonus na depozit, tako da deo 7.9 za mene ne dolazi u obzir.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 6 meseci
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pre 6 meseci

I see, so there was nothing written about it. Then there would still be the opportunity to ask what you have specifically violated and I think they should be able to give you an answer or explain the situation to you. Are you going to try ? 

pre 6 meseci

Oni se pozivaju na tačku 7.9 i ne znam ništa više od toga.

Ako sam implementirao bonus onda će on takođe biti prikazan u istoriji, kao danas i juče na primer (pogledajte snimak ekrana prva dva reda) file

Četvrti red je bio moj traženi povlačenje od 1.500 €

a od juče piše da je 1.323,26€ *ručno podešeno* i uspešno izvršeno!

Nemam pojma šta to znači...

U početku mi je izgledalo kao da su mi platili 'samo' 1.323 € umesto 1.500 €.

U nekom trenutku kasnije, pisao sam u ćaskanju uživo i želeo sam da znam kada će mi obrađena isplata biti dostupna i rečeno mi je da je novac nestao i da je ručno prilagođen i da je moj trenutni iznos isplate 176,77 evra.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 6 meseci
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pre 6 meseci

Ah, at first I thought from what I saw from the screenshot that you should get €1323.26. But you say that's just the rest. It looks to me exactly like the bonus had some maximum cashout but you said that nothing like that was mentioned or written anywhere. Did you try to inquire about this in live chat ? They must have some reason for that. Could you share with me the passage in point 7.9 where there is something about the deposit bonus ? 

pre 6 meseci

Meni je izgledalo isto, ali 1323,26 € je skinuto sa mog računa, a preostali iznos od 176,74 € je vraćen na moj račun igrača.

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pre 6 meseci

I can see that Michal has invited the casino to comment their actions in your complaint, so we need to wait now for the reply from the casino representative. I hope your case will be resolved soon.

pre 6 meseci

7.9. Maksimalni dobici/profit od besplatnih okretaja bez depozita, od svih bonusa bez depozita i od svih dodatnih bonusa za dostignuća koja ispunjavaju uslove za povlačenje su ograničeni na 50 € ili ekvivalentni iznos u valuti, osim ako nije drugačije navedeno. Zadržavamo pravo da smanjimo vaše stanje na iznos koji premašuje gorenavedenu granicu dobitka od 50 € za besplatne okrete i bonuse bez depozita. Ovo smanjenje se može izvršiti odmah nakon pobede ili na vaš zahtev za povlačenje relevantnih dobitaka. Da biste povukli dobitak iz besplatnog bonusa, morate izvršiti uspešan depozit.

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1...5 6 78
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