NaslovnaForumKazinaSnatch Casino - opšta diskusija

Snatch Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

 od caiods20221
64.458 pregleda 359 odgovora |
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Već sam tražio pik, bankovni transfer i uvek ga odbijaju tvrdeći da je CPF nevažeći, samo da je moj CPF ispravan i ionako ne žele da plate.

Evo još jednog testa, čekalo se od 19.05 i još jednom su odbili.

Najstrašniji sajt za klađenje koji sam ikada igrao!


Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, are you sure about the CPF?

Look what I just found in the complaint:

"Hello Vanderlan97,

Based on the screenshots you provided, you requested for a withdrawal on a different CPF number than you should have. Can you please try to request to the correct one and let us know the outcome?"

I also believe this is the case, so let us know once you tried, please.


Što se tiče odbijanja žalbe, ništa nisam odbio, samo ste se odlučili u korist kazina uprkos mojim argumentima i u 99% slučajeva odlučujete se u korist kazina. Dakle, vaše ocene ne vrede ništa, jer su daleko od činjenica i prakse.

Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno da nemaju nerešenu žalbu! Zato što ste svi odbili ove žalbe!

Automatski prevedeno:

I meni su to uradili! Više puta sam dokazao, pomoću snimaka ekrana, da je moj nalog više puta verifikovan! Mesecima su se iznova zahtevali isti ili novi dokumenti! Kazino je više puta osuđivan za laž! A ipak je odlučeno u korist Snatcha!

Automatski prevedeno:

Verujte mi, uradio sam iste skrinšotove i ostale stvari su date, ali kao i obično, kazino je pobedio i sve što administracija kaže da su za igrače i tako dalje, ove reči su bezvredne.

Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno da nemaju nerešenu žalbu! Zato što ste svi odbili ove žalbe!

Automatski prevedeno:

Closed as unjustified - not rejected.

You were both given the time and energy the same as other players seeking support.

I'm sorry, but both got the explanation in the complaint thread.

Sometimes the casino is simply right. Try to accept that, and don't let your experiences damage the chances of others.

Despite all having been fully explained many times, I'm sure you won't listen to the reasons.

Što se tiče odbijanja žalbe, ništa nisam odbio, samo ste se odlučili u korist kazina uprkos mojim argumentima i u 99% slučajeva odlučujete se u korist kazina. Dakle, vaše ocene ne vrede ništa, jer su daleko od činjenica i prakse.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's a lie and you should know it, because we provide this information publicly every single month. Here are the last 2 months.



Bez laži, zašto me nazivaš lažovom? Da li želite da komunicirate legalno? Ili mislite da možete reći šta god želite? Što se mene tiče, pokazao si jednostavnost slike, ali ja govorim u stvari i to je ono što sam imao i ne samo ja. Pazi kako se izražavaš.

Automatski prevedeno:

Naravno da nemaju nerešenu žalbu! Zato što ste svi odbili ove žalbe!

Automatski prevedeno:

No, we didn't. We rejected 54 and approved 33 submitted complaints, it's all visible publicly in the casino's detail. So once again, you spread information that isn't true. I warned you about doing this over and over again.


Bez laži, zašto me nazivaš lažovom? Da li želite da komunicirate legalno? Ili mislite da možete reći šta god želite? Što se mene tiče, pokazao si jednostavnost slike, ali ja govorim u stvari i to je ono što sam imao i ne samo ja. Pazi kako se izražavaš.

Automatski prevedeno:

You said

"and in 99% of cases you decide in favor of the casino"

That's not true. So what is it if it's not true?


Ovo je figurativno, ako razumete šta je)

Automatski prevedeno:

Fer plej anglosaksonskog porekla ili poštenje u konkurenciji se primenjuje bez obzira na to kako korisnik igra u bilo kom kazinu, stoga bi ovi podaci trebalo da budu uključeni u konačnu procenu. Ovu ispravnost ponašanja u vezi sa igranjem na mreži u ovom slučaju, u pravom smislu reči, treba primeniti u celini , a ne samo tamo gde kazino očigledno daje ili ne daje veću verovatnoću za pobedu (kao što dobro znate % verovatnoće je uvek jasno u korist kuće/kazina sa procentima koji su u proseku preko 90%, posebno pobedama koje stvaraju pozitivan profit za igrača, ne uzimajući u obzir prividnu cifru RTP-a koja uključuje sve one male pobede koje ne generišu pozitivnu zaradu za iste, uvek jasno ponavljam na štetu igrača, pa čak i igrajući sa bonusom ovaj procenat se snižava za nekoliko poena da ne utiče značajno na prosečnu verovatnoću konačnog dobitka koja je uvek oko 5/10% maksimum).

Automatski prevedeno:

Ok, and what am I supposed to do with that?

It has nothing in common with the 2-month-old post you're now replying to - I'd say.

I really missed the clarity.

The only mention of the term "fair" I used back then was a "fair gambling codex"...

how does casino guru give such a high score to a casino that does everything not to pay? sorry but you guys don't care about the community. I've never seen a casino make such a point of not paying.

anyway, I'm already thinking that I won't receive it but I will continue to post each new excuse or nonsense for not paying. if they think I'm going to play and lose the money, they're wrong. I wait 1 year but I will report in all the forums what this casino has done to me.



I'll start by saying that I'm sorry you're having problems with the casino in the context of withdrawals and verification. I would like to point out that you can take a look at the explanation of factors that we consider when calculating the Safety Index of Snatch Casino. This is the main metric we use to describe the trustworthiness, fairness, and quality of all online casinos in our database. I am providing a link to the Snatch Casino Security Index:

I should also add that, KYC can take a day or two weeks and also it is important to say, KYC does not affect the casino's rating, because the process and its length can vary for each player.

If you want to know more about how we rate casinos, don't hesitate to read the link, which may be useful in this regard.😊

I would also recommend to check the user reviews section from time to time and make a decision based on them:

To help you understand how we are guided by casino rules, I am including the link:

I would also like to highlight the fact that you started a complaint. I think a casino with a relatively high rating there is a good chance that it will cooperate and try to resolve the complaint. Feel free to update us with how the situation is going regarding the complaint, as well as the casino's response.


Good luck!

Sorry to hear that, to make it pretty clear - you've made the best step by submitting the complaint. Untill the whole situation is explained, there is nothing concrete we can provide, I am afraid. So, at the moment, I will skip any judges from my end. We do not know the whole story yet.

pedroshd deleted the post

For the same reason, the security index isn't going to change untill the complaint is closed. To be fair, the conclusion must be made first, so changing the index solely on someone's posts won't work. I hope you understand. 🙏

Try to be patient, please.

pedroshd deleted the post

Thanks for sharing. Allow me to say ripp off would mean you are not going to be paid. This is quite different.

I'd say the most important part is, whether the casino abides by its own terms. Our limit may be outdated, you see?

Anyway, don't forget to update your complaint, please.

Jeste li uklonili ovo nedokazano? Potpuna prevara i bez plaćanja i ovo nisu neosnovane reči ima nekoliko prijatelja koje je takođe bacio ovaj kazino, ali samo ime govori za sebe: grabi 🤦 a jadni admini pokušavaju da zarade od ovog kazina i ne vide šta pravi igrači pišu i dokazuju nama igračima koji smo direktno suočeni sa obmanom ovog kazina da je tamo dobro i sve je divno, što je u stvari apsurdno.

Automatski prevedeno:
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