Dragi Kats Casino,
Vaši uslovi i odredbe bonusa deluju pogrešno. U jednoj rečenici pominjete sledeće:
Opklade postavljene na rulet, kockanje, Pai Gov Poker i Bakaru NE računaju se u ispunjavanje uslova za opklade.
Ne možete kladiti bonuse bez depozita u ovim isključenim igrama.
U drugoj rečenici, postoji ovo:
Svi bonusi dobrodošlice (ponekad se nazivaju besplatnim čipovima dobrodošlice, bonusima dobrodošlice bez depozita ili bonusima dobrodošlice) imaju maksimalan iznos povlačenja od 100 USD, bez obzira na vrednost čipa. Zahtevi za bonuse dobrodošlice su 50k i SAMO slot igre se računaju u prolazu. Svi ostali tipovi igara se NE kvalifikuju.
Keno se ne pominje u isključenim igrama. Čak i ako se klađenje ne bi računalo dok igrate keno, igrač ne bi trebalo da bude kažnjen za ovo jer Keno nije naveden u isključenim igrama.
Drugi problem je što igrač tvrdi da nije mogao da igra ograničene igre dok je igrao sa bonusom – blokiran je da igra igre na softverskom nivou. Zašto nije bio blokiran dok je igrao Keno igru? Igrač nije čak ni dao velike opklade dok je igrao Keno, koliko sam obavešten.
Bio bih vam veoma zahvalan ako razmislite o tome da napravite izuzetak u ovom slučaju, pošto pravila deluju pogrešno i njihova primena je nepotpuna.
Dear Kats Casino,
Your bonus terms and conditions seem misleading. In one sentence, you mention the following:
Wagers placed in Roulette, Craps, Pai Gow Poker and Baccarat DO NOT count towards meeting the wagering requirements.
You may not wager No-Deposit Bonuses in these excluded games.
In other sentence, there is this:
All Welcome Bonuses (sometimes referred to as Welcome Free Chips, Welcome Non Deposit Bonuses or Welcome Bonuses) have a maximum withdrwawal amount of $100, regardless of the value of the chip. The playthrough requirements for Welcome Bonuses is 50x and ONLY slot games count towards playthrough. All other game types DO NOT qualify.
There is no mention of Keno in the excluded games. Even if the wagering would not count while playing keno, the player should not be punished for this as Keno is not listed in the excluded games.
Another issue is that the player claims he was not able to play restricted games while playing with the bonus - he was blocked from playing the games on a software level. Why didn't he get blocked while playing the Keno game? The player did not even place large bets while playing Keno, as far as I am informed.
I would greatly appreciate if you would consider making an exception in this case, as the rules seem misleading and their implementation incomplete.
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