Počeću sa pozitivnim stvarima — ovaj kazino ima solidan izbor slotova od svih velikih provajdera, a izgled veb stranice je pristojan. Deponovanje preko Interaca je bilo glatko i lako. Tu se završava dobro iskustvo.
Prvo, imao sam stalne probleme sa zamrzavanjem igara ili izgovaranjem „nisu povezani sa serverom", što potpuno ubija atmosferu. Povrh toga, moj bilans je nasumično pao na 0 dolara nekoliko puta, i bio sam pokrenut iz igre. Ponovno učitavanje sajta je na kraju to popravilo, ali to ne bi trebalo ni da se desi.
Najveća glavobolja je bio proces povlačenja. Dok je deponovanje preko Interaca bilo jednostavno, povlačenje je bila druga priča. Jedina ponuđena opcija bio je Interac e-transfer, sa smešnim minimalnim povlačenjem od 155 dolara. Korisnička služba me je obavestila da je minimum za kriptovalute 30 dolara, ali za bankovne transfere (na kojima su insistirali da Interac jeste), to je 155 dolara. Pokušao sam da objasnim da Interac nije tradicionalni bankovni transfer, ali bilo je kao da razgovaram sa zidom.
Kao da to nije bilo dovoljno loše, imao sam dva bonusa na svom nalogu — bonus od 45 dolara koji sam zaradio na turniru i 50 besplatnih okretaja. Oba bonusa su otkazana u trenutku kada sam zatražio povlačenje, bez objašnjenja ili šanse da ih vratim. Toliko o lojalnosti ili fer tretmanu.
Između tehničkih problema i apsurdnih politika povlačenja, ne mogu preporučiti ovaj kazino. Čini se kao da čine sve što je moguće da frustriraju igrače kada je u pitanju isplata. Izbegavajte ako cenite svoje vreme i novac!
Takođe smatram da su recenzije objavljene na ovom sajtu za ovaj kazino suve. Čini se da se veliki broj "ljudi" koji su pregledali ovaj kazino, upravo pridružio kazino guruu i ovo je bila prva recenzija.
Priznajem da obično samo prelistavam uslove i uslove ili kopiram i nalepim i pustim da chatgpt pronađe bilo šta neobično, i očigledno nisam dovoljno dobro pročitao ove uslove, ali zašto kazino mora da krije važne detalje u uslovima i odredbama , ako se ne brinete da igrači imaju problema sa nekim od tih pravila zašto ne biste bili iskreni i dali iskačuće upozorenje igraču da će izgubiti bonuse ako zahtevaju gotovinu, i ako će kazino prihvatiti Interac za depozit, trebalo bi da bude u mogućnosti da prihvati isti Interac za povlačenje sa minimalnim povlačenjem koji je isti kao i minimalni depozit.
Video sam da poštena i bolja kazina propadaju, a ako ovaj kazino nastavi da radi ovako, onda će i propasti. Vrhunski kazina koji su uspeli da prežive dok većina ne uspe, obično imaju odličnu korisničku podršku, originalne promocije, kvalitetne igre sa glatkom igrom, imaju poštene uslove i uslove i igrači se osećaju bezbedno dajući informacije kazinu. Ako novi kazino ne može dobro da uradi sve ove stvari, onda uopšte nije trebalo ni da se trudi da se otvori.
I’ll start with the positives—this casino has a solid variety of slots from all the big-name providers, and the website layout is decent. Depositing via Interac was smooth and easy. That’s where the good experience ends.
First, I’ve had constant issues with games freezing or saying "not connected to server," which kills the vibe completely. On top of that, my balance randomly dropped to $0 a couple of times, and I was booted from the game. Reloading the site eventually fixed it, but this shouldn't even be happening.
The biggest headache was the withdrawal process. While depositing via Interac was simple, withdrawing was a different story. The only option offered was an Interac e-transfer, with a ridiculous minimum withdrawal of $155. Customer service informed me the minimum for crypto is $30, but for bank transfers (which they insisted Interac was), it’s $155. I tried explaining Interac isn’t a traditional bank transfer, but it was like talking to a wall.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, I had two bonuses in my account—a $45 bonus I earned from a tournament and 50 free spins. Both bonuses were canceled the moment I requested a withdrawal, with no explanation or chance of getting them back. So much for loyalty or fair treatment.
Between the technical issues and the absurd withdrawal policies, I can’t recommend this casino. It feels like they’re doing everything possible to frustrate players when it comes to cashing out. Avoid if you value your time and money!
I also find the reviews posted on this site for this casino to be sus. Just seems that a large amount of the "people" that reviewed this casino, have just joined casino guru and this was there first review.
I admit that I usually just skim through the T&C's or I copy and paste and let chatgpt find anything unusual, and obviously I didn't do a thourgh enough reading of these T&C's, but why does a casino have to hide important details in the T&C's, if there not concerned with the players having issues with some of there policies why not be honest and give a pop up warning to the player that they are going to lose there bonuses if they request a cashout, and if the casino is going to accept Interac for deposit, it should be able to accept the same Interac for withdrawal with the minimum withdrawal being the same as the minimum deposit.
I've seen honest and better casinos fail, and if this casino continues to operate how like this, then it will fail as well. The top casino's that have managed to survive while most fail, usually have great customer service, original promos, quality games with smooth gameplay, have fair T&C's and the players feel safe giving there information to the casino. If a new casino can't do all of these things well, then they shouldn't even have bothered opening in the first place.