Igrao sam u Immerion-u nešto više od 2 i po meseca i mogu reći da je ovo najgori kazino sa kojim sam se susreo.
Jedina pozitivna stvar je raspon igara koje možete igrati.
Prvo, nude ogromne bonuse za depozit. Kada uplatite, i dalje morate da uložite 3 puta svoje stanje pre nego što uopšte možete da povučete. Ako uđete u svoj IMR saldo (bonus fond), onda morate da uložite do 50k.
Kada to pobedite, postoji ograničenje 10 puta više od vašeg depozita, zapravo možete da promenite valutu po svom izboru, tako da ako dobijete veliku pobedu kao što sam ja, ne očekujte da ćete dobiti sve.
Sledi povlačenje novca koji ste pošteno osvojili. Ovo je ograničenje od $1000 dnevnog limita, $2000 nedeljnog ograničenja. Da ovo stavim u kontekst u mojoj situaciji, osvojio sam 12.000 dolara, trebalo bi mi 6 nedelja da se povučem.
Ako kontaktirate podršku, neće vam ni malo pomoći, osim što kažu da su to granice, ali ako se više kockate i budete lojalni, mi možemo povećati ove granice. U suštini oni žele da se kockate i izgubite. Nakon što sam zapravo povukao 4000 dolara za dve nedelje, iskušenje da ostatak bude na mom računu postalo je preveliko, plus frustracija bez pomoći VIP tima i nestrpljivosti, izgubio sam ostatak. Da sam uspeo da podignem ceo saldo u jednoj ili dve transakcije, to ne bi bio slučaj.
Ovo su stvari koje dobijate od tima za podršku „da biste imali više limite, morate staviti više aktivnosti na našu platformu na sto" i „ako ostanete aktivni i lojalni, oni će biti povećani isključivo za vas".
Kao što sam rekao, igrao sam ovde skoro 3 meseca. Verovatno svakodnevno. Deponovao sam mnogo, i rekao bih da sam založio više od 200 hiljada dolara. Ipak, nisu mi podigli granice i tražili od mene da budem lojalan. Predložio bih da razmisle o tome da budu lojalni svojim igračima i da ih zaista slušaju.
Kao rezultat njihovih „ograničenja" prokockao sam novac koji sam pošteno osvojio (premašio klađenje od 38 hiljada dolara iz bonusa). Zatražio sam da zatvore moj nalog, što predviđam da će biti mnogo brže od mojih povlačenja, a obrada može potrajati i do nedelju dana. Imao sam toliko razgovora da ih nateram da ih obrađuju, kao da te drže da visiš pa ga otkažeš i još više kockaš.
Molim vas, ako razmišljate da se prijavite, nemojte to činiti. Daješ im samo svoj novac. Smatram ih pohlepnim kazinom koji ne mari za svoje mušterije.
Naučio sam svoju lekciju i savetujem drugima da ostanu jasni. Razmišljao sam o tome da se žalim, ali kakve šanse ima mali igrač protiv velike kompanije.
Kao što se vidi po odgovoru, potpuno je ignorisano sve ostalo osim povlačenja. U čemu je problem njihova strana, a ne moja, pošto sam povlačio u kripto novčanik.
Čitajući pozitivne kritike, čini se da objavljuju lažne korisnike kako bi povećali svoj rejting.
Takođe im je trebalo više od dve nedelje da zatvore moj nalog! Ponudio mi je novac bez depozita da nastavim da igram, ali nisam bio zainteresovan. Oni hvataju ljude koji su zavisni od kockanja.
I’ve played at Immerion for just over 2 and half months now, and I can hand down say this is the worst casino I’ve encountered.
The only positive is the range of games you can play.
Firstly, they offer huge bonuses for depositing. When you do deposit, you still have to wager 3x your balance before you can even withdraw. If you go into your IMR balance (bonus fund) then you need to wager up to 50x.
When you beat that, there is a restriction 10x your deposit, you can actually change to you currency of choice, so if you win big like I did don’t expect to get it all.
Next comes the withdrawing money that you fairly won. The is a limit of $1000 daily limit, $2000 weekly limit. To put this into context in my situation, I won $12,000, it would have took me 6 weeks to withdraw.
If you contact support they will not help you one bit, except say those are the limits, but if you gamble more and are loyal we may raise these limits. Basically they want you to gamble and lose. After actually withdrawing $4000 in two weeks, the temptation of having the rest laying in my account got to much, plus the frustration with no help from VIP team and being impatient, I lost the rest. Had I have been able to withdraw the whole balance in one or two transactions this would not have been the case.
These are the sort of things you get from the support team "in order to have higher limits you have to bring more activity on our platform to the table" and "if you stay active and loyal, those will be increased exclusively for you".
As I have said, I’ve played here nearly 3 months. Probably everyday. I’ve deposited a lot, and I would say I have wagered well over $200k. Yet they would not raised my limits, and ask me to be loyal. I would suggest they consider being loyal to their players and actually listen to them.
As a result of their "limits" I gambled away money that I fairly won (beat the $38k wagering from a bonus). I’ve requested that they close my account which I predict will be a lot quicker than my withdrawals, that can take up to a week to be processed. I’ve had so many conversations to get them to process them, it’s like they keep you hanging so you cancel it and gamble more.
Please, if you are thinking of signing up, do not do it. You are only giving them your money. I consider them a greedy casino that doesn’t care for their customers.
I’ve learnt my lesson and advise others to stay well clear. I thought about raising a complaint, but what chance does a small time player have against a big company.
As what can be seen by the response totally ignored everything else apart from withdrawal. Which the issue is their side not mine, as I was withdrawing into a crypto wallet.
Reading the positive reviews, it seems like they are posting up fake users to boost their rating.
It also took them over two weeks to close my account! Offered me no deposit money to keep playing, but I wasn’t interested. They are preying on people who are addicted to gambling.