U Arkadu sam se registrovao prvog dana po otvaranju. Pre svega, počeću sa interfejsom. Na ovoj platformi je prilično minimalistički i jednostavno, nema raznolikosti, ništa novo. Sve je stabilno)). Pretraga slotova je zgodna, najvažnije je da se svi delovi za pretragu i izbor nalaze odmah na glavnoj stranici kazina. Slotovi se brzo učitavaju, ima nekih koji zaostaju, nadam se da će to popraviti. Prvi depozit, kao i svi naredni, uplaćeni su preko SBP-a, novac je stigao za minut. Nekoliko puta su depoziti potpisivani i stizali su sa nekoliko sati zakašnjenja. Onda ću probati kripto. Ako govorimo o povlačenju, onda i dalje postoji ista provizija od 5% na SBP. Pre depozita, postavio sam standardna dokumenta za verifikaciju, pasoš, selfi i fotografiju kartice. Ovaj kazino se veoma brzo verifikuje.
Uplate dolaze na različite načine, nekada brzo, nekada sledećeg dana. Pa sa karticama je sve jasno, nema zamerki na kazino. Uglavnom igram slotove, nisam posetio odeljak igara uživo, pa neću da ga ocenjujem. Tako da ima povratka u kazinu, do sada sam gledao zamahe u igri, nekad u plusu, nekad u minusu. Inače, uzeo sam bonuse, vratio ih par puta. Šteta je, naravno, što ponekad maksimalni dobici od bonusa ne dođu do minimalnog povlačenja na kartice. Ispravite ovu tačku.
Generalno, još jedan pristojan kazino iz ove linije. Mislim da ću ovde posećivati češće nego ranije, kada savladam kriptovalute.
I registered in Arkada on the first day after its opening. First of all, I'll start with the interface. On this platform it is quite minimalistic and simple, no variety, nothing new. Everything is stable)). The slot search is convenient, the most important thing is that all sections for searching and choosing are located immediately on the main page of the casino. The slots load quickly, there are some that lag, I hope they will fix it. The first deposit, and all subsequent ones, were made through the SBP, the money arrived within a minute. Several times the deposits were signed and arrived with a delay of several hours. Then I will try crypto. If we talk about the withdrawal, then there is still the same 5% commission on the SBP. Before the deposit, I uploaded standard documents for verification, passport, selfie and photo of the card. This casino verifies very quickly.
Payments come in different ways, sometimes quickly, sometimes the next day. Well, with the cards, everything is clear, there are no complaints about the casino. I play mostly slots, I haven't visited the live games section, so I won't rate it. So there is a return in the casino, so far I've been watching the swings in the game, sometimes in plus, sometimes in minus. By the way, I took bonuses, won them back a couple of times. It's a pity, of course, that sometimes the maximum winnings from the bonus don't reach the minimum withdrawal to cards. Correct this point.
In general, another decent casino from this line. I think that I will visit here more often than before, when I master cryptocurrency.