Želim da napišem malo o jednom od kazina iz moje omiljene mreže, Daddi kazinu. Igram ovde skoro od njegovog lansiranja, uvek pokušavam da igram u novim kazinima dok je veliki priliv igrača. Pa, počeću od jednog meni bitnog detalja, dizajna. Ovde je sve onako kako mi se sviđa, šema boja je veoma prijatna za oči) Meni je zgodan, sve je jasno i jednostavno. Pretraga igara i provajdera je takođe brza i zgodna. Ovaj projekat ima veoma veliki izbor igara, za svačiji ukus. Verifikacija je obavezna, standardna je, bez ikakvih problema. Za ljubitelje bonusa, tu su bonusi dobrodošlice, nedeljni, lični. Takođe sam napravio svoj prvi depozit u okviru bonusa dobrodošlice. Nisam uspeo da ga vratim, ali sam igrao srčano. Verovatno sam napravio prvo povlačenje sredstava negde posle otprilike nedelju dana igranja na projektu. Štaviše, depozit je bio simboličan, samo da bi se večeri odvojili 10 evra. Otišao sam do slota iz odeljka za nove artikle i pogodio džekpot. Bukvalno nakon par depozita, opet pristojan iznos za povlačenje. Inače, povlačenje ovde je sada postalo veoma brzo. Mislim da je ovo dobar pokazatelj za kazino, kada se kladite na impresivne iznose na povlačenje od penija. Nisam high roller, moji depoziti su uvek minimalni. Zaista mi se dopalo kako se slotovi ovde igraju po minimalnim cenama. Takođe je veoma zgodno kada, na primer, uzmete bonus na depozit, postoji kartica "bonus vagering". Sviđa mi se činjenica da možete igrati bukvalno bilo koju igru sa bonus saldom, bilo da se radi o igricama sa funkcijom bonus kupovine ili sa džekpotovima. Generalno, za mene je ovaj kazino sasvim pristojan.
I want to write a little about one of the casinos from my favorite network, Daddy casino. I have been playing here almost since its launch, I always try to play in new casinos while there is a large influx of players. Well, I will start with a detail that is important to me, the design. Everything is the way I like it here, the color scheme is very pleasing to the eyes) The menu is convenient, everything is clear and simple. The search for games and providers is also quick and convenient. This project has a very large selection of games, for every taste. Verification is required, it is standard, without any hassle. For bonus lovers, there are welcome bonuses, weekly, personal. I also made my first deposit under the welcome bonus. I did not manage to win it back, but I played heartily. I probably made my first withdrawal of funds somewhere after about a week of playing on the project. Moreover, the deposit was symbolic, just to while away the evening 10 euros. I went to the slot from the new items section and hit the jackpot. Literally after a couple of deposits, again a decent amount for withdrawal. By the way, the withdrawal here has now become very fast. I think this is a good indicator for a casino, when you bet impressive amounts on withdrawal from pennies. I am not a high roller, my deposits are always minimal. I really liked how slots are played here at minimum rates. It is also very convenient when, for example, you take a bonus on a deposit, there is a tab "bonus wagering". I like the fact that you can play literally any game with a bonus balance, be it games with a bonus purchase function or with jackpots. In general, for me, this casino is quite decent.